These People tell us Trump is a threat to our Democracy

You have project 2025 on your brain today. Is that because Media Matters trotted that phony story out yesterday to deflect from a crumbling brandon administration?
That's their current talking points "project 2025".

It's what they have right now, so they're trying to run with it and fumbling.
No, I think that federal employees should be hired mostly, if not entirely, on their merits in terms of experience, education, and ability rather than on gender, race, and political fealty. Because right now, the later is what's happening and we are getting morons and imbeciles making decisions that should be made by competent people.
and from what Trump is saying he wants to do it will only get worse,
we need educated component people working in the government NOT political appointees signing loyalty oaths to the President over the Constitution
Have a nice day
so you don't want any standardized education standards , it is alright with you to have one state graduate High school kids that have an education that would be equal to a 4th graders in another state?
and then they want to get rid of OHSA and take all the safety regulations away , putting us back into the early 1900's .
and lets have child labor again, I am sure we could use 8,9, 10 year olds in the Coal minds of W.V. earning 50 cents an hour.
then there is what Trump says he wants and that is have every Federal gov, employee sign a loyalty to him over the Constitution.
There are a lot of thing in it I don't agree with and scares the hell out of me.
NO I don't agree with most of it at all.
Have a nice day
American education has steadily declined since the Department of Education was started. It's not working.

Scrap it. You see, real people in real life realize that when something is not working, you stop trying to do things

that way and try a different approach, not double down on the same thing that doesn't work. :rolleyes2:
and from what Trump is saying he wants to do it will only get worse,
we need educated component people working in the government NOT political appointees signing loyalty oaths to the President over the Constitution
Have a nice day
Educated like you?

Component like you?

:ROFLMAO: Yeah, sorry, I gotta disagree, Bubs.
Educated like you?

Component like you?

:ROFLMAO: Yeah, sorry, I gotta disagree, Bubs.
well if having over 360 plus college credit hours is being educated I say yes like me.
worked in the auto industry and ran about 1/3 of the plant I worked in and did it for over 17 years and was very successful, so yes like me
Have a nice day
American education has steadily declined since the Department of Education was started. It's not working.

Scrap it. You see, real people in real life realize that when something is not working, you stop trying to do things

that way and try a different approach, not double down on the same thing that doesn't work. :rolleyes2:
do you have a link to where your getting your info on the Dept. of education?
and you do know most of what they teach in schools is determined by the states ,
Have a nice day
well if having over 360 plus college credit hours is being educated I say yes like me.
worked in the auto industry and ran about 1/3 of the plant I worked in and did it for over 17 years and was very successful, so yes like me
Have a nice day
O-tay, partboi. :rolleyes:
well if having over 360 plus college credit hours is being educated I say yes like me.
worked in the auto industry and ran about 1/3 of the plant I worked in and did it for over 17 years and was very successful, so yes like me
Have a nice day
and yet you still post stupid shit on the internet......must have some ivy league college with idiot lib'rul professors........did you major in women's studies and political propaganda?.....
to be fair republicans do to,

Yep, now they do, when Trump is not President. This is why I wrote "Up until 15 years ago" in reference to the Republicans.

but just not for poor people. they prefer forever war and corporate handouts for their rich friends.

Now that we have the Uniparty, whereby the RNC is simply a wholly owned subsidiary of the DNC, we can expect to see the mirror image of the DNC when we look at the RNC.

The evolution of the Uniparty will be to lump all political parties together, under inclusiveness, into one, all powerful, completely controlling RDLCGSLW+NC that makes the CCP quiver in its boots.

supply side = fascism.
I know, I know ... everything is fascism. The fascists just won America's Cup, defeating the fascists to claim the trophy.
OSHA standards are important. I worked at an engineering company where they put steps and balconies up without looking at the standards. Walking on them was uncomfortable and dangerous. They were redone to safety standards and the difference was huge. The standards are needed. This is one example. OSHA is not trying to make you go broke. They have many years of dealing with safety and are trying to make things safer. Getting rid of it will allow owners to ignore worker safety if it costs profits. Many will do it happily. Trump would in a heartbeat.
The government workers toil in obscurity. Most are dedicated to doing the job as well as they can.
American education has steadily declined since the Department of Education was started. It's not working.

Scrap it. You see, real people in real life realize that when something is not working, you stop trying to do things

that way and try a different approach, not double down on the same thing that doesn't work. :rolleyes2:
Our educational system was once the envy of the world. The public schools competed on an even base with private schools. The wealthy do not need them. They use private schools and can control them. So funding has dropped for public schools. Using property taxes as a funding base, doomed inner-city schools and enriched wealthy neighborhood schools.
People get into teaching with the best of intentions. They care. They wind up having to furnish supplies themselves. They are not responsible for what they have become.
I grew up when public schools had music classes, sports were covered, and languages were available. We had slow, average and fast classes.
It is not the educational system causing it. They fight against the wealthy and powerful. They cannot win.
American education has steadily declined since the Department of Education was started. It's not working.

Scrap it. You see, real people in real life realize that when something is not working, you stop trying to do things

that way and try a different approach, not double down on the same thing that doesn't work. :rolleyes2:
Do you even have a high school diploma?
and from what Trump is saying he wants to do it will only get worse,
we need educated component people working in the government NOT political appointees signing loyalty oaths to the President over the Constitution
Have a nice day
Well, between DIE (aka DEI) and affirmative action in general, we're getting incompetent people--downright morons in many cases--working in government because they are being appointed / hired on the basis of their politics (eg., they are Leftists), gender, and race rather than on the basis of competence and ability.