The six pack President

I always thought women WANTED men to take longer

I didn't mean that way, stop trying to make people think I'd be in the position to know how long it takes you to do that. Does your cyber-jealousy know no bounds? I'm here trying to meet men, and you are going to scare them off!

And Damo Pm'd me and said that he thinks I might be turning them off by accusing them all of liking violent porn and being stupid pigs. It just shows how much he knows.
No, when you are anorexic you don't get hungry more than once a day. Your stomach has been so shrunken that you coudln't take in more food than that without vomitting.

I used to be that way when I was in my 20's. Then I grew up, found that starvation was such hard work that I couldn't starve myself and accomplish other things, and began to eat like normal people do.

By the time I was 30, I grew to love my figure. It took time.

It's why you rarely, outside of Hollywood, will find a grown woman with a size zero body. they just are too busy living.
One woman's anorexia is another man's "really fricking poor". I was really fricking poor back when I ate only one meal a day. And yeah I was skinny and didn't really get hungry more than the once a day. I have overcome both of those issues.
my wife (when she was just my girlfriend in college) had an eating disorder and went to prob size 0 back senior year in college to the point where she had to drop out of school for a semester. She was a perfectionist straight A student and put far to much pressure on herself. She got therapy who pinned it motley on her mothers overbearingness growing up and stress of college perfection at the time in a pretty complicated speech and language degree. She is much better now (helped a lot for her to get a nursing degree) but still has those lingering eating disorders I notice at times as its something that never goes away and also believe it or not some physical problems from that time in her life that showed up latter. The one thing that I have learned is that you cant change there behavior and can only be supportive. She will resent you if you try to tell her how to eat.

On a side note i was just telling someone today how the I find a woman's curves far more attractive then a real scrawny chick and actually the older I get the more I find that attractive.
One woman's anorexia is another man's "really fricking poor". I was really fricking poor back when I ate only one meal a day. And yeah I was skinny and didn't really get hungry more than the once a day. I have overcome both of those issues.

The Damo Poverty Diet! Eat all you can afford and still lose weight.
epic didn't you break up with your girlfriend? Or did you patch things up/get a new one real fast and see lots of pictures of her past already?
epic didn't you break up with your girlfriend? Or did you patch things up/get a new one real fast and see lots of pictures of her past already?

It's the same girl. And I did break up with her but she started calling again a few weeks ago and I am weak and worthless when tempted with sex.