the true face the anti-Obama movement

Thanks for showing us all just how limited and myopic your reading comprehension is, STY.

Yep, Buchanan and Kern REALLY bring out the best in folk like STY and his like minded cronies on this thread! ;)

you are un-frickin-real. all you ever do is wrap everyone in to a neat tiny little package of non-liberal terms and then drag out stupid inane comments to make yourself feel all high and mighty when it's obvious to 80% of this board that the only thing you're capable of is drowning in the kiddie pool of politics. you've not been able to remember anything about anyone unless it's dixie or webway. everyone else, to you, is just a racist obama hater teabag neocon. talk about small mindedness.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Thanks for showing us all just how limited and myopic your reading comprehension is, STY.

Yep, Buchanan and Kern REALLY bring out the best in folk like STY and his like minded cronies on this thread!

you are un-frickin-real. all you ever do is wrap everyone in to a neat tiny little package of non-liberal terms and then drag out stupid inane comments to make yourself feel all high and mighty when it's obvious to 80% of this board that the only thing you're capable of is drowning in the kiddie pool of politics. you've not been able to remember anything about anyone unless it's dixie or webway. everyone else, to you, is just a racist obama hater teabag neocon. talk about small mindedness.

:palm: And once again our mental midget STY blathers on with the personal attack in hopes of avoiding the FACT that he and his like minded buddies have done any and everthing BUT condemn Buchanan and Kern for their blatantly racist and bigoted statements. Like I said, once you catch clowns like Buchanan and Kern in their own vile words on the public record, the best in justifications, generalizations, excuses, distortions, dodges, lies and backlash come from folk like STY. Carry on.
:palm: And once again our mental midget STY blathers on with the personal attack in hopes of avoiding the FACT that he and his like minded buddies have done any and everthing BUT condemn Buchanan and Kern for their blatantly racist and bigoted statements. Like I said, once you catch clowns like Buchanan and Kern in their own vile words on the public record, the best in justifications, generalizations, excuses, distortions, dodges, lies and backlash come from folk like STY. Carry on.

show one single citation where I supported buchanan or kern, for that matter, show one cite where I even mentioned either of those idiots, til just now. you can't, because you'd be lying, just like all the other times you'd throw up bullshit neocon comments. you're dismissed for being irrelevant.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And once again our mental midget STY blathers on with the personal attack in hopes of avoiding the FACT that he and his like minded buddies have done any and everthing BUT condemn Buchanan and Kern for their blatantly racist and bigoted statements. Like I said, once you catch clowns like Buchanan and Kern in their own vile words on the public record, the best in justifications, generalizations, excuses, distortions, dodges, lies and backlash come from folk like STY. Carry on.

show one single citation where I supported buchanan or kern, for that matter, show one cite where I even mentioned either of those idiots, til just now. you can't, because you'd be lying, just like all the other times you'd throw up bullshit neocon comments. you're dismissed for being irrelevant.

Once again, STY shows us what a joke his screen name is. I've highlighted the parts of my previous statement that shows (once again) the deplorable reading comprehension skills of STY.

Oh well, at least STY calls Buchanan and Kern "idiots".....but is STY saying this because they were stupid in publically saying what's on the minds of a lot of the Teabagger/birther/oather/threeper/neocon that have been irrationally railing against Obama from the start....or is STY saying such because he is truly against what Buchanan and Kern say? I will be surprised if STY breaks tradition and actually gives an honest answer to that.

So as we wait for that other shoe to drop, STY admits that his entire purpose here is to just stamp his widdle STY feet because he doesn't lke me! Oh, how shall I stand the strain! ;)
you are un-frickin-real. all you ever do is wrap everyone in to a neat tiny little package of non-liberal terms and then drag out stupid inane comments to make yourself feel all high and mighty when it's obvious to 80% of this board that the only thing you're capable of is drowning in the kiddie pool of politics. you've not been able to remember anything about anyone unless it's dixie or webway. everyone else, to you, is just a racist obama hater teabag neocon. talk about small mindedness.

and the other 20% of the board is Legion.....
Originally Posted by SmarterThanYou
you are un-frickin-real. all you ever do is wrap everyone in to a neat tiny little package of non-liberal terms and then drag out stupid inane comments to make yourself feel all high and mighty when it's obvious to 80% of this board that the only thing you're capable of is drowning in the kiddie pool of politics. you've not been able to remember anything about anyone unless it's dixie or webway. everyone else, to you, is just a racist obama hater teabag neocon. talk about small mindedness.

and the other 20% of the board is Legion.....

Note that the Post Modern Fool offers NOTHING in the way of rational comment on the videos in the opening post of this thread.....just Tweedle Dumber complimenting Tweedle Dumb.
Poor Liberty....the chronology of the post just shows his Liberty with dodgy blatherings and pure BS. Buchanan and Kern sink themselves with their own words...Obama has kicked ass and shamed the birther movement. Reality that the likes of Liberty can't handle.

The hell with Buchanan and Kern.

They represent you much better,,,, much more than me.

You support Obama.

Who is a socialist.

Which means you're a socialist.

If a whore tells you to give them credibilty,,,,,,, and "you" do,,,,,, you deserve the result of your choice.

You deserve the fruits of your labor Taichiliberal.

While East Germany is not a choice for you anymore,,,,,,, North Korea is still an option.

You won't have to deal with people like me there.
Last edited:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Note that the Post Modern Fool offers NOTHING in the way of rational comment on the videos in the opening post of this thread.....just Tweedle Dumber complimenting Tweedle Dumb.

oops, sorry.....the OP was really stupid.....sorry I didn't mention it the first time....

And here's another joker who has nothing better to do than follow me around and grind an axe because I proved him wrong during a few debates.

The Post Modern Fool offers NOTHING in the way of rational comment on the videos in the opening post of this I'll just watch him grind his PMFool axe.
uh, actually, I wasn't here for you, I was here for I ignore unless I'm bored....

And yet neither the Post Modern Fool or any of his like minded cronies have the cojones or moral decency to condemn in no uncertain terms the blatherings of Buchanan and Kern.
The PMFool just keeps digging his own grave deeper with each of his PMF grave (I've got Legion on IA....he's too silly for my taste).
And yet neither the Post Modern Fool or any of his like minded cronies have the cojones or moral decency to condemn in no uncertain terms the blatherings of Buchanan and Kern.
The PMFool just keeps digging his own grave deeper with each of his PMF grave (I've got Legion on IA....he's too silly for my taste).

I have the moral decency to condemn in no uncertain terms the blatherings of TouchieLiberal.......
I have the moral decency to condemn in no uncertain terms the blatherings of TouchieLiberal.......

And as the chronology of the posts shows, PMP is a coward who just nurses his grudge against me because I bested him in several PMP just posts gain sayings that have little logic or fact regarding the orginial point of discussion. What Buchanan and Kern have stated on public record was and is indicative of the mindsets of many within the political groups that wailed and railed against Obama since the 2008 campaign (as the public record has shown). That PMP and the rest of the right wing fools on this board/thread don't condemn them in no uncertain terms, but instead make excuses, justification, dodges and then attack me personally speaks volumes of THEIR mindsets. Now let's watch PMP say something stupid just for the sheer childishness need to have the last word.
wow.....tcpinhead bested someone in a debate, and I missed'm so bummed by that.....

I've never seen him even make a serious point against anyone......damn, I hope it happens again someday and I'm still around to see would be like seeing bigfoot or something....:(
And as the chronology of the posts shows, PMP is a coward who just nurses his grudge against me because I bested him in several PMP just posts gain sayings that have little logic or fact regarding the orginial point of discussion. What Buchanan and Kern have stated on public record was and is indicative of the mindsets of many within the political groups that wailed and railed against Obama since the 2008 campaign (as the public record has shown). That PMP and the rest of the right wing fools on this board/thread don't condemn them in no uncertain terms, but instead make excuses, justification, dodges and then attack me personally speaks volumes of THEIR mindsets. Now let's watch PMP say something stupid just for the sheer childishness need to have the last word.

you know, I'm tired of you.......I'm tired of all of you fucking idiots.....the Dunes, the Rootbeers, the Touchies, the Legions....not only have you never bested me or any one else in a debate, you couldn't argue your way out of a wet paper bag..........if we wrapped you all up in one big package and set fire to you the world would be a better place.......why don't you go out and buy a fucking brain?!.........
Boom! There it is!

Before McCain sold his soul to the neocon gods for the 2008 GOP Presidential candidate nod, he had some pretty stern ideas and convictions that did not sit well with the GOP and it's PNAC agenda. This was one of them.

What McCain puts forth here I had already deduced from the public statements of Panetta, the official transcripts from the KSM interrogations, and the sheer buffoonery of the likes of Rep. Peter King and the right wingnut punditry/ was a real laugh riot to watch our resident neocon parrots/teabaggers/threepers/oathers/confederate flag defenders, etc., all squawk the "torture works, Bush was right" mantras while failing miserably to try and put words into the mouth of Panetta. Their only hope is if Panetta makes a public statement calling McCain a liar...and given Panetta's penchant for double talk, I wouldn't hold my breath for that one,

Now it's going to be truly hysterical to watch the forementioned morons try to spin their way out of being proved flat out wrong in every way possible.
wow.....tcpinhead bested someone in a debate, and I missed'm so bummed by that.....

I've never seen him even make a serious point against anyone......damn, I hope it happens again someday and I'm still around to see would be like seeing bigfoot or something....:(

And here's our intellectually constipated Bravo doing EXACTLY what I stated his equally dimwitted pal PMP does. :palm:

Oh, and here's an "inconvenient truth" for our Bravo bumpkin.......Panetta NEVER stated publically in no uncertain terms that torture gave us the name of Bin Ladin's courier. And if our dishonest Bravo needs further embarassment on the issue:

McCain directly criticized former Attorney General Michael Mukasey for publicly suggesting recently that waterboarding of alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed led investigators to the courier who ferried information to and from bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan.

Mukasey has said Mohammed “broke like a dam” during the 183 waterboardings performed on him.

That is false,” McCain said, citing a report from CIA director Leon Panetta who said the courier’s identity was obtained elsewhere.

Waterboarding KSM “actually produced false and misleading information,” McCain said, explaining that Mohammed’s information on the courier was ultimately proven incorrect.

Once again, our neocon parrots bested by a simple analysis and review of ALL pertinent information. Now let's watch them just lose their little neocon minds repeating themselves, spewing lies and personal attacks.
Originally Posted by PostmodernProphet
can you remember a single time when he even managed to figure out what the debate was about?......I can't.......

Apparently every debate has something to do with chronology.

Apparently Damo, you're as big of a neocon foghorn as PMP, Bravo and the rest of that idiotic peanut gallery. I don't see you making a definitive statement regarding my thread, Damo....but you take time and effort to grind your axe. Grow the fuck up and deal with reality, Damo...your little neocon ideology got handed it's ass by Obama, and all the spin in the world won't change that.