the war against whites

you ask and answer your own questions a lot, you know. That should have been corrected in high school. No matter. My description was to point out to YOU, a European "white" living amongst the "yellow" people, that I am an American of a particular lineage that can give a better insight into ALL the material offered and it's significance to this particular culture (America). We're only a little over 200 years old, with a native population usuruped by European immigrants who brought over their caste system, class system, slaves, etc. So yes, our personal definitions may seem alien to you.....just as your describing yourself ONLY as a "white" (white what? Brit? French? Italian? Russian? Polish?)living among the "yellow" would be alien to us....but as I said before, America does not have sole ownershipe on prejudice.

I take it all back.
Chris Rock is probably one of the most talented entertainers in america!

Why do I say that? .... Easy

I have just watched a show called 'America's got Talent'. Quite honestly I have never seen such ridiculously talentless idiots pretending to be talented in my life. A bunch of obviously retarded people in big rubber suits, a family of 'cutesy' kids and a fool doing strange things with a trombone.
Guys, if anyone thinks, in all fairness, that this constitutes talent then you need to rethink your existence as an adult and return to your mother's apron strings.
And who the hell is that Mister Gold Chain on the panel of judges? Is he serious? That look went out about forty years ago! What a bloody poof!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
you ask and answer your own questions a lot, you know. That should have been corrected in high school. No matter. My description was to point out to YOU, a European "white" living amongst the "yellow" people, that I am an American of a particular lineage that can give a better insight into ALL the material offered and it's significance to this particular culture (America). We're only a little over 200 years old, with a native population usuruped by European immigrants who brought over their caste system, class system, slaves, etc. So yes, our personal definitions may seem alien to you.....just as your describing yourself ONLY as a "white" (white what? Brit? French? Italian? Russian? Polish?)living among the "yellow" would be alien to us....but as I said before, America does not have sole ownershipe on prejudice.

I take it all back.
Chris Rock is probably one of the most talented entertainers in america!

Why do I say that? .... Easy

I have just watched a show called 'America's got Talent'. Quite honestly I have never seen such ridiculously talentless idiots pretending to be talented in my life. A bunch of obviously retarded people in big rubber suits, a family of 'cutesy' kids and a fool doing strange things with a trombone.
Guys, if anyone thinks, in all fairness, that this constitutes talent then you need to rethink your existence as an adult and return to your mother's apron strings.
And who the hell is that Mister Gold Chain on the panel of judges? Is he serious? That look went out about forty years ago! What a bloody poof!

:rolleyes: You just can't admit you were wrong on the Chris Rock racism just kills you that someone proved that one of your anti-American diatribes was off the mark. Jeez Low, you need to work on that.

And yeah, American reality TV stinks....has for sometime. But remember, it's based on Brit TV shows. So while you can take comfort in living somewhere that has neither, you can't escape what your countrymen are doing...which in many instances is just as silly as what's going on in America.

In short, do what I do....ignore it, read a book, watch a good movie, read the papers, and SELECTIVELY watch Tv. :)
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:rolleyes: You just can't admit you were wrong on the Chris Rock racism just kills you that someone proved that one of your anti-American diatribes was off the mark. Jeez Low, you need to work on that.

And yeah, American reality TV stinks....has for sometime. But remember, it's based on Brit TV shows. So while you can take comfort in living somewhere that has neither, you can't escape what your countrymen are doing...which in many instances is just as silly as what's going on in America.

In short, do what I do....ignore it, read a book, watch a good movie, read the papers, and SELECTIVELY watch Tv. :)

You missed the point, old fruit. The Brit connection had nothing to do with it. The Brit panel member was as scathing as he should have been. It was the dumb yank with the necklace and the audience of similarly dumb yanks who lapped up this crap. My post also contained a little sarcasm which seems to have floated just above your head.
I will repeat. Chris Rock IS racist. You may not be able to see that, check your eyes, not mine. American TV IS cheap, nasty and devoid of talent. These facts are incontrovertible and not worthy of any support whether it be led by your chauvinism or my cynicism.
British TV is in general as bad as any, but that is hardly the point, indeed for absolutely the worst TV in the world one need look no further than the far east. Again beside the point.
You missed the point, old fruit. No I didn't, old thing....the point was that you were WRONG regarding labeling Rock a racist based on your limited exposure to his material. I factually and logically proved that. That you can't flat out admit that is quite sad. The Brit connection had nothing to do with it. The Brit panel member was as scathing as he should have been. It was the dumb yank with the necklace and the audience of similarly dumb yanks who lapped up this crap. My post also contained a little sarcasm which seems to have floated just above your head.

You're not paying attenion, old cock. I was pointing out that a lot of our programming rips off shows originally created in England. I wasn't talking about specifics on American Idol per se, but the very concept and where it came from. Again, I don't like the show...period.

I will repeat. Chris Rock IS racist. You may not be able to see that, check your eyes, not mine. American TV IS cheap, nasty and devoid of talent. These facts are incontrovertible and not worthy of any support whether it be led by your chauvinism or my cynicism.

You can repeat your OPINION until doomsday....the FACTS speak otherwise....FACTS that you have YET to acknowledge or discuss. Stop bullshitting and answer a simple question...if Rock's humor is indeed racists, then how do you explain the quote I gave earlier? And where in the hell have I made a chauvinistic statement? Get a grip, Low. You're opinion just doesn't translate into fact (or reality, for that matter) all the time. Grow up!
British TV is in general as bad as any, but that is hardly the point, indeed for absolutely the worst TV in the world one need look no further than the far east. Again beside the point.

Again, YOU continually make this sweeping condemnations of American culture as if we're the sole producers of bad taste. I just called you on it...glad to see you at least admit that is not the case, or the point for that matter.
Again, YOU continually make this sweeping condemnations of American culture as if we're the sole producers of bad taste. I just called you on it...glad to see you at least admit that is not the case, or the point for that matter.

You appear to be basing your argument upon this,

'Don't get me wrong...I love black people. But I hates niggas. I hate niggas so much I could do a drive by from New York City to Los Angeles',

is that correct?
Not really much to go on. Motor mouth put into a corner and yapping like a dog to get out.
Niggas???? What the hell is that?? I love black people????
I judge people by their actions and sometimes their attitudes NOT by the colour of their skin or their eyes or their hair.
Your chip is showing. You are, truly, VERY american.
The world is a wonderful place but there are many pollutants. The concept of colour when applied to some human beings is one of them.
You seem to be of the opinion, and please correct me if I am wrong, that black people cannot be racist. I know you have a sad history and I know that black people in america are still, to a large extent, treated unfairly in some quarters but this is an american thing. British racism is based on something quite different although equally despicable.
Chris Rock defines the world by colour. That is wrong and unforgivable. I really hope that the hints in your posts that suggest that you do too are wrong.
You appear to be basing your argument upon this,

'Don't get me wrong...I love black people. But I hates niggas. I hate niggas so much I could do a drive by from New York City to Los Angeles',

is that correct?
Not really much to go on. Motor mouth put into a corner and yapping like a dog to get out.
Niggas???? What the hell is that?? I love black people????
I judge people by their actions and sometimes their attitudes NOT by the colour of their skin or their eyes or their hair.
Your chip is showing. You are, truly, VERY american.
The world is a wonderful place but there are many pollutants. The concept of colour when applied to some human beings is one of them.
You seem to be of the opinion, and please correct me if I am wrong, that black people cannot be racist. I know you have a sad history and I know that black people in america are still, to a large extent, treated unfairly in some quarters but this is an american thing. British racism is based on something quite different although equally despicable.
Chris Rock defines the world by colour. That is wrong and unforgivable. I really hope that the hints in your posts that suggest that you do too are wrong.


The implication of Rock's routine is that NIGGER describes behaviors more than physical characteristics. yer fukkin dum.

The implication of Rock's routine is that NIGGER describes behaviors more than physical characteristics. yer fukkin dum.

Rather as Yank describes people like you and not intelligent americans?
I'd rather be dumb than yank.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Again, YOU continually make this sweeping condemnations of American culture as if we're the sole producers of bad taste. I just called you on it...glad to see you at least admit that is not the case, or the point for that matter.

Here's the quote you should have used: You can repeat your OPINION until doomsday....the FACTS speak otherwise....FACTS that you have YET to acknowledge or discuss. Stop bullshitting and answer a simple question...if Rock's humor is indeed racists, then how do you explain the quote I gave earlier? And where in the hell have I made a chauvinistic statement? Get a grip, Low. You're opinion just doesn't translate into fact (or reality, for that matter) all the time. Grow up!

You appear to be basing your argument upon this,

'Don't get me wrong...I love black people. But I hates niggas. I hate niggas so much I could do a drive by from New York City to Los Angeles',

is that correct? Yep
Not really much to go on. Motor mouth put into a corner and yapping like a dog to get out. Spare us the stalling commentary, Low....get to the point.
Niggas???? What the hell is that?? I love black people???? Just as I thought...YOU DON'T GET IT! Okay, I'll explain: Rock was making the distinction that black people in general are NOT niggers. At the same time, he is acknowledging that there are SOME black people that fit that description...and their victims are usually other black folk. By saying this publically, Rock turns the tables on everyone...the rap/hip hop folk trying to justify using that slur in public, the older generation totally against it, the non-black folk who don't know what the hell is going's a cynical, sarcastic joke with a heavy dose of social commentary. That's what (good) comedians do.
I judge people by their actions and sometimes their attitudes NOT by the colour of their skin or their eyes or their hair. While a commendable attitude, a moot point that doesn't change the FACT that you're shooting off your mouth about something you weren't fully informed off...and PROUD of it.
Your chip is showing. You are, truly, VERY american. And you're a VERY predictable Brit.The world is a wonderful place but there are many pollutants. The concept of colour when applied to some human beings is one of them. Oh sweet Lord spare me the hot air...makes you sound like a pompous windbag.
You seem to be of the opinion, and please correct me if I am wrong, that black people cannot be racist. See the above explanation I know you have a sad history and I know that black people in america are still, to a large extent, treated unfairly in some quarters but this is an american thing. British racism is based on something quite different although equally despicable. As I told you before...this isn't about British racism...this is about YOUR declarations based on PARTIAL information and a lack of understanding of cultural history. Hopefully, I've corrected some of that...but I can do nothing for a closed or stubborn mindset, which I hope is not the true case here.
Chris Rock defines the world by colour. To an extent, that is the "world" defines him by his color. That is wrong and unforgivable. No, it's reality....the thing is for older folk like myself it's a reality that has been done to death (and far superior) in the comedy world. 30 years ago Richard Pryor blew the doors off the social settings with his biting, absurd and insane and deadly accurate comedy. Since then, you've had a secession of cheap knock offs...Rock being one of them. Like I said before, I find Rock only marginally funny. I really hope that the hints in your posts that suggest that you do too are wrong.

See above responses.
Here's the quote you should have used: You can repeat your OPINION until doomsday....the FACTS speak otherwise....FACTS that you have YET to acknowledge or discuss. Stop bullshitting and answer a simple question...if Rock's humor is indeed racists, then how do you explain the quote I gave earlier? And where in the hell have I made a chauvinistic statement? Get a grip, Low. You're opinion just doesn't translate into fact (or reality, for that matter) all the time. Grow up!

See above responses.

Are you saying I should have used a quotation made by you as proof that I am wrong?? Your logic defies me.
Now I have things to do. so until then toodle pip.
Likewise....later son!

I have been back and briefly read the posts. In summation it is clear that we are from markedly different backgrounds and cultures. I respect yours, it has probably been considerably harder than mine.
I find it very difficult to sympathise with people who define each other and themselves by colour. That is probably because I have never lived in such a sharply divided society. Your nation is young and has a history packed with injustice. In time I hope your people will become simply plain Mr. Smith and not Mr. Smith the white man, or Mr. Smith the black man.
Outside America Mr. Rock is known for the size of his mouth and the decibel rate that it emits. He is also that yank who continues to blast away at race.
Well, keep him in America. Sympathise with him, empathise with him but don't think, ever, that he speaks for anyone beyond your shores or that American society is a model or in anyway represents the wider world.
There is an american comic on the UK circuit who really is quite humourous, his name is Reginald D Hunter. He doesn't shout.
There is an American comic on the UK circuit who really is quite humourous, his name is Reginald D Hunter. He doesn't shout.

He appears on "Have I Got News for You" from time to time, amongst others, his dry sardonic wit and observations are million miles away from the Chris Rock school of comedy. I love the titles of his one man shows like 'A Mystery Wrapped in a Nigga' and Pride and Prejudice... and Niggas. He has also achieved the honour of having his posters banned on the Underground so he can claim street cred for that as well.

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He appears on "Have I Got News for You" from time to time, amongst others, his dry sardonc wit and observations are million miles away from the Chris Rock school of comedy. I love the titles of his one man shows like 'A Mystery Wrapped in a Nigga' and Pride and Prejudice... and Niggas. He has also achieved the honour of having his posters banned on the Underground so he can also claim street cred for that as well.

YouTube - TWStuff - Reginald D Hunter and the papers part 1 (25.11.08)

Cheers Tom, I had only seen him on HIGNFY before this. (Never heard of this Wright guy.... well I had heard of him but I thought he had played for Arsenal and West Ham in a former life !!!!)
I have been back and briefly read the posts. In summation it is clear that we are from markedly different backgrounds and cultures. I respect yours, it has probably been considerably harder than mine.
I find it very difficult to sympathise with people who define each other and themselves by colour. No one is asking you for I tried to explain, Rock's humor deals with how society defines it's people. What he does is just point out the faults and absurdities in an exaggerated comedians are want to do. That is probably because I have never lived in such a sharply divided society. Sure you've just been in a position where it doesn't affect directly or adversely in every faucet of your daily routine....because you were born of the group that isn't a minority defined by slavery of the majority. Your nation is young and has a history packed with injustice. In time I hope your people will become simply plain Mr. Smith and not Mr. Smith the white man, or Mr. Smith the black man. Hope springs eternal...or as they use to say back in the day, "Keep the faith, baby!".
Outside America Mr. Rock is known for the size of his mouth and the decibel rate that it emits. No doubt....alonge with his grating voice I'll of the reasons I don't find him all that funny. He is also that yank who continues to blast away at race. Ahhh, the last 4 sentences is the crux of the matter.....many folk just DON'T want to hear about racial problems anymore...they want to pretend they don't exist. Well, maybe they don't at the levels of 40 or 50 years ago, but they still do in various forms....and unless you're a member of the group that is a recipient of such, you wouldn't know or believe it or understand it. As I said before, Richard Pryor did it MUCH better....Rock is just a derivative to a degree.
Well, keep him in America. Sympathise with him, empathise with him but don't think, ever, that he speaks for anyone beyond your shores or that American society is a model or in anyway represents the wider world. And once again, you're off on your flight of fancy.....go back and check what I wrote here and previously, which does not give any cause or reason for your little diatribe here.
There is an american comic on the UK circuit who really is quite humourous, his name is Reginald D Hunter. He doesn't shout.

See my responses to Tom about Hunter.
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He appears on "Have I Got News for You" from time to time, amongst others, his dry sardonic wit and observations are million miles away from the Chris Rock school of comedy. I love the titles of his one man shows like 'A Mystery Wrapped in a Nigga' and Pride and Prejudice... and Niggas. He has also achieved the honour of having his posters banned on the Underground so he can claim street cred for that as well.

YouTube - TWStuff - Reginald D Hunter and the papers part 1 (25.11.08)

Okay....that was BORING! My God, that was boring! Bill Cosby on his worst day is ten times funnier. Seems the host is just enamored of this joker because:

a) He's and black American comedian who opted to live in England
b) His speech pattern is some bastardized version of an American Southern accent just two steps removed from the "black English" spoken by slaves.

Judging by the titles of the shows you gave...this guy would've been classified by my generation as a 4th rate Richard Pryor.