These People tell us Trump is a threat to our Democracy

Vote for Trump and it will be. Whether you want it installed is meaningless. It is no mixed bag.
I seriously doubt it. The only--ONLY--people screaming about Project 2025 are those on the radical Left and their opinion on this matter can be safely ignored as lunatic ranting because they viscerally hate Trump and will use ANY excuse, however flimsy, to attack him.
read your own damn post. Calling a manifesto seeking to overhaul the government and give incredible powers to the corrupt Trump is not a mixed bag.
Their "seeking to overhaul the government" in most ways is something I agree with. The federal government has become a bloated, inefficient, meddlesome, burden on the country. Sure, some of what that bureaucracy does is necessary, other parts, like the Department of Education, are worthless. There is ZERO reason a Department of Education needs to exist. Same goes for Housing and Urban Development, to give two examples. Neither is a federal function in any way shape or form. These are not interstate or national issues, but state and local ones.

Agencies that work towards 'Zero tolerance' need reigning in too. Three egregious ones today are the EPA, OSHA, and the CPSA or CPA. All three seek to completely eliminate all negatives within their sphere of influence, a fool's errand if there ever was one.
Their "seeking to overhaul the government" in most ways is something I agree with. The federal government has become a bloated, inefficient, meddlesome, burden on the country. Sure, some of what that bureaucracy does is necessary, other parts, like the Department of Education, are worthless. There is ZERO reason a Department of Education needs to exist. Same goes for Housing and Urban Development, to give two examples. Neither is a federal function in any way shape or form. These are not interstate or national issues, but state and local ones.

Agencies that work towards 'Zero tolerance' need reigning in too. Three egregious ones today are the EPA, OSHA, and the CPSA or CPA. All three seek to completely eliminate all negatives within their sphere of influence, a fool's errand if there ever was one.
You do want the wealthy and powerful to reign. The jobs done by bureaucrats to keep the government functioning should be praised. Yet you rightys blame the workers and think the super-rich will make it all better. You have no idea how duped you are. You think people like Trump care about the masses and want things to run better. Is that what Trump showed you?
Education has to be national. Your education must translate to other states and be of high quality. You are buying into what the super-rich and crazy evangelicals want . Blow it all up and let the billionaires start over. I am sure you think they care about the people. That is the lie they have pushed since Reagan over and over. How you can identify with the Project 2025 types is telling.
View attachment 27723I know facts don't mean shit to you moronic loons, but No republican has ever left the white house with Democrats having to follow and clean up their shit...facts are facts
if you look back in history the Dems have been the ones that have to get our economy back on track every thing after we have a Republican in the W H and has been that way for years as you have shown us , I don't understand why people vote to destroy our economy and now with Trump and the 2025 project destroy the USA.
MAGAS are saying Trump doesn't know anything about it , but if you look at what he says he wants to do it is almost the same. and the people that are behind it a lot of them worked for him when he was in office
Project 2025 and Trump will be the end of the USA as we know it
Have a nice day .
I seriously doubt it. The only--ONLY--people screaming about Project 2025 are those on the radical Left and their opinion on this matter can be safely ignored as lunatic ranting because they viscerally hate Trump and will use ANY excuse, however flimsy, to attack him.
I have a question for you. Have YOU even read the 900 pages ( after the first 600 of names and other BS ) of the 2025 project?
maybe you should , you can skip the first 600 or so pages unless you what info on the people who wrote it,
as I said maybe you should so you would know what it is really about and maybe learn something about what your talking about.
Have a nice day
I have a question for you. Have YOU even read the 900 pages ( after the first 600 of names and other BS ) of the 2025 project?
maybe you should , you can skip the first 600 or so pages unless you what info on the people who wrote it,
as I said maybe you should so you would know what it is really about and maybe learn something about what your talking about.
Have a nice day
Yes, I have. There are parts I agree with, others I don't. The portion on reigning in the federal bureaucracy I'm mostly onboard with. The social portions I have serious disagreements with for the most part. That's in brief summary.

For example, I agree completely with the abolition of the Department of Education. That is a state function, not a federal one. Given the DOE's fucked up record of failure in improving education I'd say there's plenty of reason to abolish it.
Yes, I have. There are parts I agree with, others I don't. The portion on reigning in the federal bureaucracy I'm mostly onboard with. The social portions I have serious disagreements with for the most part. That's in brief summary.

For example, I agree completely with the abolition of the Department of Education. That is a state function, not a federal one. Given the DOE's fucked up record of failure in improving education I'd say there's plenty of reason to abolish it.
so you don't want any standardized education standards , it is alright with you to have one state graduate High school kids that have an education that would be equal to a 4th graders in another state?
and then they want to get rid of OHSA and take all the safety regulations away , putting us back into the early 1900's .
and lets have child labor again, I am sure we could use 8,9, 10 year olds in the Coal minds of W.V. earning 50 cents an hour.
then there is what Trump says he wants and that is have every Federal gov, employee sign a loyalty to him over the Constitution.
There are a lot of thing in it I don't agree with and scares the hell out of me.
NO I don't agree with most of it at all.
Have a nice day
so you don't want any standardized education standards , it is alright with you to have one state graduate High school kids that have an education that would be equal to a 4th graders in another state?
and then they want to get rid of OHSA and take all the safety regulations away , putting us back into the early 1900's .
and lets have child labor again, I am sure we could use 8,9, 10 year olds in the Coal minds of W.V. earning 50 cents an hour.
then there is what Trump says he wants and that is have every Federal gov, employee sign a loyalty to him over the Constitution.
There are a lot of thing in it I don't agree with and scares the hell out of me.
NO I don't agree with most of it at all.
Have a nice day
There is no need. The standards right now are for shit and getting shitter. We turn out imbeciles and morons from our high schools in mass.

I didn't say get rid of OSHA. I'm against "zero tolerance." Accidents happen. Safety Third

The fucking government isn't responsible for your safety, YOU ARE!

As for coal mines, that's the MSHA not OSHA.

Child labor isn't OSHA either. I started working at 16 part time. I worked in the hardware department at a WT Grants store. It was a very valuable experience and one that no 16-year-old could get today. That's because of onerous government regulation that puts safety above all else.

Trump isn't going to get a loyalty oath. If you didn't know it, 100 years ago most federal employees were political appointees. It didn't destroy the country then. What's destroying the country is the expansion of government, something YOU are all for.

And, as a closing note, I don't care what kind of day you have.
There is no need. The standards right now are for shit and getting shitter. We turn out imbeciles and morons from our high schools in mass.

I didn't say get rid of OSHA. I'm against "zero tolerance." Accidents happen. Safety Third

The fucking government isn't responsible for your safety, YOU ARE!

As for coal mines, that's the MSHA not OSHA.

Child labor isn't OSHA either. I started working at 16 part time. I worked in the hardware department at a WT Grants store. It was a very valuable experience and one that no 16-year-old could get today. That's because of onerous government regulation that puts safety above all else.

Trump isn't going to get a loyalty oath. If you didn't know it, 100 years ago most federal employees were political appointees. It didn't destroy the country then. What's destroying the country is the expansion of government, something YOU are all for.

And, as a closing note, I don't care what kind of day you have.
OH so we get rid of OHSA and government regs , and you are an iron worker or in another highly dangerous job, and your employer has gotten together with other employers and decided they are not paying for safety equipment any more and tells you you have to go up 12 stories up on the iron without any tie on or any safety equipment or you don't work then what do you do, take the chance every time you go up there your not going to fall to your death?
no a lot of the things they want to do away with in government are there to make people safer and better off.
have a nice day
There is no need. The standards right now are for shit and getting shitter. We turn out imbeciles and morons from our high schools in mass.

I didn't say get rid of OSHA. I'm against "zero tolerance." Accidents happen. Safety Third

The fucking government isn't responsible for your safety, YOU ARE!

As for coal mines, that's the MSHA not OSHA.

Child labor isn't OSHA either. I started working at 16 part time. I worked in the hardware department at a WT Grants store. It was a very valuable experience and one that no 16-year-old could get today. That's because of onerous government regulation that puts safety above all else.

Trump isn't going to get a loyalty oath. If you didn't know it, 100 years ago most federal employees were political appointees. It didn't destroy the country then. What's destroying the country is the expansion of government, something YOU are all for.

And, as a closing note, I don't care what kind of day you have.
you sat on your ass till you were16 ?
sorry some of us were working at 12 doing odd jobs and at 14 I went and got working papers and was putting in 40 hours a week , we weren't allowed to work more then that.
I worked on several of the estates of people who owned the largest cereal companies in the country, taking care of their horses, mowing the acres and acres of lawn, raking , cutting bushes , some really hard work ,
and as for Trump and the loyalty oath I see your another right winger that doesn't bother to read or actually listen to his speech's.
he has come out and said he would be having them take a loyalty oath to him over the Constitution or you would be fired, and could not work for the Federal gov.
he has come out and said he didn't give a shit about you he only wants your vote and your money.
and what says when he gets done doing what he says he is going to do to the people on the left, you know take their first AND Second Amendment rights away , do you remember him saying he wanted to shut down every left leaning news outlet and stop them from putting out the news because he didn't like that they said things against him , and that he would Take the people on the lefts guns away, and deal with the due process thing later, well when does later come? is it like tomorrow ? remember Tomorrow NEVER comes, seeing he doesn't give a shit about you what says he doesn't turn on you and those and more Constitutional rights away from you and his MAGA followers?
and again the tomorrow thing , he says he wants to be a dictator for a day , well when he gets to do that and says it will ONLY be for TODAY remember Tomorrow never comes, it is today , and today and today.
be careful what you wish for because once you get it and it turns around and bites you in the ass it is too late to go back.
and as for my saying have a nice day . I was brought up to be polite and have manors to bad you did seem to.
Have a nice day
There is no need. The standards right now are for shit and getting shitter. We turn out imbeciles and morons from our high schools in mass.

I didn't say get rid of OSHA. I'm against "zero tolerance." Accidents happen. Safety Third

The fucking government isn't responsible for your safety, YOU ARE!

As for coal mines, that's the MSHA not OSHA.

Child labor isn't OSHA either. I started working at 16 part time. I worked in the hardware department at a WT Grants store. It was a very valuable experience and one that no 16-year-old could get today. That's because of onerous government regulation that puts safety above all else.

Trump isn't going to get a loyalty oath. If you didn't know it, 100 years ago most federal employees were political appointees. It didn't destroy the country then. What's destroying the country is the expansion of government, something YOU are all for.

And, as a closing note, I don't care what kind of day you have.
and one more thing you want to get rid of the standards we have now that you say are putting out imbeciles and morons for what? to put out even less educated imbeciles and morons ?
Have a nice day
and one more thing you want to get rid of the standards we have now that you say are putting out imbeciles and morons for what? to put out even less educated imbeciles and morons ?
Have a nice day
No, I think that federal employees should be hired mostly, if not entirely, on their merits in terms of experience, education, and ability rather than on gender, race, and political fealty. Because right now, the later is what's happening and we are getting morons and imbeciles making decisions that should be made by competent people.
I know facts don't mean shit to you moronic loons,
I have been over this with you. You apparently are too stupid to learn.

You listed Presidents. One more time, you listed Presidents.

Congress has sole authority over the budget.

Democrat-controlled Congresses have historically put the US in deep debt just to spend, spend, spend ... wasting money like drunken sailors.

Up until 15 years ago, Republican-controlled Congresses showed fiscal restraint and limited spending to making America great (for the most part).

Get your branches of government straight.
I have been over this with you. You apparently are too stupid to learn.

You listed Presidents. One more time, you listed Presidents.

Congress has sole authority over the budget.

Democrat-controlled Congresses have historically put the US in deep debt just to spend, spend, spend ... wasting money like drunken sailors.

Up until 15 years ago, Republican-controlled Congresses showed fiscal restraint and limited spending to making America great (for the most part).

Get your branches of government straight.

to be fair republicans do to,

but just not for poor people.

they prefer forever war and corporate handouts for their rich friends.

all hail supply side!

supply side = fascism.