The Utter Failure of Con/Libertarian Ideology

This is hillarious. all those who ridiculed me when I said this was coming and said everything was great, let the market decide, we don't need no stinkin regulation, etc are now looking to blame the liberals.

funny, but pathetic as well.
Denmark, Canada, The Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, etc...

I just picked up a driver in the Netherlands. I sent him a 4lb engine for racing, and he had to pay over $100.00 duty tax on it. 33% of the cost of the parts. Canada? I just had a custoemr from Canada visit here yesterday. He works for Ford in Canada, and was in detroit for business. he does not agree with you either--and actualy told me I sould run for office in Canada. Germany banned (from what I understand) the engines I build, so nobody can have one. Ireland? I don't know if I have any customers there--may be because their populationcan't afford it--not sure.

Hey--if you want socialism--how about you paying for it?
You people are fucking idiots. What came home to roost is the natural consequence of a forced economy. And it was a bi-partisan forced economy. The issue was allowing people to own their homes. The method was using laws and fiscal enticements to get lenders to issue mortgages to people who would not qualify under the original laws and regulations.

The entire process of moving more and more people into their own (heavily mortgaged) houses was bi partisan. The methods differed, with democrats leaning more toward laws requiring "equal access" to lenders and federal backing, while republicans leaned toward changing regulations making sub prime lending fiscally attractive to the lenders.

Liberals applauded the democrats for assuring housing was available to lower economic classes, being sure (as usual) to point out the racial aspects. (since more blacks are in the lower classes, then democrats were helping more blacks own a home.

The conservatives applauded republicans for using the "market forces" to open the housing market to more people.

Neither listened to "doom sayers" who predicted the housing bubble could not stand indefinitely. Both saw things start to go south quite a while ago and added stupidity on their original stupidity by propping the unstable system up with lowered primes and federal guarantees.

Now it has finally landed where many said it was going to land, and what is happening?

BOTH sides are now using it as ammunition to criticize the other side.

Putrid morons, the fucking bunch of you.

Come on man---I agree with ya!
I just picked up a driver in the Netherlands. I sent him a 4lb engine for racing, and he had to pay over $100.00 duty tax on it. 33% of the cost of the parts. Canada? I just had a custoemr from Canada visit here yesterday. He works for Ford in Canada, and was in detroit for business. he does not agree with you either--and actualy told me I sould run for office in Canada. Germany banned (from what I understand) the engines I build, so nobody can have one. Ireland? I don't know if I have any customers there--may be because their populationcan't afford it--not sure.

Hey--if you want socialism--how about you paying for it?

Please go run for office in Canada.
This is hillarious. all those who ridiculed me when I said this was coming and said everything was great, let the market decide, we don't need no stinkin regulation, etc are now looking to blame the liberals.

funny, but pathetic as well.

Note, it happened to fanny and freddy--who were under, pretty much, government control (now they are officially--and I did not see any private commpanies bidding on them). It did not happen to the real private sector of lending.

The government told the banks to use fanny and freddy to make loans they would not have made otherwise.

I checked a bit--it is not easy to find a loan that is not part of fanny or freddy. It almost seems like a monopoly a bit if I don't have any privatized options at my local banks.
Note, it happened to fanny and freddy--who were under, pretty much, government control (now they are officially--and I did not see any private commpanies bidding on them). It did not happen to the real private sector of lending.

The government told the banks to use fanny and freddy to make loans they would not have made otherwise.

Did not happen to the private industry ? Bear And Stearns was govt ? AIG ? Leahman ?

You been sniffing carb cleaner again ?

those companies bought the junk from freddie and fannie and no one made them do it.

Greed made them do it.
Did not happen to the private industry ? Bear And Stearns was govt ? AIG ? Leahman ?

You been sniffing carb cleaner again ?

those companies bought the junk from freddie and fannie and no one made them do it.

Greed made them do it.

You can't talk to a dumbass like you. Those are investment banks, and wqe are talking about home loans---commie hippy.
You can't talk to a dumbass like you. Those are investment banks, and wqe are talking about home loans---commie hippy.

I am talking about the finiancial meltdown, triggered primarially by junk home mortgages and shortsighted companies selling those mortgages to the customer and then reselling them to investment banks and fannie and freddie. do you have a clue what is really going on ?
I just picked up a driver in the Netherlands. I sent him a 4lb engine for racing, and he had to pay over $100.00 duty tax on it. 33% of the cost of the parts. Canada? I just had a custoemr from Canada visit here yesterday. He works for Ford in Canada, and was in detroit for business. he does not agree with you either--and actualy told me I sould run for office in Canada. Germany banned (from what I understand) the engines I build, so nobody can have one. Ireland? I don't know if I have any customers there--may be because their populationcan't afford it--not sure.

Hey--if you want socialism--how about you paying for it?

They have higher median incomes (IE middle class income for the idiots amongst us) than we do. You're anecdotal evidence is useless to establish anything at all. Ireland has a higher GNI and GDP per capita than Americans, along with higher median income, so of course they'd be able to afford it better than an American.
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The meat of Cypress's bloated post.

packaging crazy ass financial instruments, bogus securities, and bad loans sold on lies and deception.

That is, this is the only real argument you make for the notion that the current mess is the result unrestrained free markets or deregulation. First off, the free market is not at work here. Obfuscate's points are valid. Another big problem is these companies and investors know they will be bailed out and so the risks are not that risky.

But please, tell us what regulation was removed or should have been passed that would have prevented the things quoted?
Ron Paul is crazy.

I don't give a shit what a crazy moron who says we should abolish every government agency, except DOJ and Pentagon says. I don't care what a kook who associates with racists says. Ron Paul is totally discredited.

ad hominem
The meat of Cypress's bloated post.

That is, this is the only real argument you make for the notion that the current mess is the result unrestrained free markets or deregulation. First off, the free market is not at work here. Obfuscate's points are valid. Another big problem is these companies and investors know they will be bailed out and so the risks are not that risky.

But please, tell us what regulation was removed or should have been passed that would have prevented the things quoted?
Great Post
I am talking about the finiancial meltdown, triggered primarially by junk home mortgages and shortsighted companies selling those mortgages to the customer and then reselling them to investment banks and fannie and freddie. do you have a clue what is really going on ?

Fanny and freddie own about half the mortages in the country, wich is why the fed took them over. How much do the failing investment banks you mention own? Do you have a clue?