the true face the anti-Obama movement

I can't wait until the serious campaign starts. I've never been quite so excited about an election year as this one. I believe that this campaign will cover actual issues, there are so many to handle that it will be hard to pick the one that will settle in most with the people. From stagflation to the reality of the national debt increase. Housing, jobs, foolish energy policy that leaves us still more dependent on foreign energy, gas costs, grocery increases, dollar devaluation...

Man, it really is the spending...
Here's a teabagger expressing his feelings.

Now, Bravo-Birther, spin this:

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You're a cannot provide one post in it's entirety that has me stating in no uncertain terms what you accuse me of here. Bottom line: like the intellectual coward you are, you only reply to one part of my previous response, and avoid what you cannot logically and factually refute or disprove.

Once again, our teabagging buffoon proves what a joke his screen name is.

Obama to birthers....checkmate! Suck on that STY!

Typical bluff and bluster from STY. Where in the opening post do I state in no uncertain terms that I "... make ZERO distinction between those of a group who do yell racist epithets and those who don't..."

As usual, intellectually bankrupt clowns like STY tries to substitute his opinion, supposition and conjecture for actually transpired.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Neither I or the people in both videos are talking about marxism. Obviously, Liberty needs an adult he trusts to help him comprehend what's going on....either that or he's just another anti-Obama wonk who's hopping to another false accusation like a flea on a hot plate.

I'm not talking about the videos.

No shit sherlock, tell us all something we don't know.

You're focus here is to give another one of our communist pres some form of credibility.

And as I stated before folks, Liberty is just he's just another anti-Obama wonk who's hopping to another false accusation like a flea on a hot plate
He's a communist, marxist, socialist, progressive, neocon

And you defend him.

Liberty has obviously taken leave of his senses, as the opening post shows videos of Buchanan and Kern voicing bigoted and racist clap-trap regarding Obama's "legitmacy" and old stereo-types regarding black folk and affirmative action. I don't have to "defend" Obama, as he clearly is most capable of doing so himself....which is why Buchanan and Kern come off as complete assholes.

When someone's running down the street naked, and you act like it's not happening, or it's not real,,,,,, people tend to notice you more than the idiot running down the street naked.

I think Liberty is describing one of his post-alcoholic/drug induced phases.
inally Posted by Taichiliberal
Sorry Annie, but teabagger's have been video documented spewing all types of similar racist guff at their Freedomworks sponsored rallies in the last two years....

If you want to be truthful, take out the word "teabagger's", and replace it with "lazy union workers" in many of their own events.

Poor Liberty....the chronology of the post just shows his Liberty with dodgy blatherings and pure BS. Buchanan and Kern sink themselves with their own words...Obama has kicked ass and shamed the birther movement. Reality that the likes of Liberty can't handle.
I can't wait until the serious campaign starts. I've never been quite so excited about an election year as this one. I believe that this campaign will cover actual issues, there are so many to handle that it will be hard to pick the one that will settle in most with the people. From stagflation to the reality of the national debt increase. Housing, jobs, foolish energy policy that leaves us still more dependent on foreign energy, gas costs, grocery increases, dollar devaluation...

Man, it really is the spending...

Spending brought upon by NOT including two wars (one unnecessary) and NOT paying for a perscription bailing out cheating banks and Wall St.

Yeah, without the birther bullshit to cloud the issue, this should be REAL interesting.
Spending brought upon by NOT including two wars (one unnecessary) and NOT paying for a perscription bailing out cheating banks and Wall St.

Yeah, without the birther bullshit to cloud the issue, this should be REAL interesting.

LOL. It will be fun to show Kennedy standing with Bush signing spending bills... Then talk about how much more this President spent. We'll show him promising low unemployment, show the real figures...

I'm good with that one. I hope you try to run on, "It's Bush's Fault!" some more. People just aren't going to take that any longer. It isn't any more. Obama bought that with his spendthrift policies of his own.
Typical bluff and bluster from STY. Where in the opening post do I state in no uncertain terms that I "... make ZERO distinction between those of a group who do yell racist epithets and those who don't..."

As usual, intellectually bankrupt clowns like STY tries to substitute his opinion, supposition and conjecture for actually transpired.

the chronology of the posts clearly shows that you said teabaggers, neocons, birthers, and punditry. therefore you made zero distinction.
Nice burn STY.....very nice.....the ass usually gets away with his lying crap more often than not.....
Don't worry, you're in the long as you don't want to see his birth certificate or college records.....those issues will brand you a racist, bigot, etc.
LOL. It will be fun to show Kennedy standing with Bush signing spending bills... Then talk about how much more this President spent. We'll show him promising low unemployment, show the real figures...

Spoken like a true neocon wonk, Damo....maybe you forgot the FACT that the Shrub had the majority vote in the House and Senate for a time....what little compromise Kennedy could get was indeed a bitter pill, no doubt. And use your head, Damo.....Obama's spending is based upon the FACT that he's now dealing with a FULL blown economic mess based upon the FACT that the Shrub and company hid cost, issued out TWO "stimulus" checks to the public, etc., etc. He sure as hell couldn't "stay the course", now could he. As the President said, unemployment is nowhere near what is desired, but the free fall that was indeed the aftermath of 8 years of Reaganomics on steroids has been stymied. And gee, lets' not forget the Party of No voting against everything BUT continuing the Shrub's march over the cliff.

I'm good with that one. I hope you try to run on, "It's Bush's Fault!" some more. People just aren't going to take that any longer. It isn't any more. Obama bought that with his spendthrift policies of his own.

Damo, given that you just demonstrated the half truths that has been the cornerstone of the Shrub's 8 years, I dare say you're making Obama's re-election a shoe in. I mean, are you REALLY going to try and pretend that the GOP has filibustered and stonewalled any and all moves by the Dems and Obama, and then pretend they have NOTHING to do with todays problems? Remember Damo, the GOP only got back in power of the House because many people DID NOT vote.
Damo, given that you just demonstrated the half truths that has been the cornerstone of the Shrub's 8 years, I dare say you're making Obama's re-election a shoe in. I mean, are you REALLY going to try and pretend that the GOP has filibustered and stonewalled any and all moves by the Dems and Obama, and then pretend they have NOTHING to do with todays problems? Remember Damo, the GOP only got back in power of the House because many people DID NOT vote.

The GOP regained the house and most of the Senate because most of the nation understands that crippling debt is a prison for our future, not a path to present freedom.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Typical bluff and bluster from STY. Where in the opening post do I state in no uncertain terms that I "... make ZERO distinction between those of a group who do yell racist epithets and those who don't..."

As usual, intellectually bankrupt clowns like STY tries to substitute his opinion, supposition and conjecture for actually transpired.

the chronology of the posts clearly shows that you said teabaggers, neocons, birthers, and punditry. therefore you made zero distinction.

Not quite, my intellectually stunted STY. This is what I posted: For 2 years now, the teabaggers, birthers, neocon politicians and punditry have all swore that their objection/obsession with discrediting President Obama has NOTHING to do with race. Well, just take a gander at these, folks. The first is GOP pundit Pat Buchannan on the bilge Trump was spewing on the airwaves just before Obama made a fool of him

... And if that doesn't convince you of the racist tinge on the whole anti-Obama noise from birthers and teabaggers and the lot, here's a little appropo ditty from Sally Kern of Oklahoma

Note the word, "tinge", genius. I suggest you look it up in the dictionary, because I'm damned tired doing the homework for dumb toots who think they're STY.
Don't worry, you're in the long as you don't want to see his birth certificate or college records.....those issues will brand you a racist, bigot, etc.

Bravo is such an intellectual coward, folks. The chronology of the post shows me logicly handing Bravo his ass, so the false Bravado now turns to parroting the BS that can't possibly be defended to a rational adult....unless you're of the mindset of Buchanan and Kern....or Bravo.
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Damo, given that you just demonstrated the half truths that has been the cornerstone of the Shrub's 8 years, I dare say you're making Obama's re-election a shoe in. I mean, are you REALLY going to try and pretend that the GOP has filibustered and stonewalled any and all moves by the Dems and Obama, and then pretend they have NOTHING to do with todays problems? Remember Damo, the GOP only got back in power of the House because many people DID NOT vote.

The GOP regained the house and most of the Senate because most of the nation understands that crippling debt is a prison for our future, not a path to present freedom.

No, the GOP regained the House and some Senate seats because a good portion of the people who voted for Obama sat on their hands in protests of his over-compromising with the neocon GOP. The records show lower voter turn out in the States, Damo....and history shows the GOP has done better with lower voter turn out in the last 40 years of so. Deal with it.
No, the GOP regained the House and some Senate seats because a good portion of the people who voted for Obama sat on their hands in protests of his over-compromising with the neocon GOP. The records show lower voter turn out in the States, Damo....and history shows the GOP has done better with lower voter turn out in the last 40 years of so. Deal with it.

I think you misinterpret, and that if the economy doesn't improve and we continue on the path to stagflation that Obama will be as vulnerable as Bush Sr. in his reelection bid. So far, the path to stagflation is well set, and Bernanke went out and warned that we will continue on that path with a prediction of meager growth. Foolishly they are attempting to tell people that there is "no inflation", the same people who are staring higher prices in the face.

I'm good with you believing that there is some guarantee for Obama. Seriously, this conversation is wasted. I notice that you did realize that the ads I talked about would be effective, even if you don't want to admit it, it was in your omission... not your inclusion. I'm good with that.

I hope you remain sure of the immediate reelection of Obama, I hope you can convince every Democrat that nobody cares about the Debt and that Obama is a shoo-in.