This is how Bush will get us into Iran.

You and every other war whore, after five fucking years, and countless miserable, painful deaths of hundreds of thousands, better put some skin on the table this time around. Put your son up kath. And not just some nebulous “he joined, he’s thinking of joining” I want his ass in Iraq when we bomb children in Iran.
Thornicus, the only war mongering piece of shit I know around here still young enough to go, get your ass over there. The rest of you, you better put a kid up, and if you’re too old, put up a grandkid.
Let the war mongers, the children of the war mongers, and the grand children of the war WHORES, be the ones to die this time around, and the only ones. Jose ain’t dying for Israel, sorry. Send Brad, you inhumane, and inhuman bastards.
You and every other war whore, after five f*&%$years, and countless miserable, painful deaths of hundreds of thousands, better put some skin on the table this time around. Put your son up kath. And not just some nebulous “he joined, he’s thinking of joining” I want his a$$ in Iraq when we bomb children in Iran.
Thornicus, the only war mongering piece of $hit I know around here still young enough to go, get your a$$ over there. The rest of you, you better put a kid up, and if you’re too old, put up a grandkid.
Let the war mongers, the children of the war mongers, and the grand children of the war WHORES, be the ones to die this time around, and the only ones. Jose ain’t dying for Israel, sorry. Send Brad, you inhumane, and inhuman b@stards.

FYI for all you warmongers:

The Army raised the active-duty age limit to 40 in January as an interim step while it worked out the additional medical screening requirements for recruits ages 40 to 42. Before January, an applicant could not have reached his or her 35th birthday. The Army Reserve age limit was raised from 35 to 40 in March 2005.

I couldn't agree with you anymore. Its very easy to sit back sip on your morning's cafe latte and think yeah.....we should go war when it will have zero consequence on your life other than high gas prices. This is deplorable and if Obama supports an attack on Iran when they have not attacked the US (not its allies), I won't be voting for him.
It might be a good idea for some to think ahead and a little more deeply. :rolleyes: Here's a piece that gives some food for thought, whichever way one is inclined:

...In particular, an Israeli military exercise last month was widely seen as a warning to Tehran.

But that exercise may also have been intended to send a message to the US, noted Kenneth Pollack, a Middle East expert at the Brookings Institution, at a June 26 seminar on US policy toward Iran.

"They are trying to signal that they are really concerned about what is going on here. And [the US and other nations] don't want to let this go too far down the road," he said at a Center for Strategic and International Studies seminar on June 26.

The likelihood of Israel bombing Iranian nuclear enrichment facilities is not zero, but it is not as high as many experts seem to think, Mr. Pollack said at the CSIS seminar.

That is because Israel knows that it may face retaliation from Iranian allies in Lebanon and Gaza.

"The Israelis are very nervous that if they do it, what happens is actually that Hezbollah and Hamas are told [by Iran], 'We gave you guys 15,000 rockets for a reason. Use them,' " Pollack said.

Meanwhile, talk of force, either overtly or through hints and nods, may be counterproductive, according to Jon Alterman, director of the CSIS Middle East program.

FYI for all you warmongers:

The Army raised the active-duty age limit to 40 in January as an interim step while it worked out the additional medical screening requirements for recruits ages 40 to 42. Before January, an applicant could not have reached his or her 35th birthday. The Army Reserve age limit was raised from 35 to 40 in March 2005.

I couldn't agree with you anymore. Its very easy to sit back sip on your morning's cafe latte and think yeah.....we should go war when it will have zero consequence on your life other than high gas prices. This is deplorable and if Obama supports an attack on Iran when they have not attacked the US (not its allies), I won't be voting for him.

They’re going to go after Iran for many reasons, but one of them is most definitely to tie Obama up in this. And from what I have seen lately, he’s running scared, and he’ll support it. And if that happens, then I can’t vote for him either. I could have got that shit from Hillary.
FYI for all you warmongers:

The Army raised the active-duty age limit to 40 in January as an interim step while it worked out the additional medical screening requirements for recruits ages 40 to 42. Before January, an applicant could not have reached his or her 35th birthday. The Army Reserve age limit was raised from 35 to 40 in March 2005.

I couldn't agree with you anymore. Its very easy to sit back sip on your morning's cafe latte and think yeah.....we should go war when it will have zero consequence on your life other than high gas prices. This is deplorable and if Obama supports an attack on Iran when they have not attacked the US (not its allies), I won't be voting for him.

Mega-ditto's to this & Darla's post. So many of the idiots on here throw out the "Obama does it" or "says it" card like it will shut us up, but they don't realize that we're not hacks like they are. If Obama does it or says it like Bush, he's dead to me.

Too bad that they can't make the age even higher; Bush thinks it would be "romantic" to be fighting in Afghanistan, and he'll have plenty of time on his hands come January.
It might be a good idea for some to think ahead and a little more deeply. :rolleyes: Here's a piece that gives some food for thought, whichever way one is inclined:

It might be a good idea for you to stop being a cut and paste queen, scouring the internet for anything that will excuse Israel’s actions, and shut your fucking mouth until you yourself can explain why the United States and Israel can issue belligerent statements, and stage provocative war games against Iran, but Iran shouldn’t respond by saying, “If you attack us FIRST (FIRST, GOT THAT?), this is what we can do to you.

Do you know what “if you attack us FIRST” means war whore?

I really cannot fathom a woman who would pant for the death of other woman’s children, ignoring all belligerent actions of Israel, and closing their eyes to the road of diplomacy and negotiations that would save so many thousands of young lives. You are one sick bitch. You know full well that if any country was acting towards the US the way Israel (and us) have been acting towards Iran, you would be the first screaming for a preemptive attack. But all iran is doing, is threatening to RESPOND to a preemptive attack. Just, absolutely sick. You should see a doctor.
It might be a good idea for you to stop being a cut and paste queen, scouring the internet for anything that will excuse Israel’s actions, and shut your fucking mouth until you yourself can explain why the United States and Israel can issue belligerent statements, and stage provocative war games against Iran, but Iran shouldn’t respond by saying, “If you attack us FIRST (FIRST, GOT THAT?), this is what we can do to you.

Do you know what “if you attack us FIRST” means war whore?

I really cannot fathom a woman who would pant for the death of other woman’s children, ignoring all belligerent actions of Israel, and closing their eyes to the road of diplomacy and negotiations that would save so many thousands of young lives. You are one sick bitch. You know full well that if any country was acting towards the US the way Israel (and us) have been acting towards Iran, you would be the first screaming for a preemptive attack. But all iran is doing, is threatening to RESPOND to a preemptive attack. Just, absolutely sick. You should see a doctor.

Umm, I'm not the one with an anger management problem. On the other hand, why would anyone wish to write original thoughts or even more commentary with the likes of you and your friends.

Do you really only want an echo chamber or are you willing to discuss?
Umm, I'm not the one with an anger management problem. On the other hand, why would anyone wish to write original thoughts or even more commentary with the likes of you and your friends.

Ummm, you're on a political message board where people debate their ideas.
I still have that liberal dream that the warmongers will actually have to pay for their war(s).
In more than one way, in money and blood of their own.
Umm, I'm not the one with an anger management problem. On the other hand, why would anyone wish to write original thoughts or even more commentary with the likes of you and your friends.

Do you really only want an echo chamber or are you willing to discuss?

You always end up saying something like this; it's a total cop-out. Are you trying to tell us that you actually DO have original thoughts, but you don't want to "waste" them here, because they'll just get shot down in the "echo chamber?"

I'm betting that you don't have that many original thoughts or much insight on this or other topics. I'm betting that cut & paste is what you're best at.
You and every other war whore, after five fucking years, and countless miserable, painful deaths of hundreds of thousands, better put some skin on the table this time around. Put your son up kath. And not just some nebulous “he joined, he’s thinking of joining” I want his ass in Iraq when we bomb children in Iran.
Thornicus, the only war mongering piece of shit I know around here still young enough to go, get your ass over there. The rest of you, you better put a kid up, and if you’re too old, put up a grandkid.
Let the war mongers, the children of the war mongers, and the grand children of the war WHORES, be the ones to die this time around, and the only ones. Jose ain’t dying for Israel, sorry. Send Brad, you inhumane, and inhuman bastards.

I have to ask, because I have never understood.... Why do some people suggest that people "send their kids (or grandkids)" to Iraq/Iran etc...?????

1) You cannot send a minor.

2) While they are the "children" they must also be adults to enlist. Which means it is the decision of the kids or grandkids as to whether or not they volunteer. It is not the decision of the parents.

3) Many children do not share the political views of their parents. So why should they get "sent" based on what their parents (or grandparents) say?
Umm, I'm not the one with an anger management problem. On the other hand, why would anyone wish to write original thoughts or even more commentary with the likes of you and your friends.

Do you really only want an echo chamber or are you willing to discuss?

So you have no answer for why Iran shouldn’t respond to threats of an attack, by saying “this is what we can do if you attack FIRST”, other than you don’t have much going on and war is fun! to watch on TV.
That’s what I figured.

Willing to discuss? Your cut and pastes? Your war-mongering? You know, I don’t find dead children in the streets to be something I’m “willing to discuss”. That would imply that you are a rational human being. Frankly, you’ve already shown you’re neither. My dearest wish is that someone somewhere is keeping a cosmic scoreboard, all of the pain and misery and early death you war whores have visited on so many, comes back to you throughout your lives. Anger problem? Well honey, if a human being doesn’t get angry about the senseless, violent, bloody, painful deaths of children, what the fuck should they get angry over? Their favorite getting kicked off American Idol?

You better bet your ass I’m angry. Any human being should be.
They’re going to go after Iran for many reasons, but one of them is most definitely to tie Obama up in this. And from what I have seen lately, he’s running scared, and he’ll support it. And if that happens, then I can’t vote for him either. I could have got that shit from Hillary.

ya.... its all because of obama...please
I have to ask, because I have never understood.... Why do some people suggest that people "send their kids (or grandkids)" to Iraq/Iran etc...?????

1) You cannot send a minor.

2) While they are the "children" they must also be adults to enlist. Which means it is the decision of the kids or grandkids as to whether or not they volunteer. It is not the decision of the parents.

3) Many children do not share the political views of their parents. So why should they get "sent" based on what their parents (or grandparents) say?

well, whene i here it, i get the notion that they want to controll their "kids" their whole life and make their decisions.
You always end up saying something like this; it's a total cop-out. Are you trying to tell us that you actually DO have original thoughts, but you don't want to "waste" them here, because they'll just get shot down in the "echo chamber?"

I'm betting that you don't have that many original thoughts or much insight on this or other topics. I'm betting that cut & paste is what you're best at.

Actually you might be surprised regarding my ability to do more than cut and paste, (though I can do that well ;) ), ask Damo, Desh, or BAC. On the other hand, one might try to respond with more than attacks. There is much I disagree with here and a few things posted that I checked out that changed my thinking. I don't think I've ever responded with attacks or the type of "feminine" swearing and denigration you appear to favor. I'd say that so far it's you that has nothing to say and little skills to even find a 'cut & paste' that undermines any of mine.
Actually you might be surprised regarding my ability to do more than cut and paste, (though I can do that well ;) ), ask Damo, Desh, or BAC. On the other hand, one might try to respond with more than attacks. There is much I disagree with here and a few things posted that I checked out that changed my thinking. I don't think I've ever responded with attacks or the type of "feminine" swearing and denigration you appear to favor. I'd say that so far it's you that has nothing to say and little skills to even find a 'cut & paste' that undermines any of mine.

That’s right, cursing is unfeminine, but warwhoring is the very height of Southern female gentility.

Another example of why I despise female cons. You freaks really have your priorities mixed up.
That’s right, cursing is unfeminine, but warwhoring is the very height of Southern female gentility.

Another example of why I despise female cons. You freaks really have your priorities mixed up.

Another enlightening post. The hypocrisy that females must toe your line or be unfeminine. Sort of like if one finds Obama's background/experience unsuitable at this time, they are certainly bigoted. I love that logic, oh yeah, lots to learn from you. :rolleyes:
I have to ask, because I have never understood.... Why do some people suggest that people "send their kids (or grandkids)" to Iraq/Iran etc...?????

1) You cannot send a minor.

2) While they are the "children" they must also be adults to enlist. Which means it is the decision of the kids or grandkids as to whether or not they volunteer. It is not the decision of the parents.

3) Many children do not share the political views of their parents. So why should they get "sent" based on what their parents (or grandparents) say?

Yep, the kids of warwhores should be dragged kicking and screaming to the field of battle, if need be.

It’s not fair?

Neither is the painful, miserable deaths of children and women who didn’t volunteer for any of this shit either.

And it’d stop these preemptive murderous wars of choice, real fast. As long as Jose is going over to do their dirty work, it’ll continue. Well, fuck that.