The universe requires a Creator

Well religion make it up. Then followers believe it. They pretend to know, but you are right, they do not. Religion is a complete waste of time.

That you exist is proof that God exists and has a sense of humor. He created you as a dumbass so the rest of us could laugh at you.
actually it would appear that my response stopped the Flash.......or were you stupid enough not to notice that?......

I am not stupid, PP.

And if you think that response of yours was of value...then perhaps "stupid" is a problem you have to deal with.

People like you seem to have no problem positing something (your god) that was not created...yet when speaking of THE UNIVERSE...suddenly everything has to have a creator.

And please, don't start that "physical versus non-physical" nonsense...unless you can establish with certainty that what we humans call "the universe" is "physical" and that your god is "non-physical." Simply asserting not "establishing" it.
I am not stupid, PP.

And if you think that response of yours was of value...then perhaps "stupid" is a problem you have to deal with.

People like you seem to have no problem positing something (your god) that was not created...yet when speaking of THE UNIVERSE...suddenly everything has to have a creator.

And please, don't start that "physical versus non-physical" nonsense...unless you can establish with certainty that what we humans call "the universe" is "physical" and that your god is "non-physical." Simply asserting not "establishing" it.

You're blinding them with science again.
Why do I say this? For several reason, but the main one is that nothing physical can create itself. Therefore, the universe had a Creator. In order to refute this, you must first give an example of something creating itself. It's a scientific impossibility.

What is it that you have in mind when you write about something called a "Creator"?
Why do I say this? For several reason, but the main one is that nothing physical can create itself. Therefore, the universe had a Creator. In order to refute this, you must first give an example of something creating itself. It's a scientific impossibility.

it doesnt have to create its self

so you are wrong right off the bat
I am not stupid, PP.

of course you are.....go play in the street......if you don't like what I believe you can ignore it or live with it......I really don't give a fuck if you agree with believes that the universe is material and that the universe had a beginning........if you don't like that tell science why its wrong.....
of course you are.....

No...I am not.

go play in the street.....

Very classy.

if you don't like what I believe you can ignore it or live with it......

I could not care less about what you guess about the REALITY of existence.

I really don't give a fuck if you agree with me......

Nor I...with you.

science believes that the universe is material and that the universe had a beginning.....

Science asserts that this thing we humans call "the universe" had a beginning in the Big Bang. They do NOT know if this is all there is to THE UNIVERSE...they do not know about what WAS before the Big Bang. As for this thing being "material" are incorrect. Scientists have discovered that molecule exist...made of atoms...made of sub atomic particles...made of...who knows what.

If the answer were as simple as you think it is...EVERY scientist would be a theist of some sort...but most are atheists or agnostics.

So wake the hell up before calling other people stupid.

...if you don't like that tell science why its wrong.....

Not necessary. You are mistaking the scientific position.