The Utter Failure of Con/Libertarian Ideology

They have higher median incomes (IE middle class income for the idiots amongst us) than we do. You're anecdotal evidence is useless to establish anything at all. Ireland has a higher GNI and GDP per capita than Americans, along with higher median income, so of course they'd be able to afford it better than an American.

I wonder how much slave labor outsourcing Ireland does. If not much, I can see why they make more money as citizens.
The meat of Cypress's bloated post.

That is, this is the only real argument you make for the notion that the current mess is the result unrestrained free markets or deregulation. First off, the free market is not at work here. Obfuscate's points are valid. Another big problem is these companies and investors know they will be bailed out and so the risks are not that risky.

But please, tell us what regulation was removed or should have been passed that would have prevented the things quoted?

This post sucks. You should do better in the future, RS, like when you're arguing for Obama.
They are a highly export-driven economy.

Our GDP includes American product made overseas. I want to know how much they outsource. It was not a complicated question, but I don't expect anybody here to know the answer. We don't even know that answer in our own country.

You call exploiting slave labor a free market if you want. Personally, I don't think the people of any industrialized nation should have to give up what they earned just beacuse some communist country refuses to let their people have a good way of life. I love free markets, when they are not corrupt and stacked. I do business all over the world man, and do well. You know that.
Cawacko, hey bro, I give you a high five for being an expert on USC football.

In world politics and the economy, I think you've pretty much been wrong on everything. Iraq war, Bush tax cuts, global warming, The economic policies you voted for in 2000 have been a disaster. I'm not sure how much credibility republicans have left. You would totally own me on knowlege of football, and porn though. I totally give you props, and defer to you on that.

There's a bipartisan consensus that lack of oversight and regulation was the core to this meltdown. Its not just me saying it.

Actually we can talk about Oxley all day long. He's the idiot that signed the business killer back in '02 that business is still trying to get out from under. The worst part about that a-hole is I know him. He was in the same fraternity with my father in college. Yes, his nickname is Ox. Anyhow though I know him and my old man cleaned his shoes he does not have ground to speak on anything financial due to his '02 bill.
Cypress is my man 100 Grand and all but as smart as he is he is also a perfect example of what happens when you allow emotions to take over reality and facts. His argument has pretty much been torn apart and pissed out the window. There are a lot of factors involved to get us where we are today finacially. It's more than a one line partisan answer to tell the story but it seems some hacks on this site are willing to try. Unfortunately for you there are smart folks who are even voting with you in '08 that call you on your partisan B.S. Good for them.
Cypress is my man 100 Grand and all but as smart as he is he is also a perfect example of what happens when you allow emotions to take over reality and facts. His argument has pretty much been torn apart and pissed out the window. There are a lot of factors involved to get us where we are today finacially. It's more than a one line partisan answer to tell the story but it seems some hacks on this site are willing to try. Unfortunately for you there are smart folks who are even voting with you in '08 that call you on your partisan B.S. Good for them.

Is that all Cypress makes--a measly 100 grand a year?

Hell--I will easily double that working out of my garage next year.

What you have to do in this country is do something for yourself to create your own economy. The gov already failed me--I am doing much better with out their job creation. Isn't this country great--if you have balls?

Looks like socialists in this country are just a bunch of loosers.
Cypress is my man 100 Grand and all but as smart as he is he is also a perfect example of what happens when you allow emotions to take over reality and facts. His argument has pretty much been torn apart and pissed out the window. There are a lot of factors involved to get us where we are today finacially. It's more than a one line partisan answer to tell the story but it seems some hacks on this site are willing to try. Unfortunately for you there are smart folks who are even voting with you in '08 that call you on your partisan B.S. Good for them.

Hey cawacko, did you ever get back to cali?

Hey dude, I'm only addressing what I've read in the media, and from mainstream economists and business analysts. There appears to be widespread consensus that this wave of unfettered profiteering occurred in a vacuum of insufficient oversight and regulatory reform. Virtually every mainstream pundit is saying it, from Paul Krugman on the left to Harry Paulson on the right. Frankly, the financial services industry and the stock market bore the crap out of me, and I rely on credible analysts and the newspaper business sections to inform me. I'm no expert myself. I'm bored to tears by financial news, and I only give a crap about what wall street does when it fucks over average american rubes.

I don't have time to read the fringe media - or There's only so many hours in the day, and I can't waste my time reading either the extremist fringe right or the extremist fringe left. I don't put much stock in either extreme fringe.

If you want to think less regulation and less government oversight of commerce is the answer, be my guest.

Hope you're back in Cal, man......
Hey cawacko, did you ever get back to cali?

Hey dude, I'm only addressing what I've read in the media, and from mainstream economists and business analysts. There appears to be widespread consensus that this wave of unfettered profiteering occurred in a vacuum of insufficient oversight and regulatory reform. Virtually every mainstream pundit is saying it, from Paul Krugman on the left to Harry Paulson on the right. Frankly, the financial services industry and the stock market bore the crap out of me, and I rely on credible analysts and the newspaper business sections to inform me. I'm no expert myself. I'm bored to tears by financial news, and I only give a crap about what wall street does when it fucks over average american rubes.


ON the bolded portion. WHAT is it that caused there to be insufficient regulation?

Oh yeah, it was the two parties trying to get more people to own homes than ever before.... blah blah blah. It was their systematic dismantling of Glass Steagal.... that BOTH parties contributed to. All in the name of "fair lending".

But I know... you are Gumby... and will bend over backwards to pretend this was due to capitalism and due entirely to those evil Republicans.
ON the bolded portion. WHAT is it that caused there to be insufficient regulation?

Oh yeah, it was the two parties trying to get more people to own homes than ever before.... blah blah blah. It was their systematic dismantling of Glass Steagal.... that BOTH parties contributed to. All in the name of "fair lending".

But I know... you are Gumby... and will bend over backwards to pretend this was due to capitalism and due entirely to those evil Republicans.

The interest rate and housing bubble were emberaced by the bushies and republicans because it made the economy look good.
LOL @ Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac being "failures of PRIVATE ENTERPRISE".

Stick to decoding subliminal racist messages, Cypress.
You call exploiting slave labor a free market if you want. Personally, I don't think the people of any industrialized nation should have to give up what they earned just beacuse some communist country refuses to let their people have a good way of life. I love free markets, when they are not corrupt and stacked. I do business all over the world man, and do well. You know that.

Majority, China has no minimum wage, no welfare state, and a completely free market in the so-called "commie areas" that most people work in. If you call this slave labor, this is how you want ALL AMERICANS TO WORK.