The universe requires a Creator

No...not for people with pride and self-esteem. But for some...they do crap like that.

DO NOT let him lead you into doing the same in return. It's be a victory for him...and there is no way he deserves anything like that.

Do the mods tell everyone to "kill yourself"?
Do the mods tell everyone to "kill yourself"?

No...but some of the mods in this forum are among the rudest posters on the Internet.

Apparently they have no pride in the forum at all.

And then they have the audacity to ask us to recruit people to the forum! I donate to the forum, I feel that is the least I can do for any forum where I participate. But I would be embarrassed to recruit anyone to come to this place. can do it. It IS allowed, for some reason, in this forum. And PP does it often.

It is the kind of thing someone with no ethics or moral compass would do...but, as I said, PP does it often.

Liar lie

and cheat

and go down when the truth catches up to them

the truth has caught up to these Russian sociopaths
No...but some of the mods in this forum are among the rudest posters on the Internet.

Apparently they have no pride in the forum at all.

And then they have the audacity to ask us to recruit people to the forum! I donate to the forum, I feel that is the least I can do for any forum where I participate. But I would be embarrassed to recruit anyone to come to this place.

I never give them money

I bring posters though

talking it out kills their lies
No...but some of the mods in this forum are among the rudest posters on the Internet.

Apparently they have no pride in the forum at all.

And then they have the audacity to ask us to recruit people to the forum! I donate to the forum, I feel that is the least I can do for any forum where I participate. But I would be embarrassed to recruit anyone to come to this place.

Consider killing yourself :)
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lol...."Dear Frank........"
The Bible contains farces that even an act of God cannot explain. After the creation, God asks Adam to look over the animals and find one “suitable” for him (Genesis 2:18-20). The all-knowing god is absolutely clueless as to what kind of partner Adam might desire. Did he not already realize that he was going to make a woman for him? Isn’t it also disgusting for God to propose that Adam should find an animal to be his sexual companion?

Two additional stories in Genesis seem relevant to about every topic we cover: Noah and Babel. During Noah’s flood, God kills almost the entire world population of humans and animals because the people are evil. Why would an omniscient god lack the common sense to get his creation right the first time so that he isn’t required to redo everything? Afterwards, he promises to never do it again because humans are evil (Genesis 8:21). As stated before, God admits that the flood solved nothing. Several years later, groups of people assemble to build a tower so that they can see God in Heaven. Since God doesn’t like this seemingly impossible idea of people spotting him, he confuses their language to cease construction on the tower (Genesis 11:1-8). The people may not have realized that God didn’t actually live on top of a dome over the earth, but God should have been aware of this information for obvious reasons. We’ve looked deep into space with telescopes, but God didn’t stop us on those endeavors. Why would he think that these primitive people could see him? Is this when he moved from the earth’s dome to the outer boundaries of the universe? What about all the other authors who claim to have caught a glimpse of God? The Tower of Babel myth is definitely one of the most absurd stories ever told. Even so, a good portion of the world still ignorantly accepts it as truth. That’s a shame, too.

Later in Genesis, God asks himself if he should hide his plans for destroying Sodom from Abraham (Genesis 18:17). Why would God not know what he’s going to do, and how could Abraham’s knowledge of the matter have any possible outcome on God’s ultimate decision to exercise his infinite power? On the other hand, perhaps God has good reason to worry since we’ve already established that he isn’t all-knowing or all-powerful as the Bible claims.

When God is preparing to go on another murdering spree, he tells the people of Israel to smear blood on their doors so that he’ll know which homes are occupied by his chosen people (Exodus 12:13). With this directive completed, he’s free to kill all the Egyptian firstborn male children without accidentally harming an Israelite, but why does he need blood on the doors to serve as a reminder if he knows everything? Jonah, like Cain before him, was able to leave the presence of God (Jonah 1:3). According to Zephaniah, God will search through Jerusalem with candles and find people who scoff at him (1:12). Why would God need candles to see in the dark? Judges 1:19 says that God was with the men of Judah in a battle, yet they couldn’t drive out the enemies because the other side was riding upon chariots of iron. If God is with someone, shouldn’t this person be able to do the miracles that every other God-accompanied individual performs? Honestly, did authors bother to proofread their work centuries ago?
Why do I say this? For several reason, but the main one is that nothing physical can create itself. Therefore, the universe had a Creator. In order to refute this, you must first give an example of something creating itself. It's a scientific impossibility.

Humankind created the notion of a male dominator god.
The Bible contains farces that even an act of God cannot explain. After the creation, God asks Adam to look over the animals and find one “suitable” for him (Genesis 2:18-20). The all-knowing god is absolutely clueless as to what kind of partner Adam might desire. Did he not already realize that he was going to make a woman for him? Isn’t it also disgusting for God to propose that Adam should find an animal to be his sexual companion?

Two additional stories in Genesis seem relevant to about every topic we cover: Noah and Babel. During Noah’s flood, God kills almost the entire world population of humans and animals because the people are evil. Why would an omniscient god lack the common sense to get his creation right the first time so that he isn’t required to redo everything? Afterwards, he promises to never do it again because humans are evil (Genesis 8:21). As stated before, God admits that the flood solved nothing. Several years later, groups of people assemble to build a tower so that they can see God in Heaven. Since God doesn’t like this seemingly impossible idea of people spotting him, he confuses their language to cease construction on the tower (Genesis 11:1-8). The people may not have realized that God didn’t actually live on top of a dome over the earth, but God should have been aware of this information for obvious reasons. We’ve looked deep into space with telescopes, but God didn’t stop us on those endeavors. Why would he think that these primitive people could see him? Is this when he moved from the earth’s dome to the outer boundaries of the universe? What about all the other authors who claim to have caught a glimpse of God? The Tower of Babel myth is definitely one of the most absurd stories ever told. Even so, a good portion of the world still ignorantly accepts it as truth. That’s a shame, too.

Later in Genesis, God asks himself if he should hide his plans for destroying Sodom from Abraham (Genesis 18:17). Why would God not know what he’s going to do, and how could Abraham’s knowledge of the matter have any possible outcome on God’s ultimate decision to exercise his infinite power? On the other hand, perhaps God has good reason to worry since we’ve already established that he isn’t all-knowing or all-powerful as the Bible claims.

When God is preparing to go on another murdering spree, he tells the people of Israel to smear blood on their doors so that he’ll know which homes are occupied by his chosen people (Exodus 12:13). With this directive completed, he’s free to kill all the Egyptian firstborn male children without accidentally harming an Israelite, but why does he need blood on the doors to serve as a reminder if he knows everything? Jonah, like Cain before him, was able to leave the presence of God (Jonah 1:3). According to Zephaniah, God will search through Jerusalem with candles and find people who scoff at him (1:12). Why would God need candles to see in the dark? Judges 1:19 says that God was with the men of Judah in a battle, yet they couldn’t drive out the enemies because the other side was riding upon chariots of iron. If God is with someone, shouldn’t this person be able to do the miracles that every other God-accompanied individual performs? Honestly, did authors bother to proofread their work centuries ago?

The tower of Babel myth certainly is dumb.. There were and still are ancient watchtowers all over the ME. I have seen them.. I think they were used to watch for enemies coming from a distance or as signal towers at night.

The tower of Babel story in particular seems to represent the collapse of a civilization into period of illiteracy.



The notion "the universe requires a creator" is an invention of theists who want to posit a "creator" so they can offer their "creator" as that creator.

Give up on this nonsense, because the only people who buy into it are people already convinced "their god" is the "creator" of the universe.

I enter a doctor's office with my daughter and I say, "My daughter requires a therapist ..."

Suddenly Frank Apisa enters and says, YOUR DAUGHTER DOES NOT REQUIRE A THERAPIST!!!!!!!!!!!!

I say, "Who the hell is this guy?"

Why do I say this? For several reason, but the main one is that nothing physical can create itself. Therefore, the universe had a Creator. In order to refute this, you must first give an example of something creating itself. It's a scientific impossibility.

So did a creator create the creator? And who created the creator that created the creator?
The notion "the universe requires a creator" is an invention of theists

So you're saying you have already studied and progressed through all the academic and spiritual and disciplines and experiences of all the sages ...

And therefore your command of the topic makes you the Pundit?

pandit definition: a Sanskrit word meaning learned master, 1. a Hindu priest 2. a teacher or wise man 3. someone who plays a musical instrument very well.

pandit also known as Guru