The universe requires a Creator

But science does support the law of causality. Which means that nothing physical can create itself. That leaves only one other possibility. The Universe was created. The conclusion is inescapable.

Utterly absurd. Nature creates physical phenomena all the time. In fact it does so constantly.
Your total lack of any kind of scientific understanding is astounding.

Says the person who has offered no science who thinks because they want there to be a creator, there is a creator.

The universe cannot be eternal.

Sure it can. Time is a human construct.

It's a scientific impossbility.

There are a lot of physicists who disagree with you:

Do you know why?

I know lots of things, including that you don't "know" anything in this regard.
Yes!!!...yet we are familiar with the opposite!

There IS NO GOD ---but how familiar are we (enough?) of the ABSOLUTE REALITY OF THE MYTH OF GOD.

We have seen the power and majesty and prowess par excellence of Demonic Satans galore!

And he always causes things to topple into chaos and sufferring and confusion and insanity as de rigueur.

We are not Gurus unless we stand on the shoulders of those that went before us.

We know what to fear because we are taught it first.

We know who our real father is because our mother told us ---thus begins each lot in life, borne to the Manor or a Hovel onward to gaining more knowledge and ideally to yield good Karmic results.

There are 3 ways to check if something is true:
1. Guru - Mentor
2. Sadhu - expert colleagues of the Mentor
3. Sastra - the texts


1. Your Lawyer/Doctor/Plumber/Mechanic - Mentor
2. Other Lawyers/Doctors/Plumbers/Mechanics - expert colleagues of the Mentor
3. Codes & Manuals & Laws used by Lawyers/Doctors/Plumbers/Mechanics - the texts

The alarming note is that we are souls in a vast ocean, a vast ocean of the material cosmos
---therefore we are tiny and lost and powerless, and worse, as tiny individual spirit souls, we each live
here in a conscious [biological] body, which we are conditioned by, conditioned by the laws of nature and again worse still ...
we each commonly exhibit four defects:

The first defect is we must commit mistakes.
The second defect is we are easily illusioned [aka mental].
The third defect is the cheating propensity.
The forth defect is our senses are imperfect. We are very proud of our eyes. If immediately the room becomes dark, you cannot even see your hands.

again worse still ...

There are the three-fold Miseries that cannot be escaped from:

1. miseries inflicted by other living entities.

2. natural disturbances caused by the demigods.

3. miseries caused by one’s own body and mind.

PS: So the rat race is all about raising above good & bad karma.
But without a single-minded intent and and a “proof is in the tasting of the pudding" approach,
we can’t find the absolute personality of Godhead.

We'd have to search him out … and suppose that He will bestow as much grace as you truly ask for.
We are on our own recognizance. We are in an ocean. We seek the repose of other persons.
So why not seek out the Supreme Person?
Only envy and colossal ignorant bad-luck can cause on to miss the target.

And time only exists here in the manifest material world. In the abode of Godhead time does not manifest.

But science does support the law of causality. Which means that nothing physical can create itself. That leaves only one other possibility. The Universe was created. The conclusion is inescapable. about, "Therefore the universe is NOT physical?"

Your god supposedly is not physical. But you claim it is something that exists.

Perhaps "the universe" is NOT physical...but always has existed.

Said another way:

Give it a break. The universe DOES NOT REQUIRE a creator.

Perhaps it has one...perhaps not.
There are a lot of physicists who disagree with you:
A mathematical theory. Let's take a look at reality. Even if this theory is correct, where did the physical laws that would allow all of this come from? They say that the universe has always existed, yet they deny the possibility of an eternal Creator. No matter what theories they come up with, they cannot account for the existence of anything without a Creator. So they cheat by saying that the universe has always existed. Yeah. Ight. Lol!
A mathematical theory. Let's take a look at reality. Even if this theory is correct, where did the physical laws that would allow all of this come from? They say that the universe has always existed, yet they deny the possibility of an eternal Creator. No matter what theories they come up with, they cannot account for the existence of anything without a Creator. So they cheat by saying that the universe has always existed. Yeah. Ight. Lol!

Most people with a brain say...they do not know.

There MAY BE a creator.

There MAY BE no creator or creators.

How some jerks can posit a god that always existed...but say that the universe could not always have existed... beyond me.
Frank, those are seeds?

Ya know seeds that must be planted in mother earth to yield enjoyment and well "Being"

The seed emitter is crazy?

You know who said "I am the seed-giving father."?

"It should be understood that all species of life are made possible by birth in this material nature,
and that I am the seed-giving father." [Krishna said to Arjuna in the Bg 14.4]

the living entities, being impregnated in the material world, come out and form at the time of creation according to their past deeds.
Frank, those are seeds?

They are some of the theists here are "NUTS."

Ya know seeds that must be planted in mother earth to yield enjoyment and well "Being"

The seed emitter is crazy?

You know who said "I am the seed-giving father."?

"It should be understood that all species of life are made possible by birth in this material nature,
and that I am the seed-giving father." [Krishna said to Arjuna in the Bg 14.4]

the living entities, being impregnated in the material world, come out and form at the time of creation according to their past deeds.

Mares dotes and doesy dotes and liddle lambsy divey.
They are some of the theists here are "NUTS."

Mares dotes and doesy dotes and liddle lambsy divey.

Every communist country has Universities with Economics Professors.
Every third world country has Universities with Economics Professors.

But you Frank have not revealed the years and years of Research that you have gone through to arrive at your pronouncements.

Just because a bunch of birds tweet doesn't prove that you are an Intellectual.

Frank you are not an Intellectual.

You "think" that you can post your opinion and then think You are an intellectual.

Being an Intellectual usually means you can progress the conversation along, or publish a book, or be sought out for council or for guidance.

You are just a lethargic blogger.

I blog therefore I am!
Here is a maxim:

We live in a creation that is composed of DUALITY...ying/yang; up/down; light/dark; front/back; male/female; heads/tails; rich/poor accompanies the other and never to found apart from each other aka you can't have one without the other...

thus the maxim: AFTER DEATH, COMES LIFE again; AFTER BIRTH, DEATH COMES again.

When you die Frank the opposite state will occur ... and the cycle of duality leaves you no place to hide.

I am Hindu. Hinduism knows all about real atheism.

Ya'll don't know nothing about real atheism.

ya'll only know about thing-ism.

Take care of your "Stuff"
Insanity is required to actually believe in imaginary supernatural beings.
This is a mental health issue.

Insanity is when normal folks become POSSESSED by the Astral body of a person that died suddenly...where the Astral body of the recent deceased seeks to engage the gross world via POSSESSION of a living person.

The factors that allow for POSSESSION of a living person's bodily conscience actions is WHEN A person is weak-willed, highly intoxicated and in a state of quasi-deep sleep is when a person can be inhabited by a Ghost.

Ghosts are Astral bodies (mind-intelligence-false ego; ~aka respectively, manas-budhi-ahankara) that have been stripped of their gross body (earth-water-fire-air-ether) before their natural death occurred.

IE: A bomb blast etc will leave one standing and "thinking & willing" after their gross body is evaporated in a flash.

The problem with dis-embodied astral bodies is lack of physical means to carry out any activities.

---until they fad-away to take a new birth appropo to the Karma (karma-phalam - fruits of works) accrued.
There is a always a personality behind the scene:

"The God is a Person Principle"

(or "Why Atheistic Philosophers can't deny that there is always a personality behind the scene"):

Q. Who is the personification of the American Dollar Bill?
A. George Washington.

Q. Who is the Living Personification of the American Dollar Bill?
A. Donald Trump.

Q. Who is the personification of the State of New York'?
A. The Governor (Mr. Coumo)

Q. Who is the personification of one of the many regional Counties of New York State?
A. The County Executive.

Q. Who is the personification of one of the many Congressional Districts of New York State?
A. The Congressman/State Representative.

Q. Who is the personification of New York City?
A. The Mayor (Mr. Deblasio).

Q. Who is the personification of one of the many Districts of New York City?
A. The Councilman/Ombudsman.

Q. Who is the personification of any 'Block and Lot' tax-parcel of land?
A. The title barer (The Land owner).

Q. Who is the personification of the any Apartment building?
A. "The Landlord".

Q. Who is the personification of any apartment?
A. The tenant.

Q. Who is the personification of the room with the football and the many toy Trains?
A. One of the male children.

Q. Who is the personification of nursery room?
A. The Baby.

The point of my illustration is:
"Without the presence of the persona, all paraphernalia is without meaning nor purpose for existing"


So Frank, if you haven't done the research why do you proselytize?

If Frank's research efforts turn up nothing of worth ---why base other's world as something you know about?
Every communist country has Universities with Economics Professors.
Every third world country has Universities with Economics Professors.

But you Frank have not revealed the years and years of Research that you have gone through to arrive at your pronouncements.

Just because a bunch of birds tweet doesn't prove that you are an Intellectual.

Frank you are not an Intellectual.

You "think" that you can post your opinion and then think You are an intellectual.

Being an Intellectual usually means you can progress the conversation along, or publish a book, or be sought out for council or for guidance.

You are just a lethargic blogger.

I blog therefore I am!

I have never suggested that I am an intellectual...although I suspect I am a shitload closer to being an intellectual than you.

BUT...I have never suggested in any way that I am an intellectual. This is a red herring.

I am not a lethargic blogger...I am an aware, awake poster in an Internet forum.
Here is a maxim:

We live in a creation that is composed of DUALITY...ying/yang; up/down; light/dark; front/back; male/female; heads/tails; rich/poor accompanies the other and never to found apart from each other aka you can't have one without the other...

thus the maxim: AFTER DEATH, COMES LIFE again; AFTER BIRTH, DEATH COMES again.

When you die Frank the opposite state will occur ... and the cycle of duality leaves you no place to hide.

Thank you for sharing your blind guesses about what the REALITY is.

I am Hindu. Hinduism knows all about real atheism.

Ya'll don't know nothing about real atheism.

I am not an any way.

Most people, including most atheists, do not know what "real atheism" is...because it is a word with many different and disparate definitions.

You as a Hindu...are full of shit if you think you know more than the rest because of your Hinduism.

ya'll only know about thing-ism.

Take care of your "Stuff"

You are more full of shit than most "theists" on the Internet.

Do you have a doctorate in "Full of shit?"
Insanity is when normal folks become POSSESSED by the Astral body of a person that died suddenly...where the Astral body of the recent deceased seeks to engage the gross world via POSSESSION of a living person.

The factors that allow for POSSESSION of a living person's bodily conscience actions is WHEN A person is weak-willed, highly intoxicated and in a state of quasi-deep sleep is when a person can be inhabited by a Ghost.

Ghosts are Astral bodies (mind-intelligence-false ego; ~aka respectively, manas-budhi-ahankara) that have been stripped of their gross body (earth-water-fire-air-ether) before their natural death occurred.

IE: A bomb blast etc will leave one standing and "thinking & willing" after their gross body is evaporated in a flash.

The problem with dis-embodied astral bodies is lack of physical means to carry out any activities.

---until they fad-away to take a new birth appropo to the Karma (karma-phalam - fruits of works) accrued.

I thank you for sharing even more of your blind guesses about REALITY.

You are full of blind guesses.