The world doesn't hate America, the Left does

Your points are ridiculous caricatures, bringing a few points from a few unrelated fringe groups and casting them as the sole and unwavering belief of any and all liberal, classical, social, modern... even socialist leftists.

And to think I almost defended you!

"Right" and "left" can mean so many things that it's ridiculous, but people have always considered fascists right-wing, if for nothing more than that the were obsessed with tradition and authority.

Then again, you also have pol pot, who's considered left wing despite the fact that he was also a big fan of authority. The two words mean whatever the hell people want them to.

you are correct in only one of your points and that is that there are always exceptions to every rule of thumb. I've met liberals who do have a small streak of the love of freedom....until it's overshadowed by their elitism....then it's back to the standards of modern liberalism. A classic love of needing to be told what they can and cannot do by their big government parent. But always that small glimmer of hope that they might recognize how wrong it is.


"1. The U.S. government’s international paramilitary force, the CIA, covertly engineered the ouster of the popular and democratically elected prime minister of Iran and replaced him with a brutal dictator whose secret police tortured and terrorized the Iranian people for decades. Yet to this day, Americans cannot fathom why so many Iranians still hate the U.S. government.

2. The United States and other Western nations actively supported Saddam Hussein and his tyrannical regime, even delivering him the infamous weapons of mass destruction that U.S. officials later used as an excuse to invade Iraq."
What's "elitism" when used in conjunction with "liberals"?

that there should be rules and standards, limitations and regulations applied to people because the people are untrustworthy and need to be watched so that they can't revert to their baser instincts of survival and self preservation......all except themselves of course, because they are better than the others.
What's "elitism" when used in conjunction with "liberals"?

Its code word names for liberals with an college education who make lots of money but still want to treat all people with decency.

You see some of us just want to be taken care of by the government(we want our kids educated,able to get health care) and others are rich and well educated and only pretend we want a decent country for even the poor because we think we are better than everyone else.

Its a way to explain away why anyone with money would give a rats ass about people less fortunate. You see the right really knows deep down in their hearts that no one gives a rats ass about anyone else here on this earth. That is why Jesus is on their side.
Its code word names for liberals with an college education who make lots of money but still want to treat all people with decency.

You see some of us just want to be taken care of by the government(we want our kids educated,able to get health care) and others are rich and well educated and only pretend we want a decent country for even the poor because we think we are better than everyone else.

Its a way to explain away why anyone with money would give a rats ass about people less fortunate. You see the right really knows deep down in their hearts that no one gives a rats ass about anyone else here on this earth. That is why Jesus is on their side.
Rubbish, it is a code word for people who think they know better how you should do things than you do. Those who create the nanny state, or make laws that only they can educate the children and you must follow their lead. An equal elitism for the right would be idiots who profoundly reject a more broad sex education in favor of stubbornly supporting "abstinence only" education because they are "right" and you are "wrong" all while ignoring the "right" and "wrong" must be taught by the parents and not the school.

Liberal elitism comes mostly, just like conservative elitism, from the belief that there is no other ideology that could possibly be correct.
Rubbish, it is a code word for people who think they know better how you should do things than you do. Those who create the nanny state, or make laws that only they can educate the children and you must follow their lead. An equal elitism for the right would be idiots who profoundly reject a more broad sex education in favor of stubbornly supporting "abstinence only" education because they are "right" and you are "wrong" all while ignoring the "right" and "wrong" must be taught by the parents and not the school.

Liberal elitism comes mostly, just like conservative elitism, from the belief that there is no other ideology that could possibly be correct.

I'll give an example from this board of what I consider 'liberal elitism'. uscitizen is found of saying the American people are 'stoopit'. He then refers to himself as a 'thinking person'. It's that 'I'm smarter than everyone else attitude' or 'I'm better than everyone else' type attitude.
you are correct in only one of your points and that is that there are always exceptions to every rule of thumb. I've met liberals who do have a small streak of the love of freedom....until it's overshadowed by their elitism....then it's back to the standards of modern liberalism. A classic love of needing to be told what they can and cannot do by their big government parent. But always that small glimmer of hope that they might recognize how wrong it is.

Elitism, ah, that's me alright! :clink:
"The answer is that the American left hates the America that believes in American exceptionalism, is prepared to use force to fight what it deems as dangerous evil, affirms the Judeo-Christian value system, believes in the death penalty, supports male-female marriage, rejects big government, wants lower taxes, prefers free market to governmental solutions, etc"

Praiger is such a fool. I love how he twists the Iraq fiasco into some sort of noble use of force, the good guy in white hat Americans riding in to do away with a "dangerous evil," which I guess he considers about 100,000 innocent Iraqi civilians to be.

There is a huge misconception on the right about leftist thought on corporate America.
Most lefties I know believe strongly in American exceptionalism; they seek wealth, they do not denounce wealth for wealth's sake. They, and I, do not like corporate corruption, and a system that is rigged in favor of a select few; there is a huge difference, but apparently it's too "nuanced" for some of the simple-minds on the right (looking in your direction, Acorn).

There are tons of liberal Christians, and tons of liberal Jews. 'Nuff said on that.

100 years from now, the death penalty will be looked upon as one of the last vestiges of barbarism. Personally, I waver on it, because I think it gives enormous comfort to the families of victims, which is no small thing. However, I don't think there is any disputing that the world is moving away from it, and that, as a punishment, it is in direct contrast with the Judeo Christian values Praiger thinks we don't want (and no, I'm not talking Old Testament - that ain't Christian).

I also know plenty of free market liberals, and support one for President this year. As for gay marriage, that's an elitist-right argument, and based on his narrow interpretation of what a "Christian" value is.
Rubbish, it is a code word for people who think they know better how you should do things than you do. Those who create the nanny state, or make laws that only they can educate the children and you must follow their lead. An equal elitism for the right would be idiots who profoundly reject a more broad sex education in favor of stubbornly supporting "abstinence only" education because they are "right" and you are "wrong" all while ignoring the "right" and "wrong" must be taught by the parents and not the school.

Liberal elitism comes mostly, just like conservative elitism, from the belief that there is no other ideology that could possibly be correct.

Damo everyone thinks they know the best solution. They use the word elitist to insult any liberal who they cant throw into the catagoery of wanting to be taken care of. They can take care of themselves so they only reason they care about others in a worse situation is NOT that they have a heart and care about their fellow man but because they are just Bossy. Its bullshit and you know it.People who see the solutions to our societies problem in a way that includes being decent to people who are in no way responsible for their plight( like the children of the poor) are not being eleitist they are being caring human beings. The right can not let that be the story so they call us elitist who only are feeding their egos.

You know it and I Know it. They cant just fsay no I think your plan wont work because of this , they need to degtrade any decent motivations for our perspective because they are compelling to future voters.
to do away with a "dangerous evil," which I guess he considers about 100,000 innocent Iraqi civilians to be.

They're at it again.

onceler comes up with that gem, and then in the same post complains that someone else is "twisting the Iraq fiasco". Then to top it off, he whines that "There is a huge misconception on the right about leftist thought"!!!

These sad, bitter leftists say the funniest things when they are losing. Do they ever actually stop and and think about what they just wrote.....?? :lolup:
Acorn you really should see someone about your anger problems. Your hate of the majority of Americans is really sad.
Damo everyone thinks they know the best solution. They use the word elitist to insult any liberal who they cant throw into the catagoery of wanting to be taken care of. They can take care of themselves so they only reason they care about others in a worse situation is NOT that they have a heart and care about their fellow man but because they are just Bossy. Its bullshit and you know it.People who see the solutions to our societies problem in a way that includes being decent to people who are in no way responsible for their plight( like the children of the poor) are not being eleitist they are being caring human beings. The right can not let that be the story so they call us elitist who only are feeding their egos.

You know it and I Know it. They cant just fsay no I think your plan wont work because of this , they need to degtrade any decent motivations for our perspective because they are compelling to future voters.
However, only the "elite" believe that they have no need to listen to any other solution.

What people say are the "elites" changes with each person, however I gave a simpler definition that would cover almost any definition. It doesn't have to do with money so much as attitude.

As for your last paragraph, if you re-read my post I speak of elitism on both sides. While you ignore what I say for what you wanted me to have said it doesn't change that I believe these people exist in both parties without regard to ideology.

It is foolish to ignore the compassion of others because you want to believe that they have none because they think that your form of compassion is unhelpful in the long run. It is like a doctor refusing to give medication to cure cancer because it causes temporary illness in the patient. The truly compassionate will know that chemo, while causing temporary injury, is their only chance at a long-term solution rather than solely treating the symptoms and watching them die.

It isn't because they have no compassion that they believe hard lessons are sometimes necessary.