the true face the anti-Obama movement


Shaken, not stirred!
For 2 years now, the teabaggers, birthers, neocon politicians and punditry have all swore that their objection/obsession with discrediting President Obama has NOTHING to do with race. Well, just take a gander at these, folks. The first is GOP pundit Pat Buchannan on the bilge Trump was spewing on the airwaves just before Obama made a fool of him:

And if that doesn't convince you of the racist tinge on the whole anti-Obama noise from birthers and teabaggers and the lot, here's a little appropo ditty from Sally Kern of Oklahoma:

Kern has since given a form letter apology...Buchannan has yet to explain himself, and Trump is STILL acting the fool.

Let the spin begin!
For 2 years now, the teabaggers, birthers, neocon politicians and punditry have all swore that their objection/obsession with discrediting President Obama has NOTHING to do with race. Well, just take a gander at these, folks. The first is GOP pundit Pat Buchannan on the bilge Trump was spewing on the airwaves just before Obama made a fool of him:

And if that doesn't convince you of the racist tinge on the whole anti-Obama noise from birthers and teabaggers and the lot, here's a little appropo ditty from Sally Kern of Oklahoma:

Kern has since given a form letter apology...Buchannan has yet to explain himself, and Trump is STILL acting the fool.

Let the spin begin!

So all this makes Obamas marxist self ok?

You're justifying his marxist actions.

For 2 years now, the teabaggers, birthers, neocon politicians and punditry have all swore that their objection/obsession with discrediting President Obama has NOTHING to do with race. Well, just take a gander at these, folks. The first is GOP pundit Pat Buchannan on the bilge Trump was spewing on the airwaves just before Obama made a fool of him:

And if that doesn't convince you of the racist tinge on the whole anti-Obama noise from birthers and teabaggers and the lot, here's a little appropo ditty from Sally Kern of Oklahoma:

Kern has since given a form letter apology...Buchannan has yet to explain himself, and Trump is STILL acting the fool.

Let the spin begin!

Cue the music. Yurt will be along any minute now, defending the free speech of Kern and Buchanan while criticizing you for playing the race card because you showed these morons for what they really are.
Cue the music. Yurt will be along any minute now, defending the free speech of Kern and Buchanan while criticizing you for playing the race card because you showed these morons for what they really are.

Well those people may well prove themselves morons, but it's illogical to paint groups by the words or actions of individuals with mics and reporters who wish to do just what Tai is spinning here.
Well those people may well prove themselves morons, but it's illogical to paint groups by the words or actions of individuals with mics and reporters who wish to do just what Tai is spinning here.

Obama and his followers aren't Marxists, either, but this is about yurt criticizing us and accusing us of playing the race card whenever we point out incidents like this.
Obama and his followers aren't Marxists, either, but this is about yurt criticizing us and accusing us of playing the race card whenever we point out incidents like this.

So Yurt plays one side, you guys the other. Boring from both.
¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;807279 said:
So "boring" that you felt compelled to rationalize the rampant racism of the right yet again....

Sure I did. What a tool, with this you make Yurt look unemotional.
Comprehension problem for you I guess. My first post was about the inanity of the op. Someone replied that it was all for Yurt's benefit. Similar tactics by all of you and now you carry on with get the fuck out of here! Then wonder why you all have an echo chamber.
So when you're "bored" with a thread, you post in it repeatedly?

Got it.

Is your unemotional characterization an example of how it's illogical to paint groups by the words or actions of individuals?
So all this makes Obamas marxist self ok?

You're justifying his marxist actions.



Neither I or the people in both videos are talking about marxism. Obviously, Liberty needs an adult he trusts to help him comprehend what's going on....either that or he's just another anti-Obama wonk who's hopping to another false accusation like a flea on a hot plate.
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Well those people may well prove themselves morons, but it's illogical to paint groups by the words or actions of individuals with mics and reporters who wish to do just what Tai is spinning here.

Sorry Annie, but teabagger's have been video documented spewing all types of similar racist guff at their Freedomworks sponsored rallies in the last two years....and Buchannan isn't the only pundit/politico blathering the old stereo-types about black folk and qualifications. The birther bullshit, though started by a Hillary campaigner, has LONG been a banner carried by the neocon driven GOP supporters.....DESPITE being disproven long ago. And it took a LONG time for the GOP officials to publicly condemn the birther BS in no uncertain terms. Only with elections around the corner did folk like Boehner, Coulter and Rove began to voice concern that maybe it was time to put an end to the nonsense...but Trump and the MSM blew that hope away.

I could spend a LONG time posting the documentation here, but somehow I just don't think you're interested in the TRUTH, Annie.
¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;807284 said:
Funnily enough, when a thread is "boring" to me, I refrain from participating in it.

Yet you watched over this one and compulsively react.

With an insult, no less, to illustrate your unemotionalism.

Keep spinning, your reflexive apologia for rightie racists are vastly amusing.


plus one
Sorry Annie, but teabagger's have been video documented spewing all types of similar racist guff at their Freedomworks sponsored rallies in the last two years.
yeah, which of course said actions defines every single tea party person in the world. I'm sure you also apply that to every leftist/progressive that has spewed 'old white man' crap at those who are conservatives, and the same for every christian individual out there that the leftist/progressive claims are heathen evangelicals.
you do apply that standard to everyone, right?
Obama and his followers aren't Marxists, either, but this is about yurt criticizing us and accusing us of playing the race card whenever we point out incidents like this.

when there is true is not the race card. to constantly call any criticism of obama racism is playing the race card....i've explained this to you over a dozen times and you still pretend i say race card everytime....oh well....facts really aren't your strong suit

i can't play the videos....but if there is racism....that is plain wrong. but to extrapolate the words a few people to all those who are anti obama is not accurate. would you agree?
Sorry Annie, but teabagger's have been video documented spewing all types of similar racist guff at their Freedomworks sponsored rallies in the last two years....and Buchannan isn't the only pundit/politico blathering the old stereo-types about black folk and qualifications. The birther bullshit, though started by a Hillary campaigner, has LONG been a banner carried by the neocon driven GOP supporters.....DESPITE being disproven long ago. And it took a LONG time for the GOP officials to publicly condemn the birther BS in no uncertain terms. Only with elections around the corner did folk like Boehner, Coulter and Rove began to voice concern that maybe it was time to put an end to the nonsense...but Trump and the MSM blew that hope away.

I could spend a LONG time posting the documentation here, but somehow I just don't think you're interested in the TRUTH, Annie.

there is a video (probably more) of democrats spouting racial hatred for obama....but of course you don't talk about that, in fact, you were likely one of the idiots that tried to attribute the video to conservatives
So Yurt plays one side, you guys the other. Boring from both.

her statement is not true. i call race card when it is played...not when there is actual racism. also...when using one incident to paint the whole right or obama's opposition as playing the race card.
when there is true is not the race card. to constantly call any criticism of obama racism is playing the race card....i've explained this to you over a dozen times and you still pretend i say race card everytime....oh well....facts really aren't your strong suit

i can't play the videos....but if there is racism....that is plain wrong. but to extrapolate the words a few people to all those who are anti obama is not accurate. would you agree?

race card (this quote) 3 times