These People tell us Trump is a threat to our Democracy

Our educational system was once the envy of the world. The public schools competed on an even base with private schools. The wealthy do not need them. They use private schools and can control them. So funding has dropped for public schools. Using property taxes as a funding base, doomed inner-city schools and enriched wealthy neighborhood schools.
People get into teaching with the best of intentions. They care. They wind up having to furnish supplies themselves. They are not responsible for what they have become.
I grew up when public schools had music classes, sports were covered, and languages were available. We had slow, average and fast classes.
It is not the educational system causing it. They fight against the wealthy and powerful. They cannot win.
First, there is no relationship between spending on education and outcomes. That has been proven repeatedly.

While spending on education does have to occur, extravagant spending won't improve the outcomes. That is, for example, if we double teacher salaries we won't improve outcomes even slightly. It will simply be the same teachers getting paid more to do what they're already doing.

Two of the biggest failures in education are, first, that colleges of education--something a teacher has to attend to get certified to teach--are hotbeds of radical Leftist indoctrination today and have been for decades.

While I'm only giving one example here, there are hundreds to choose from of radical, far, Left Marxist lunatics in positions of power within colleges of education at universities across the US and even the globe. They openly seek to indoctrinate their students in their extremist beliefs and methods.

Getting rid of centralized government rule over education and localizing it would be a good thing. Revamping who can teach to be on the basis of competence in a subject versus getting a degree in education would be another good start towards making education work again.

More government in education = poorer outcomes.
You do want the wealthy and powerful to reign.
No. I want capitalists that support the Constitution to reign.
The jobs done by bureaucrats to keep the government functioning should be praised.
...such as?

Yet you rightys blame the workers and think the super-rich will make it all better.
The workers do make it better. Welfare cases like those that work for government generally do not.
You have no idea how duped you are. You think people like Trump care about the masses and want things to run better. Is that what Trump showed you?
Denying history isn't going to work, Sybil.
Education has to be national.
Unconstitutional. So is the Dept of Education. The Dept of Education hasn't educated anyone. Indoctrination is not education, Sybil.

Your education must translate to other states and be of high quality.
Indoctrination is not education, Sybil.
You are buying into what the super-rich and crazy evangelicals want.
No, that's YOU, Sybil. You cannot blame your problem on anybody else.
Blow it all up and let the billionaires start over. I am sure you think they care about the people. That is the lie they have pushed since Reagan over and over. How you can identify with the Project 2025 types is telling.
You are obviously unfamiliar with Project 2025 or Trump's campaign platform (they are different things!).
if you look back in history the Dems have been the ones that have to get our economy back on track every thing after we have a Republican in the W H and has been that way for years as you have shown us , I don't understand why people vote to destroy our economy and now with Trump and the 2025 project destroy the USA.
Blatant lie.

It is DEMOCRATS that caused the economic depression during the Obama administration.
It is DEMOCRATS that caused the current economic depression, using Covid fear mongering (Covid Hoax) to do it.
it is DEMOCRATS that caused the economic depression during the Clinton administration, when many companies fled overseas to get anything done.
It is DEMOCRATS that caused the gas lines and other shortages during the Carter years.
It is DEMOCRATS that created the bloated welfare system.
It is DEMOCRATS that forced fiat money.
It is DEMOCRATS that kept the South stuck in little more than an agrarian culture, depending instead on slaves, often brutally treated and abused.
It is DEMOCRATS that bloated the government until it's so large it can't pay for itself anymore, and it must borrow and print many trillions of dollars just to keep the party going at all. The current debt is now $34 trillion! Just SERVICING this debt is the fourth largest budget item.

It is DEMOCRATS that caused the federal government to go broke.

MAGAS are saying Trump doesn't know anything about it , but if you look at what he says he wants to do it is almost the same. and the people that are behind it a lot of them worked for him when he was in office
Project 2025 and Trump will be the end of the USA as we know it
Have a nice day .
You do want the wealthy and powerful to reign. The jobs done by bureaucrats to keep the government functioning should be praised. Yet you rightys blame the workers and think the super-rich will make it all better. You have no idea how duped you are. You think people like Trump care about the masses and want things to run better. Is that what Trump showed you?
Education has to be national. Your education must translate to other states and be of high quality. You are buying into what the super-rich and crazy evangelicals want . Blow it all up and let the billionaires start over. I am sure you think they care about the people. That is the lie they have pushed since Reagan over and over. How you can identify with the Project 2025 types is telling.
The wealthy and powerful already do and the more government there is the more power they get. Government regulations, particularly byzantine ones, favor the wealthy and big corporations. They are often designed to keep newcomers out of the market.

Trump, if elected, will come and go in a mere four years. I doubt he'll make any major lasting impact on the federal bureaucracy.

Education isn't "national," it is individual. You don't educate a nation, you educate individuals. Current federal standards certainly don't produce high quality.

All of that was and is occurring and started well before Project 2025 was even conceived.
The wealthy and powerful already do and the more government there is the more power they get. Government regulations, particularly byzantine ones, favor the wealthy and big corporations. They are often designed to keep newcomers out of the market.

Trump, if elected, will come and go in a mere four years. I doubt he'll make any major lasting impact on the federal bureaucracy.

Education isn't "national," it is individual. You don't educate a nation, you educate individuals. Current federal standards certainly don't produce high quality.

All of that was and is occurring and started well before Project 2025 was even conceived.
So you think Trump a billionaire, knows and cares about the problems of the people. Are you that immune from what he says and does? Do you think Trump wanting to take over the civil service to please the workers? That makes sense to you? The government workers are mostly dedicated people trying to do their jobs. They are not political. But if Daffy gets his way, they will be. Trump wants them loyal to him. Not the people and not their jobs.
So you think Trump a billionaire, knows and cares about the problems of the people. Are you that immune from what he says and does? Do you think Trump wanting to take over the civil service to please the workers? That makes sense to you? The government workers are mostly dedicated people trying to do their jobs. They are not political. But if Daffy gets his way, they will be. Trump wants them loyal to him. Not the people and not their jobs.
Congress makes laws, and there are plenty of LAWS covering the civil service. Biden might ignore laws, and frequently does, but I haven't seen were Trump was doing that, even to the point of saying out loud he was ignoring them, in office the way Biden has.

And, yes, there's plenty of politics associated with the civil service. The level varies by agency, but it's there.