the war against whites

WTF? The man posts a story about racially motivated violence. (had it been a black kid on a bus of mostly white kids there would have been no question)

And all you people start in about him whining? What the fuck? If what he said so farfetched?

Since when is any of this whining?

Jeez people, if you have something relevant to say then say it. But attacking the messenger just because his message is not to your liking is just sad.

When the messenger skews the information by exaggeration, they deserve to be criticized. Using a subject title as, "the war against whites" is a-typical of the exaggerations, misrepresentations, lies, hype, propaganda of the neocons and/racists. Last time I checked, individual incidents do not represent/indicate a "war". But logic has never been determining factor in the never ending BS bullhorn of the frustrated neocon.
Is he trying to fan the fires of racism?

Or is he trying to show a double standard that is applied to racism against whites?

Because you damn sure proved his point if that is what he wanted to show.

What "double standard"? The story was reported for the national news. The teenagers will undergo whatever disiplinary action that occurs for their school, the local cops will do their job. All STY is doing is SPECULATING, using his opinion as a "truth" measurement.

His subject title and mental mind farts give clear window to his "white man's burden" mindset...and people called him on it. Deal with it.
When the messenger skews the information by exaggeration, they deserve to be criticized. Using a subject title as, "the war against whites" is a-typical of the exaggerations, misrepresentations, lies, hype, propaganda of the neocons and/racists. Last time I checked, individual incidents do not represent/indicate a "war". But logic has never been determining factor in the never ending BS bullhorn of the frustrated neocon.

Or exaggerations like "you lie" = racism?

I think I know what you mean.
...and yet the left is always saying there isn't any racism against whites. Really? What "left" leader/advocate/pundit have you "heard" or "read" to say such a thing? Can you provide a quote? A reference? Or are you just blowing smoke out your ass as usual? I've seen it personally for years and it's alive and well... Yeah, you've "seen" or "heard" or "read" things over the years that can never be logically or factually proven. When properly challenged, you just bluff and bluster as usual.
It's a tragic situation and one that' isn't going away.
If you're referring to a lying little SOS that is you, then I concur.
and rides it and rides it and rides it. When they gonna put a toll booth on that gob of his?
He is the most racist 'comic' (and I use the term in its loosest possible sense) ever to soil the airwaves.

Every now and then, your own personal bias clouds your judgement and produces erroneous statements.

Quote from a live Chris Rock performance when being interviewed for "60 Minutes" feature news program here in the USA..."Don't get me wrong...I love black people. But I hates niggas. I hate niggas so much I could do a drive by from New York City to Los Angeles."

I guess this would confuse someone who thinks Rock is a racist comic. Mull this over, and get back to me if you need further explanation/discussion.
Every now and then, your own personal bias clouds your judgement and produces erroneous statements.

Quote from a live Chris Rock performance when being interviewed for "60 Minutes" feature news program here in the USA..."Don't get me wrong...I love black people. But I hates niggas. I hate niggas so much I could do a drive by from New York City to Los Angeles."

I guess this would confuse someone who thinks Rock is a racist comic. Mull this over, and get back to me if you need further explanation/discussion.

I'm confused about your bizarre apologist rhetoric concerning the HIV virus. Why do you try to whitewash a deadly virus?
Every now and then, your own personal bias clouds your judgement and produces erroneous statements.

Quote from a live Chris Rock performance when being interviewed for "60 Minutes" feature news program here in the USA..."Don't get me wrong...I love black people. But I hates niggas. I hate niggas so much I could do a drive by from New York City to Los Angeles."

I guess this would confuse someone who thinks Rock is a racist comic. Mull this over, and get back to me if you need further explanation/discussion.

I can only judge by what is shown on TVs outside america. His overt racism has made him one of the least popular of american comics. If he behaves differently for his home audience then so be it.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Every now and then, your own personal bias clouds your judgement and produces erroneous statements.

Quote from a live Chris Rock performance when being interviewed for "60 Minutes" feature news program here in the USA..."Don't get me wrong...I love black people. But I hates niggas. I hate niggas so much I could do a drive by from New York City to Los Angeles."

I guess this would confuse someone who thinks Rock is a racist comic. Mull this over, and get back to me if you need further explanation/discussion.
I can only judge by what is shown on TVs outside america. His overt racism has made him one of the least popular of american comics. If he behaves differently for his home audience then so be it.

Okay, I've just given you ONE example of how your statement is just plain wrong. You're trying to justify your statement IN SPITE of receiving information that essentially proves your contention wrong displays a stubborness on your part.

One may not like Rock's subject matter, but when one is exposed to ALL of his material, to call him a "racist" is ignorance at best.
Okay, I've just given you ONE example of how your statement is just plain wrong. You're trying to justify your statement IN SPITE of receiving information that essentially proves your contention wrong displays a stubborness on your part.

One may not like Rock's subject matter, but when one is exposed to ALL of his material, to call him a "racist" is ignorance at best.

I can see that if he pokes fun at american half brains for their overt racism you might be of that opinion. I am not american. I do not live in america. And some might agree that I am not a half brain. (Others may have different opinions)
I find him loud, racist and completely unacceptable. He appears to me to be a black, white thicko.
Of course if one considers those attributes normal and acceptable one would have an opposing view.
There are, of course, white comics who are equally despicable, certainly on the UK circuit, although the one that readily springs to mind has been dead for a couple of years.
Clearly we are not likely to agree so I suggest we close the subject.
I can see that if he pokes fun at american half brains for their overt racism you might be of that opinion. I am not american. I do not live in america. And some might agree that I am not a half brain. (Others may have different opinions)
I find him loud, racist and completely unacceptable. He appears to me to be a black, white thicko.
Of course if one considers those attributes normal and acceptable one would have an opposing view.
There are, of course, white comics who are equally despicable, certainly on the UK circuit, although the one that readily springs to mind has been dead for a couple of years.
Clearly we are not likely to agree so I suggest we close the subject.

Chris Rock is 'despicable"? WTF?
So one incident on a school bus prompts you to start a thread called "the war on whites".

Funny, but I must have been out that day when the "call to arms" memo was circulated.

Yet if I began a list of ALL the similar incidents that have happened to black folk in the past 5 years, you'd be one of the first to try and discredit or diminish it. And of course, if your prediction is wrong, you'll spin like a top to avoid admitting such....assuming of course that the "crime" goes through the court system for under age kids in the first place.

You're right up there with the "drugster" Limbaugh, who hitched any and all hate crimes against white folk to Obama's 7 month old term as President.

Like I said before, your screen name is a joke.

What a rightwingnut means when they call you "Troll": I have no argument.
I can see that if he pokes fun at american half brains for their overt racism you might be of that opinion. I am not american. I do not live in america. And some might agree that I am not a half brain. (Others may have different opinions)
I find him loud, racist and completely unacceptable. He appears to me to be a black, white thicko.
Of course if one considers those attributes normal and acceptable one would have an opposing view.
There are, of course, white comics who are equally despicable, certainly on the UK circuit, although the one that readily springs to mind has been dead for a couple of years.
Clearly we are not likely to agree so I suggest we close the subject.

Brits are retarded