This is how Bush will get us into Iran.'s just easier to blame Israel? I'm trying to understand your point.

Israel does deserve some of the blame.
So does the other factions.

As I said kinda hard to tell. and maybe not fair to lump the other groups together based on religion.
What path is that? The "very very bad bad man path"? Then yes. The US doesn't have any business getting rid of every very very bad bad man. Saddam was all that and a bag of shit. But since WHEN have we EVER cared that a country was ruled by a very very bad bad man? That has never been the tipping point for war. Until this bozo (with all apologies to Bozo the Clown may he RIP) took office and instituted this police of pre-emptive self defense we had a much higher standard for engaging in full fledged military operations on such a grand scale. Yes we should have left Saddam where he was. He was the ONLY thing in Iraq standing between the government and radical islam. Now we no longer have a truly secular government in Iraq. I think that everyone should be required to watch Charlie Wilson's war. In the process of helping the Mujahadeen kick in the teeth of the Soviet Union we created the Taliban, known for such hits as stoning your wife who showed her face in public to death, and Execute the non believers. Unintended consequences are a mutherfucker sometimes.

As I said doing something doesn't have to mean war. We all know what was going on at the time. Iraq was firing at our no fly zone patrol planes on a daily basis. The oil for food program was comletely corrupt. Saddam was basically giving a big middle finger to the UN sanctions against him and he was looking to restart his nuclear weapons program. We sent inspectors in and he did not cooperate.

I accept your belief that we did not need to go to war over this but I do not believe we should have allowed him to continue to defy all authority and do as he pleases while we wait to see what his next move would be.
As I said doing something doesn't have to mean war. We all know what was going on at the time. Iraq was firing at our no fly zone patrol planes on a daily basis. The oil for food program was comletely corrupt. Saddam was basically giving a big middle finger to the UN sanctions against him and he was looking to restart his nuclear weapons program. We sent inspectors in and he did not cooperate.

I accept your belief that we did not need to go to war over this but I do not believe we should have allowed him to continue to defy all authority and do as he pleases while we wait to see what his next move would be.

Ahh grasshopper you have learned noting in the past 6 years. So sad.
I'm sorry I'm speaking from where we were in 2002 & 2003 without the benefit of hindsight. Do you disagree that what I wrote was going on at that time?

As of early 2003, inspections were working. They had access to all suspected sites. Those should have been allowed to continue, period, and it's one of the great tragedies of human history that they were stopped short.
As of early 2003, inspections were working. They had access to all suspected sites. Those should have been allowed to continue, period, and it's one of the great tragedies of human history that they were stopped short.

bush could not allow them the time to prove him wrong and derail his planned invasion of Iraq.
Quite correct. It would have spoiled everything.

The bottom line is, the war was never about WMD's.

As I have said since before it began. They just could not sell the real reason.
But once they get gas up to $7-8 / gal they can probably sell it to the greatest democracy in the world.

the real america will soon be standing up.
That's much more of a lie than a screw-up, imo.

Well, I would argue differently that it ultimately was for the security of the U.S. and he should not have gotten away from that point. By making it strictly about 'stockpiles of wmd's' he set himself up for all that followed.
Israel is not the country that has been leveling threats. No one, including the UN said that Iran could not conduct military practices, when they start testing missiles that can hit Israel, Turkey, our ships in the Gulf, the missiles are being 'attacked', not the war games. The launching of the missiles was against UN mandates.

Un Mandate? Israel is in violation of many dozens of UN Resolutions since 1967, some of them recent. Don’t you come in here and throw some UN “mandate” in my face, as if you give one rat’s ass about the UN or their mandates or resolutions. When have you ever whined about Israel defying UN resolutions? UN resolutions aren’t for Jews, and they’re not for Americans. They’re for brown people, sand people, the others. The people who don’t grieve their children the way that we do. The ones who don’t matter.

If some country was whining that we had missiles which could hit their ships that they had decided to position off the coast of Loisiana, what would you say? How about – hey, don’t like it, move your freaking ships. Which is the exact proper response. What a freaking hypocrite you are.

Iran is threatening to defend itself IF ATTACKED. Period. You would insist the US do the same. You’re a hypocrite and a phony. So go get your war on. But make sure you put some skin on the field this time around.

“Hossein Salami, a commander of the Revolutionary Guards, was quoted as saying: “The aim of these war games is to show we are ready to defend the integrity of the Iranian nation.”
“Our missiles are ready for shooting at any place and any time, quickly and with accuracy. The enemy must not repeat its mistakes. The enemy targets are under surveillance,” he said.

The missile tests followed remarks by a senior Iranian official who was quoted Tuesday as warning the United States against attacking Iran.

“In case that they commit such foolishness, Tel Aviv and the U.S. fleet in the Persian Gulf would be the first targets to burst into flames receiving Iran’s crushing response,” said Ali Shirazi, a representative of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, according to the Iranian state news agency.
Israel does deserve some of the blame.
So does the other factions.

As I said kinda hard to tell. and maybe not fair to lump the other groups together based on religion.

I was not lumping them together by religion, rather already identified ties to Iran via training and weapons through Egypt and Syria.
Un Mandate? Israel is in violation of many dozens of UN Resolutions since 1967, some of them recent. Don’t you come in here and throw some UN “mandate” in my face, as if you give one rat’s ass about the UN or their mandates or resolutions. When have you ever whined about Israel defying UN resolutions? UN resolutions aren’t for Jews, and they’re not for Americans. They’re for brown people, sand people, the others. The people who don’t grieve their children the way that we do. The ones who don’t matter.

If some country was whining that we had missiles which could hit their ships that they had decided to position off the coast of Loisiana, what would you say? How about – hey, don’t like it, move your freaking ships. Which is the exact proper response. What a freaking hypocrite you are.

Iran is threatening to defend itself IF ATTACKED. Period. You would insist the US do the same. You’re a hypocrite and a phony. So go get your war on. But make sure you put some skin on the field this time around.

“Hossein Salami, a commander of the Revolutionary Guards, was quoted as saying: “The aim of these war games is to show we are ready to defend the integrity of the Iranian nation.”
“Our missiles are ready for shooting at any place and any time, quickly and with accuracy. The enemy must not repeat its mistakes. The enemy targets are under surveillance,” he said.

The missile tests followed remarks by a senior Iranian official who was quoted Tuesday as warning the United States against attacking Iran.

“In case that they commit such foolishness, Tel Aviv and the U.S. fleet in the Persian Gulf would be the first targets to burst into flames receiving Iran’s crushing response,” said Ali Shirazi, a representative of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, according to the Iranian state news agency.

So we drop the 'feminine' and really go for the discriminatory. Uh huh. Have you read those UN resolutions regarding Israel? Do you have a clue to why those may just perhaps be discriminatory? :rolleyes:

Funny how any word said by those threatening others, you believe over US or allies. While some Israelis have certainly acted wrongly in building settlements where they shouldn't have, what say you about Palestinian behaviors?

As for what I think of the UN, that is a position I changed my mind about around 15 years ago, after working for them a bit.
So we drop the 'feminine' and really go for the discriminatory. Uh huh. Have you read those UN resolutions regarding Israel? Do you have a clue to why those may just perhaps be discriminatory? :rolleyes:

Funny how any word said by those threatening others, you believe over US or allies. While some Israelis have certainly acted wrongly in building settlements where they shouldn't have, what say you about Palestinian behaviors?

As for what I think of the UN, that is a position I changed my mind about around 15 years ago, after working for them a bit.

Hey Kath, this entire post is zionist propoganda you pulled out of your war whoring ass. You are out here whoring for Israel. You have no evidence of your emotive bullshit claims. Send your own kids to die for Israel. That's fine with me.

I never used the word feminine, you did.

Now, go fuck yourself, and go do your war whoring, but make sure you put some skin on that field this time.
I just hope you have to suffer for every child you burn to death, war whore.

It’s a good question you bring up though. If feminism , in its purest form, is simply an ideology that says, women can do everything men can do, then it is feminist to say that a woman can be just as big of a murderous, child killer, war whore as any man. That appears to be true.

So, it is anti-feminist, to find something about a war whoring woman, panting for the
chance to murder other women’s children, to be unnatural?

I’m going to write about that. Thanks war whore, you inspired me.
I just hope you have to suffer for every child you burn to death, war whore.

It’s a good question you bring up though. If feminism , in its purest form, is simply an ideology that says, women can do everything men can do, then it is feminist to say that a woman can be just as big of a murderous, child killer, war whore as any man. That appears to be true.

So, it is anti-feminist, to find something about a war whoring woman, panting for the
chance to murder other women’s children, to be unnatural?

I’m going to write about that. Thanks war whore, you inspired me.

And if being a closed-minded, foul-mouthed spewer of nonsense makes you a cracker jack writer, good luck in sales.