The Supreme Court did not say!!

Impeachment refers it to the Senate, a conviction removes them from office.

thanks, nerd.
no. I am thinking of you - and how you childishly rant about wishing people to die because you didn't get your way

it is comical.


We wish you (all Magats) to die because you are deplorable and irredeemable. You are mostly a collection of ancient old white men, who fear a changing world and think the key to saving it is a fascist leader purging all others and returning things to a vision of early 1900's greatness. Greatness defined by women having little to no rights, POC having little to no rights and white men not having to compete against either for jobs or other benefits. That defines MAGA and the only thing that changes things is generational change, ie your deaths. Because the following generations are less hateful, and so on and so on.

So i celebrate the covid cull the Magats embraced and brought on themselves. I celebrate Magats again storming the Capital when Trump loses, so they can go join that traitor Ashley at Rainbow bridge.

The sooner you get to dying, the better off the world is.

We wish you (all Magats) to die because you are deplorable and irredeemable. You are mostly a collection of ancient old white men, who fear a changing world and think the key to saving it is a fascist leader purging all others and returning things to a vision of early 1900's greatness. Greatness defined by women having little to no rights, POC having little to no rights and white men not having to compete against either for jobs or other benefits. That defines MAGA and the only thing that changes things is generational change, ie your deaths. Because the following generations are less hateful, and so on and so on.

So i celebrate the covid cull the Magats embraced and brought on themselves. I celebrate Magats again storming the Capital when Trump loses, so they can go join that traitor Ashley at Rainbow bridge.

The sooner you get to dying, the better off the world is.

QPeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, derp, derp, derp.
in another thread, I just asked the little lizard and now I will ask the same of you, why are you TDS riddled malcontents becoming increasingly more bitter with each post? You and your alter ego Mr. Tiny Penis, along with a few more of the usual suspects seem to wish harm on your perceived opposition. Why are you scared shitless of letting "democracy" settle who becomes president? I thought your ilk that spends your day screeching about saving democracy, this would be a no brainer but again........................

Disqualification is different than impeachment. In neither case is a Criminal Standard required.
However I quoted a post that said Impeachment removed them from office and corrected that person as to what happens when one is impeached. Your post is all a non-sequitur and useless, I hope it makes you feel better though.
A federal criminal conviction, would probably be enough To disqualify someone from holding office.

It is not, however, the only way an insurrectionist could be disqualified.

A criminal conviction is not a requirement, but it might be one of the ways. Despite what you said earlier in the week.

It is a requirement. You are ignoring the 5th and 14th amendments again. Attempted negative proof.
the words don't mean what you pretend they mean........

if intended, they certainly could have stated "No person shall be a President or Vice President or Senator or Representative in Congress" may pretend that "any office" makes it all inclusive, but if that was intended, why mention four of the six elected offices separately?......

The President is part of the government. The 14th amendment applies to him.
Jarod is simply ignoring the 5th and 14th amendment again.
actually I mentioned that a couple of times last year.....

Badly worded, but I agree with your meaning. There was no insurrection by Trump. There has been by Democrats though, including Biden, who has already committed several acts of treason.
Yet Biden would qualify for President if he were actually elected, because Biden was never convicted of it (though he should be!).

Currently, there is no President or Vice President of the United States. Trump was the last acting President.
They are not the same but they are very similar.
They are not the same at all.
One was intended to remove those from office who should not be in office.
Impeachment is not removal from office.
The other was intended to block people from getting in to office who should not be there so they would not have to be removed later.
Not legal.
NEITHER was written in to the Constitution to require the courts or conviction.
Yes it is.
You do not believe a POTIS is an officer of the United States? He holds office?

I believe that "No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability." specifically and intentionally excludes two people......the President and the Vice President.......I also believe that every one except the most rabid and virulent of demmycrats believe that as well.....

It is you who needs to understand the words do not mean what you pretend they mean. These words are crystal clear...

"... or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state,..."

And they ABSOLUTELY speak to every office, including the POTUS.

There is ZERO logic to say, 'but they gave 4 examples but left out others so 'ANY' means '4', when they if they intended 4 they could have simply said 'NO person shall hold any of these 4 offices...'.

In the proper use of language, when an INCLUSIVE statement such as ANY is used, if you then want to provide exceptions they must be explicitly stated. What you do not get to say is 'well they gave 4 examples so ANY means 4', when there are more offices.

why does no one agree with you except Rachel Maddow?......