The Utter Failure of Con/Libertarian Ideology


Well-known member
Holy crap! The chickens have come home to roost.

Bear and Stearns
Lehman Brothers
Merril Lnych
Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac

Gone. Toast. Crashed and burned. Or, on the verge of.

Any blithering fool who continues to vote for conservative/libertarian-leaning policy makers, you deserve what you get. You’re either a God damn idiot, or you’ve drunk so long from the partisan kool aid that you are no longer capable of making rational, adult voting decisions.

There’s not a shred of doubt: this clusterfuck was enabled by “small government, less regulations” morons. Yes, that’s right….utter fucking morons from the Alan Greenspan/Ayn Rand/Milton Friedman/Ron Paul school of idiots.

The subprime crises was directly the result of “free markets” unrestrained by any kind of public/governmental oversight. Yes, we know that some centrist DLC democratic enablers helped Republicans design this fucking disaster…so we are all prepared for the pathetic ”Democrats do it to!” whines from Superfreak, Damocles, and the other kool aid drunk enablers of “free market” extremism. Take the perfumed handkerchief from your tear stained cheeks, and own up to your catastrophe; a disaster of your ideology’s making.

Bernie Sanders and Naomi Klein don’t look so God damn crazy now, do they?

Here’s a clue, Cons: this clusterfuck was not the fault of too much government. This was a complete and unmitigated free market disaster. The financial institutions had complete free reign to do whatever the fuck they wanted: packaging crazy ass financial instruments, bogus securities, and bad loans sold on lies and deception. Government “got out of the way” and an orgy of financial mismanagement, and short-sighted robber baron profiteering ensued. Damn, who could have predicted that? Oh, I know….liberals did. Its hard to contemplate a more disastrous testament to the lack of even the most modest amount of public oversight to protect the nation’s interests and the public welfare.

“Get government out of the way”? Are you freaking kidding me? Capitalism is not a metaphor or equivalent of freedom. Subjugating your nation’s interests to free markets and profit motives is a moronic way to run a country. Capitalism is an economic tool that needs relatively strict regulation and oversight by democratic public institutions that are capable of balancing profit motive versus public interest. I hope to God some wingnuts have learned that the libertarian/Con fantasy about how unfettered corporate overlords will behave responsibly if only they have to live with the threat that some Joe Blow might take them to civil court and sue them for malfeasance. L-O-fucking-L.

The reality is, most Cons will never own up to a disaster of their own making. Expect to see the standard Con threads fretting about lefty “socialist” transgressions like smoking bans in San Francisco, trans-fat bans in NYC, or paranoid hand wringing about Hugo Chavez, even as they continue to drive us over the cliff with their whacked out economic theories.

Should we even bring up what deregulation has done to food and consumer product safety, under the laughable policies of the Milton Friedman-bots? Or what ideological “free market” solutions have done to healthcare access? Or should we let Red Staters live with the consequences of their voting choices?

Congratulations, small government free marketeer wingnuts. You just enabled what Alan Greenspan has called the worst financial meltdown in his lifetime – perhaps in this century. Gee, Mr. Alan Greenspan, the blood is on your hands too. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Even an average Joe from Kentucky – e.g., USCitizen – was telling us where this was headed years ago, to the laughs and derision of Con/Libertarian message board posters.

So, next time you go to pull the lever for some asshole who promotes “free market” ideology – for some Nimrod who blathers on about getting “government out of the way” – maybe you should freaking remember what the ultimate results of your ideology were….what happened when you finally had your way and got rid of government oversight and some core safeguards against capitalism run amuck.

USC was right. Desh was right. I was right. Darla was right. Midcan was right. Bernie Sanders was right. LadyT was right. Ralph Nader was right. Barbara Boxer was right. Naomi Klein was right. .

Who was wrong?

Anyone who ever spent a nanosecond defending conservative deregulation schemes and issuing pathetic manifestos about “getting government out of the way”. These sad saps should be laughed out of cyberspace. Maybe there are some internet sports forums where your gridiron advice for the Green Bay Packers might be useful and welcome. Because your advice on economics and government are now demonstrably laughable. This capitulation of Con ideology would be hilarious, if the Mofos weren't driving us over the cliff along with them!

It’s taken eight freaking years of war crimes, incompetence, and fiscal mismanagement to get me to the point where I conclude that most ideological conservatives shouldn’t even be elected to dog catcher. Maybe they’d make good cannon fodder in the Iraq War, but unfortunately nobody can get them to volunteer to go fight in their war.

And in other news...I’m laughing my ass off at cons who spent years railing against the influence of the religious rightwing – and yet are now cheering on that religious theocrat freak Sarah Palin. I knew ya’ll were poseurs!
LOL, yeah Government backing is totally Libertarian.

Lets get this straight:

1.} The Government made the interest rate 1%
2.} The Government forced banks to loan to people not worthy through the Community Re-investment act.
3.} The Government backed the riskiest of loans and took the risk out of Capitalism
4.} The Government couldn't catch the fraud

This is a total Government failure.

Here is Ron Paul in 2003:

"Ironically, by transferring the risk of a widespread mortgage default, the government increases the likelihood of a painful crash in the housing market. This is because the special privileges granted to Fannie and Freddie have distorted the housing market by allowing them to attract capital they could not attract under pure market conditions. As a result, capital is diverted from its most productive use into housing. This reduces the efficacy of the entire market and thus reduces the standard of living of all Americans."
Holy crap! The chickens have come home to roost.

Bear and Stearns
Lehman Brothers
Merril Lnych
Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac

Gone. Toast. Crashed and burned. Or, on the verge of.

Any blithering fool who continues to vote for conservative/libertarian-leaning policy makers, you deserve what you get. You’re either a God damn idiot, or you’ve drunk so long from the partisan kool aid that you are no longer capable of making rational, adult voting decisions.

There’s not a shred of doubt: this clusterfuck was enabled by “small government, less regulations” morons. Yes, that’s right….utter fucking morons from the Alan Greenspan/Ayn Rand/Milton Friedman/Ron Paul school of idiots.

The subprime crises was directly the result of “free markets” unrestrained by any kind of public/governmental oversight. Yes, we know that some centrist DLC democratic enablers helped Republicans design this fucking disaster…so we are all prepared for the pathetic ”Democrats do it to!” whines from Superfreak, Damocles, and the other kool aid drunk enablers of “free market” extremism. Take the perfumed handkerchief from your tear stained cheeks, and own up to your catastrophe; a disaster of your ideology’s making.

Bernie Sanders and Naomi Klein don’t look so God damn crazy now, do they?

Here’s a clue, Cons: this clusterfuck was not the fault of too much government. This was a complete and unmitigated free market disaster. The financial institutions had complete free reign to do whatever the fuck they wanted: packaging crazy ass financial instruments, bogus securities, and bad loans sold on lies and deception. Government “got out of the way” and an orgy of financial mismanagement, and short-sighted robber baron profiteering ensued. Damn, who could have predicted that? Oh, I know….liberals did. Its hard to contemplate a more disastrous testament to the lack of even the most modest amount of public oversight to protect the nation’s interests and the public welfare.

“Get government out of the way”? Are you freaking kidding me? Capitalism is not a metaphor or equivalent of freedom. Subjugating your nation’s interests to free markets and profit motives is a moronic way to run a country. Capitalism is an economic tool that needs relatively strict regulation and oversight by democratic public institutions that are capable of balancing profit motive versus public interest. I hope to God some wingnuts have learned that the libertarian/Con fantasy about how unfettered corporate overlords will behave responsibly if only they have to live with the threat that some Joe Blow might take them to civil court and sue them for malfeasance. L-O-fucking-L.

The reality is, most Cons will never own up to a disaster of their own making. Expect to see the standard Con threads fretting about lefty “socialist” transgressions like smoking bans in San Francisco, trans-fat bans in NYC, or paranoid hand wringing about Hugo Chavez, even as they continue to drive us over the cliff with their whacked out economic theories.

Should we even bring up what deregulation has done to food and consumer product safety, under the laughable policies of the Milton Friedman-bots? Or what ideological “free market” solutions have done to healthcare access? Or should we let Red Staters live with the consequences of their voting choices?

Congratulations, small government free marketeer wingnuts. You just enabled what Alan Greenspan has called the worst financial meltdown in his lifetime – perhaps in this century. Gee, Mr. Alan Greenspan, the blood is on your hands too. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Even an average Joe from Kentucky – e.g., USCitizen – was telling us where this was headed years ago, to the laughs and derision of Con/Libertarian message board posters.

So, next time you go to pull the lever for some asshole who promotes “free market” ideology – for some Nimrod who blathers on about getting “government out of the way” – maybe you should freaking remember what the ultimate results of your ideology were….what happened when you finally had your way and got rid of government oversight and some core safeguards against capitalism run amuck.

USC was right. Desh was right. I was right. Darla was right. Midcan was right. Bernie Sanders was right. LadyT was right. Ralph Nader was right. Barbara Boxer was right. Naomi Klein was right. .

Who was wrong?

Anyone who ever spent a nanosecond defending conservative deregulation schemes and issuing pathetic manifestos about “getting government out of the way”. These sad saps should be laughed out of cyberspace. Maybe there are some internet sports forums where your gridiron advice for the Green Bay Packers might be useful and welcome. Because your advice on economics and government are now demonstrably laughable. This capitulation of Con ideology would be hilarious, if the Mofos weren't driving us over the cliff along with them!

It’s taken eight freaking years of war crimes, incompetence, and fiscal mismanagement to get me to the point where I conclude that most ideological conservatives shouldn’t even be elected to dog catcher. Maybe they’d make good cannon fodder in the Iraq War, but unfortunately nobody can get them to volunteer to go fight in their war.

And in other news...I’m laughing my ass off at cons who spent years railing against the influence of the religious rightwing – and yet are now cheering on that religious theocrat freak Sarah Palin. I knew ya’ll were poseurs!

Oh there are plenty of blithering fools left here. And yes, Damo has been exposed as the worse kind of hack. I remember when he used to claim he couldn't wait for the religious right to be pushed out of his party.
Uh oh....SF is about to get spanked by Cypress once again.

try to go easy on him Cypress. He had rough day yesterday
Uh oh....SF is about to get spanked by Cypress once again.

try to go easy on him Cypress. He had rough day yesterday

Oh he got totally skewered again today on the Dem censorship thread. He was last seen limping away, with both hands on his sore butt.
LOL, yeah Government backing is totally Libertarian.

Lets get this straight:

1.} The Government made the interest rate 1%
2.} The Government forced banks to loan to people not worthy through the Community Re-investment act.
3.} The Government backed the riskiest of loans and took the risk out of Capitalism
4.} The Government couldn't catch the fraud

This is a total Government failure.

Here is Ron Paul in 2003:

"Ironically, by transferring the risk of a widespread mortgage default, the government increases the likelihood of a painful crash in the housing market. This is because the special privileges granted to Fannie and Freddie have distorted the housing market by allowing them to attract capital they could not attract under pure market conditions. As a result, capital is diverted from its most productive use into housing. This reduces the efficacy of the entire market and thus reduces the standard of living of all Americans."

Grinds Favorite Post of the Month. You will be put forth in the court of pwnage for high honors.
LOL, yeah Government backing is totally Libertarian.

Lets get this straight:

1.} The Government made the interest rate 1%
2.} The Government forced banks to loan to people not worthy through the Community Re-investment act.
3.} The Government backed the riskiest of loans and took the risk out of Capitalism
4.} The Government couldn't catch the fraud

This is a total Government failure.

Here is Ron Paul in 2003:

"Ironically, by transferring the risk of a widespread mortgage default, the government increases the likelihood of a painful crash in the housing market. This is because the special privileges granted to Fannie and Freddie have distorted the housing market by allowing them to attract capital they could not attract under pure market conditions. As a result, capital is diverted from its most productive use into housing. This reduces the efficacy of the entire market and thus reduces the standard of living of all Americans."

Yep and until the house of straw tumbled down you loved it.
LOL, yeah Government backing is totally Libertarian.

Lets get this straight:

1.} The Government made the interest rate 1%
2.} The Government forced banks to loan to people not worthy through the Community Re-investment act.
3.} The Government backed the riskiest of loans and took the risk out of Capitalism
4.} The Government couldn't catch the fraud

This is a total Government failure.

Here is Ron Paul in 2003:

"Ironically, by transferring the risk of a widespread mortgage default, the government increases the likelihood of a painful crash in the housing market. This is because the special privileges granted to Fannie and Freddie have distorted the housing market by allowing them to attract capital they could not attract under pure market conditions. As a result, capital is diverted from its most productive use into housing. This reduces the efficacy of the entire market and thus reduces the standard of living of all Americans."
LOL. CypresspWned... by Ron Paul.
Yep and until the house of straw tumbled down you loved it.

I never supported GSE's in any form, never supported the 1% rates let alone having Government control them {I'm a Monetarist}, I never supported special tax breaks for new homeowners, nor did I support the Government forcing banks to loan to the underqualified...I do support Government enforcing fraud and they did a piss poor job at it here.
I never supported GSE's in any form, never supported the 1% rates let alone having Government control them {I'm a Monetarist}, I never supported special tax breaks for new homeowners, nor did I support the Government forcing banks to loan to the underqualified...I do support Government enforcing fraud and they did a piss poor job at it here.


Monetarism is more disproven than Keynesianism.
Monetarism is more disproven than Keynesianism.

By who? Neo-Keynesians and Supply Siders? Paul Volcker was a failure?

If the Federal Funds rate were controled by the money supply it would be much preferrable than a group of unelected bankers or the gold standard. I think current events and the inflation of the late 70's prove this.
While passionate cypress is wrong regarding the role of capitalism. For starters the Fed kept interest rates too low for too long which fueled this excessive expansion of credit, or bubble. That completely distorted risks. Like the dot com bubble people don't seem to mind while values are going up but once the bubble pops look out.
Wow Cypress pwned.

Its utterly laughable....

Cypress would have us believe it was Conservative Republicans that forced banks to loan to people not worthy through the Community Re-investment act.

Good God....Cons wanted those poor folks, and minority folks to get loans they couldn't normally get approved for so they could buy homes they couldn't possibly pay for...
Those bleeding heat Republicans.....

Cypress lives in his own little world, a world obviously devoid of oxygen

He wins the "Master Spinner" when you feel it slid in Cypress, just spin alittle...