The universe requires a Creator

So did a creator create the creator? And who created the creator that created the creator?

A Creator = ???

First was the Creator then comes the Creation.

Without the presence of a Creator there is no use for a Creation.

We are micro Creators ---but are Creations ie: shit, spit, semen, babies are via material facility.

We are tiny souls are Taking repeated births since time immemorial [aka, samsara] and we create the same above elements each time.

The supreme creator is the Original Person.

The original person is aloof from the tiny souls.

We learn over time who our real father is from our mother's mouth ---sometimes our mother had aborted us or was born real poor etc etc we don't seek
the original person that created us. But there is plenty of time passed around for all the souls in the sea of the material creation.
And who created the creator that created the creator?

In the Beginning was the Person ---and from him came all personal opulences--- with him in the center as the wellspring.

We are all part and parcel spirit-soul sparks of the wellspring of Godhead's Personage.

Here in the material cosmos we are jettisoned to seek re-union [literally aka: Yoga] with him ... or we seek to be king of the hill where ever we can.

It's an eternal pastime on either path.
A Creator = ???

First was the Creator then comes the Creation.
I thought it was physically impossible to appear from nothing.

Funny, I'm in the middle of reading The Ancestor's Tale by the acclaimed atheist and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins. Seriously cool book!
Why do I say this? For several reason, but the main one is that nothing physical can create itself. Therefore, the universe had a Creator. In order to refute this, you must first give an example of something creating itself. It's a scientific impossibility.

Thanks, but I have no desire of embracing a male dominator god perceptual reality.
So you're saying you have already studied and progressed through all the academic and spiritual and disciplines and experiences of all the sages ...

And therefore your command of the topic makes you the Pundit?

pandit definition: a Sanskrit word meaning learned master, 1. a Hindu priest 2. a teacher or wise man 3. someone who plays a musical instrument very well.

pandit also known as Guru

YOU, my friend...are...

Why do I say this? For several reason, but the main one is that nothing physical can create itself. Therefore, the universe had a Creator. In order to refute this, you must first give an example of something creating itself. It's a scientific impossibility.

The universe does not need you or a magical, imaginary being.
Take you magical circular logic somewhere else.
Why do I say this? For several reason, but the main one is that nothing physical can create itself. Therefore, the universe had a Creator. In order to refute this, you must first give an example of something creating itself. It's a scientific impossibility.

Supernatural magical beings are scientific impossibilities.
You are insane if you believe they are not impossible.
Supernatural magical beings are scientific impossibilities.
You are insane if you believe they are not impossible.


That is NOT saying that the universe DOES NOT HAVE A CREATOR.

The assertion, "There is a creator" nothing but a blind guess.

The assertion, "There is no creator" every bit as much a blind guess.
Why do I say this? For several reason, but the main one is that nothing physical can create itself. Therefore, the universe had a Creator. In order to refute this, you must first give an example of something creating itself. It's a scientific impossibility.

Then you would have to show who created the creator to justify your premise.
Supernatural magical beings are scientific impossibilities.
You are insane if you believe they are not impossible.

LOL! GOD created the physical constants, which is why science is even possible. So yes. God is a scientific impossibility because it cannot encompass His greatness.
Yes!!!...yet we are familiar with the opposite!

There IS NO GOD ---but how familiar are we (enough?) of the ABSOLUTE REALITY OF THE MYTH OF GOD.

We have seen the power and majesty and prowess par excellence of Demonic Satans galore!

And he always causes things to topple into chaos and sufferring and confusion and insanity as de rigueur.

YOU, my friend...are...


We are not Gurus unless we stand on the shoulders of those that went before us.

We know what to fear because we are taught it first.

We know who our real father is because our mother told us ---thus begins each lot in life, borne to the Manor or a Hovel onward to gaining more knowledge and ideally to yield good Karmic results.

There are 3 ways to check if something is true:
1. Guru - Mentor
2. Sadhu - expert colleagues of the Mentor
3. Sastra - the texts


1. Your Lawyer/Doctor/Plumber/Mechanic - Mentor
2. Other Lawyers/Doctors/Plumbers/Mechanics - expert colleagues of the Mentor
3. Codes & Manuals & Laws used by Lawyers/Doctors/Plumbers/Mechanics - the texts

The alarming note is that we are souls in a vast ocean, a vast ocean of the material cosmos
---therefore we are tiny and lost and powerless, and worse, as tiny individual spirit souls, we each live
here in a conscious [biological] body, which we are conditioned by, conditioned by the laws of nature and again worse still ...
we each commonly exhibit four defects:

The first defect is we must commit mistakes.
The second defect is we are easily illusioned [aka mental].
The third defect is the cheating propensity.
The forth defect is our senses are imperfect. We are very proud of our eyes. If immediately the room becomes dark, you cannot even see your hands.

again worse still ...

There are the three-fold Miseries that cannot be escaped from:

1. miseries inflicted by other living entities.

2. natural disturbances caused by the demigods.

3. miseries caused by one’s own body and mind.

PS: So the rat race is all about raising above good & bad karma.
But without a single-minded intent and and a “proof is in the tasting of the pudding" approach,
we can’t find the absolute personality of Godhead.

We'd have to search him out … and suppose that He will bestow as much grace as you truly ask for.
We are on our own recognizance. We are in an ocean. We seek the repose of other persons.
So why not seek out the Supreme Person?
Only envy and colossal ignorant bad-luck can cause on to miss the target.

And time only exists here in the manifest material world. In the abode of Godhead time does not manifest.
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Nothing in science could support such a conclusion.

But science does support the law of causality. Which means that nothing physical can create itself. That leaves only one other possibility. The Universe was created. The conclusion is inescapable.
But science does support the law of causality. Which means that nothing physical can create itself. That leaves only one other possibility. The Universe was created. The conclusion is inescapable.

Except that isn't the only other possibility. You indicated that god is infinite and without a creator, then likewise the universe could be infinite without a creator.
Except that isn't the only other possibility. You indicated that god is infinite and without a creator, then likewise the universe could be infinite without a creator.

Your total lack of any kind of scientific understanding is astounding. The universe cannot be eternal. It's a scientific impossbility. Do you know why?
Why do I say this? For several reason, but the main one is that nothing physical can create itself. Therefore, the universe had a Creator. In order to refute this, you must first give an example of something creating itself. It's a scientific impossibility.
You’re understanding of the law of conservation lacks something to be desired and your argument is absurd. Now that doesn’t exclude the possibility of a creator it just means the logic used to draw your conclusion is idiotic.