The Rich and the Poor

The reason corporations outsource to China is their deregulated economy. They couldn't do that if the markets were controlled by a "communist dictatorship" - a government which is impossible, by the way. As for these neo-lefitists, quote some posts, link to some news articles.

If you believe that China is not a “communist dictatorship,” and that kind of government is impossible, then maybe you should move there and try to register to vote and check to see how many Chinese vote in democratic elections.

You should note that what’s actually “impossible” is deregulating regulations that never existed in the first place, like America’s environmental over-regulations, minimum wage regulations and the highest corporate taxation on planet earth, none of which exist in China. The Chinese neo-communist regulatory system differs from America’s as it is social regulation. Chinese can’t vote. Chinese have no freedom of speech. Chinese have no guarantee to keep and bear arms or any other rights guaranteed by our Constitution, all of those things that America’s leftist hate and are working diligently to eliminate and make America more like China.

America’s BIG corporations offshore American jobs because of America’s over-regulatory system and high corporate taxation. They go where they can maximize profits because their competitors are maximizing profits and investors and the investment market place requires investment growth. BTW, most every middle class working American’s pension funds are invested in corporate America. So much for capitalist greed, huh?

In this next bit, you present some really weird opinions. Are you supporting some Darwinist anarchy? Plutocracy? I don't know. What I do know is that humans are not stupid, that we've governed ourselves on some level for all of our existence, and that human nature is inherent. It doesn't, and can't infringe upon anything anymore than reproduction can.

Human nature is inherently corrupt. You cannot name or prove a single totally moral human being. Morality itself is subjective. Government by definition is FORCE. Human government thereby is corrupt force. The BIGGER the government, the BIGGER the corruption! It’s a simple but logical and accurate truth. All human governments eventually fail even if only by endless evolution of their original formation. If you think differently, I’ll wait while you name a single form of government that has endlessly stood over earth’s recorded centuries in its original formation.

As for your request to deliver quotes proving that the neo-communist left exist, I give you every argument made by the left on this forum. They reek of communist ideology, the government forced “collective commune” ideology, government control and abolition and or restrictions of freedom. As for articles, I’ll give you a famous communist ideological adoring book, “It Takes A Village” by Hillary Clinton.

People who love government love laws and revile freedom.

“People who love laws and sausages should never see how they are made.” (Otto Von-Bismarck)
The reason corporations outsource to China is their deregulated economy. They couldn't do that if the markets were controlled by a "communist dictatorship" - a government which is impossible, by the way. As for these neo-lefitists, quote some posts, link to some news articles.

In this next bit, you present some really weird opinions. Are you supporting some Darwinist anarchy? Plutocracy? I don't know. What I do know is that humans are not stupid, that we've governed ourselves on some level for all of our existence, and that human nature is inherent. It doesn't, and can't infringe upon anything anymore than reproduction can.

Communist dictatorships have existed all over the world during the past century. Getting down to it, how else are the people going to maintain ownership over what does not belong to them, without a dictatorship to enforce their insane and irrational demands?
Communist dictatorships have existed all over the world during the past century. Getting down to it, how else are the people going to maintain ownership over what does not belong to them, without a dictatorship to enforce their insane and irrational demands?

The same way they do now. If a government can enforce systematic theft, why can't they protect the means of production? Plus, it would be the local governments that protected their income, not the national/state government.
The same way they do now. If a government can enforce systematic theft, why can't they protect the means of production? Plus, it would be the local governments that protected their income, not the national/state government.

If a government is set up for the purpose of violating people's natural rights, by taking away people's property and handing it over to the unwashed masses, then that government is by definition dictatorial - hence a communist dictatorship is born.