The Utter Failure of Con/Libertarian Ideology

He didn't get pwned in the minds of anyone other than crazy fanatics.

It's funny you said that, becasue i haven't even read this thread after I posted on it, until i saw your name on it now. You are so right, in fact, I think it's one of the funnier circle jerks I've ever seen.
Seriously it's like you guys live on another planet.

I take solace in the fact that most of America either doesn't care or disagrees with you.
This problem didn't just appear overnight...the seed was planted years and years ago...
The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) was established by Congress in 1977. The Act requires that deposit-taking financial institutions offer equal access to lending, investment and services to all those in an institution's geographic assessment area-at least three to five miles from each branch. In the case of large banks with many branches, the geographic area may encompass an entire county or even a state.

Before the CRA, many bankers excluded low-income neighborhoods and people of color from their lending products, investments, and financial services - a practice known as "redlining". Community activists coined the term when they discovered that the failure of banks to make loans in some low-income neighborhoods was so geographically distinct, that it was easy to draw red lines on maps to delineate the practices.

In the 1970s, activists in Chicago and across the country brought strong pressure on banks to lend equitably to all those in their communities. Since its passage, the CRA has been used across the United States to win tens of billions of dollars in new lending, investments, and services for communities. The National Community Reinvestment Coalition tracks more than $1 trillion dollars in community reinvestment pledges nationally. These pledges are explicit investments in equitable development goals, and finance many tools in this toolkit.
It's funny you said that, becasue i haven't even read this thread after I posted on it, until i saw your name on it now. You are so right, in fact, I think it's one of the funnier circle jerks I've ever seen.

Good post Darla.

It's just one long line of robber baron lovers complimenting each other and saying how they smashed the other side. It's like a group of Neo-Nazi's attending an Obama rally, someone grabbing the mike and saying a bunch of crazy shit, and then them going home and circle jerking themselves to how they agree with each other that they pwned him so much.
This problem didn't just appear overnight...the seed was planted years and years ago...
The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) was established by Congress in 1977. The Act requires that deposit-taking financial institutions offer equal access to lending, investment and services to all those in an institution's geographic assessment area-at least three to five miles from each branch. In the case of large banks with many branches, the geographic area may encompass an entire county or even a state.

Before the CRA, many bankers excluded low-income neighborhoods and people of color from their lending products, investments, and financial services - a practice known as "redlining". Community activists coined the term when they discovered that the failure of banks to make loans in some low-income neighborhoods was so geographically distinct, that it was easy to draw red lines on maps to delineate the practices.

In the 1970s, activists in Chicago and across the country brought strong pressure on banks to lend equitably to all those in their communities. Since its passage, the CRA has been used across the United States to win tens of billions of dollars in new lending, investments, and services for communities. The National Community Reinvestment Coalition tracks more than $1 trillion dollars in community reinvestment pledges nationally. These pledges are explicit investments in equitable development goals, and finance many tools in this toolkit.

You have to be kidding me bravo. This is what you're criticizing? One of the greatest steps to fighting racism since brown vs. board of education (which you and all the other conservatives would have criticized in the 50's, 60's, and 70's too).
Can anybody think of failures of other socialistic/communistic nations--anybody?
I know our capatolism is corrupt--but we still do better with a corrupt system than the failed philosophies all over the world that the commies on this board embrase.

Can you show me one socialistic country where the middle class is doing better than ours? I have real middle class customers up the ying yang here in the USA--other countries that provide a customer base for me--the citizens make good bank to have a recreation.
Can anybody think of failures of other socialistic/communistic nations--anybody?
I know our capatolism is corrupt--but we still do better with a corrupt system than the failed philosophies all over the world that the commies on this board embrase.

Can you show me one socialistic country where the middle class is doing better than ours?

Denmark, Canada, The Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, etc...
You have to be kidding me bravo. This is what you're criticizing? One of the greatest steps to fighting racism since brown vs. board of education (which you and all the other conservatives would have criticized in the 50's, 60's, and 70's too).

You're stuid enough to give a mortgage to someone that don't normally qualify ....
can't afford to pay it...
has no money for a down payment....

and then you cry about the outcome....get a clue sonny...
this problem was conceived and brought to term by the lunacy of liberals....
Oh there are plenty of blithering fools left here. And yes, Damo has been exposed as the worse kind of hack. I remember when he used to claim he couldn't wait for the religious right to be pushed out of his party.

What? Let me guess: Damo has been cheerleading that theocratic freak Palin, making excuses for the Iraq war, and otherwise being a republican apologist.

And Darla, this is supposed to surprise

It's election season, and embarrased republican closet doors are flying open!
LOL, yeah Government backing is totally Libertarian.

Lets get this straight:

1.} The Government made the interest rate 1%
2.} The Government forced banks to loan to people not worthy through the Community Re-investment act.
3.} The Government backed the riskiest of loans and took the risk out of Capitalism
4.} The Government couldn't catch the fraud

This is a total Government failure.

Here is Ron Paul in 2003:

"Ironically, by transferring the risk of a widespread mortgage default, the government increases the likelihood of a painful crash in the housing market. This is because the special privileges granted to Fannie and Freddie have distorted the housing market by allowing them to attract capital they could not attract under pure market conditions. As a result, capital is diverted from its most productive use into housing. This reduces the efficacy of the entire market and thus reduces the standard of living of all Americans."

Ron Paul is crazy.

"...Abolish the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency and dismantle every other agency except the Justice and Defense Departments" -- RON PAUL

I don't give a shit what a crazy moron who says we should abolish every government agency, except DOJ and Pentagon says. I don't care what a kook who associates with racists says. Ron Paul is totally discredited.

Do you know what this economy would look like without any Federal oversight of interstate commerce??? That's what that moron Ron Paul said his ideology was.

Abolish. Every. Agency.

Lack of oversight and Con deregulation schemes are at the core of this melt down.

USC was right, and it kills you doesn't it?
What? Let me guess: Damo has been cheerleading that theocratic freak Palin, making excuses for the Iraq war, and otherwise being a republican apologist.

And Darla, this is supposed to surprise

It's election season, and embarrased republican closet doors are flying open!

An oddity....
The world has only a few, very few governments or people that actively fear religion....
China.....North Korea....Russia....and liberals in the US....
Why are you changing the subject donkey? This is a thread you made about Freddie and Fannie, you called out the free market and Ron Paul and their support for the great free market ideal of GSE's. I have a quote from Ron Paul from 2003 denouncing Freddie and Fannie and predicting their demise. Not only are you dishonest you're lazy.
While passionate cypress is wrong regarding the role of capitalism. For starters the Fed kept interest rates too low for too long which fueled this excessive expansion of credit, or bubble. That completely distorted risks. Like the dot com bubble people don't seem to mind while values are going up but once the bubble pops look out.

Cawacko, hey bro, I give you a high five for being an expert on USC football.

In world politics and the economy, I think you've pretty much been wrong on everything. Iraq war, Bush tax cuts, global warming, The economic policies you voted for in 2000 have been a disaster. I'm not sure how much credibility republicans have left. You would totally own me on knowlege of football, and porn though. I totally give you props, and defer to you on that.

There's a bipartisan consensus that lack of oversight and regulation was the core to this meltdown. Its not just me saying it.

Republican Mike Oxley, the former chairman of the House Financial Services Committee. Oxley noted that the House passed a bill in 2005 that could well have prevented the current crisis by issuing stronger regulations of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac:

“All the handwringing and bedwetting is going on without remembering how the House stepped up on this,” he says. “What did we get from the White House? We got a one-finger salute.” […]

“We missed a golden opportunity that would have avoided a lot of the problems we’re facing now, if we hadn’t had such a firm ideological position at the White House and the Treasury and the Fed,” Mr Oxley says.

"So here’s the record – 12 years of Republicans, including John McCain being a committee chairman for much of that period. Zero – zero enactment of any reform. Democrats take power, and in a year and a half, we have passed a bill that did everything the administration asked for, in terms of enhancing the regulatory structure. - Barney Frank
So you expect the Federal Reserve and Congress, the ones that were at fault for this mess are going to come out and say "We blew it, who would have known taking the risk out of the riskiest Mortgage markets would blow up on us, and how did a 1% interest rates not work long term?"
You people are fucking idiots. What came home to roost is the natural consequence of a forced economy. And it was a bi-partisan forced economy. The issue was allowing people to own their homes. The method was using laws and fiscal enticements to get lenders to issue mortgages to people who would not qualify under the original laws and regulations.

The entire process of moving more and more people into their own (heavily mortgaged) houses was bi partisan. The methods differed, with democrats leaning more toward laws requiring "equal access" to lenders and federal backing, while republicans leaned toward changing regulations making sub prime lending fiscally attractive to the lenders.

Liberals applauded the democrats for assuring housing was available to lower economic classes, being sure (as usual) to point out the racial aspects. (since more blacks are in the lower classes, then democrats were helping more blacks own a home.

The conservatives applauded republicans for using the "market forces" to open the housing market to more people.

Neither listened to "doom sayers" who predicted the housing bubble could not stand indefinitely. Both saw things start to go south quite a while ago and added stupidity on their original stupidity by propping the unstable system up with lowered primes and federal guarantees.

Now it has finally landed where many said it was going to land, and what is happening?

BOTH sides are now using it as ammunition to criticize the other side.

Putrid morons, the fucking bunch of you.
Ron Paul is crazy.

I don't give a shit what a crazy moron who says we should abolish every government agency, except DOJ and Pentagon says. I don't care what a kook who associates with racists says. Ron Paul is totally discredited.

Do you know what this economy would look like without any Federal oversight of interstate commerce??? That's what that moron Ron Paul said his ideology was.

Abolish. Every. Agency.

Lack of oversight and Con deregulation schemes are at the core of this melt down.

USC was right, and it kills you doesn't it?

Good post Cypress.