The truth is there is differences in average IQ among race groups

Wait a minute, you completely avoided my questions, why are Canadians better hockey players than anyone else in the world? Are they genetically advantaged which makes them superior hockey players?

Simple question, your turn

Why are U.S. players better football players than Canadians or any other country for that matter? Are they genetically advantages which makes them superior football players?

Simple question, your turn.
tm #87

But they're overlapping bell curves.
The smartest Black guy is much smarter than the stupidest White, yellow, purple, or chartreuse.

Well of course that's true, you simpleton. Just like there are some women taller than men. But ON AVERAGE, men are much taller that women and whites much smarter than blacks. THINK, white-hating racist.
Wait a minute, you completely avoided my questions, why are Canadians better hockey players than anyone else in the world? Are they genetically advantaged which makes them superior hockey players?

Simple question, your turn

No one says genetics accounts for all differences in this world. But many times it does. Men are better than women at all sports. Do you really think that's due to upbringing and NOT genetics?

Nature vs nurture. In the case of mental differences between the races, nature is the more important factor. THINK
No one says genetics accounts for all differences in this world. But many times it does. Men are better than women at all sports. Do you really think that's due to upbringing and NOT genetics?

Nature vs nurture. In the case of mental differences between the races, nature is the more important factor. THINK

Just another stupid comment
No one says genetics accounts for all differences in this world. But many times it does. Men are better than women at all sports. Do you really think that's due to upbringing and NOT genetics?

Nature vs nurture. In the case of mental differences between the races, nature is the more important factor. THINK

Honestly buddy
these people have no hope
they don't have a high enough iq to study this stuff and be honest about race and genetics
To the OP, OK, then what? Assumed true arguendo, how does this information, that this or that race marginally averages better on IQ tests, what policy choices does this implicate?

Check and mate.

1. Quit blamign whites when blacks get low grades
2 Quit pumping billions into black schools thinking that will solve the problme
3. Quit blaming other races for black failure.. which is what blacks do.. white oppression etc..
