This is how Bush will get us into Iran.

I will have to disagree Darla. I feel it is the other way around. Israel uses us. They will make concessions from time to time but not abandon their over all goals if we tell them to.

Which is why Soc's idea of a good bye letter is beautiful
Umm we are on their payroll but have to wait till we go to heaven to get paid for helping Gods chosen ones.

They are on our payroll, and like all good employees, they do as they are told to do.

It is all about US oil interests. Of course Israel often has their own motives, but, if the US told them not to attack Iran, or else, then they would not attack Iran. Under this administration, you have seen Cheney working in actual concert with the Israelis. Any attack on Iran will be approved and planned by him. If it is Iran who is told to do the frontman work, than they were told we will be coming in at the first excuse, which of course, Iran will give us once they are attacked. Some call it “self-defense” but when Iran strikes back it will be called an unprovoked act of war on the United States.

And…people will buy it.
You mean they would not openly attack Iran if we told them not to. Sneaky bastiges.

Our military nor budget/debt will handle a war in Iran. Nor our economy from the increased oil prices alone.

Draft and taxes baby if we get into it with Iran.
we are not going into Iran, but thanks for the comedy.
This is Obama's country to run now, Bush is just keeping the engine Idling and he knows it. He doesn't want to be the blacksheep pres, my bet is Pelosi has been kicking his ass behind closed doors for months now and Has finally gotten him to realize that Obama is calling the shots.
we are not going into Iran, but thanks for the comedy.
This is Obama's country to run now, Bush is just keeping the engine Idling and he knows it. He doesn't want to be the blacksheep pres, my bet is Pelosi has been kicking his ass behind closed doors for months now and Has finally gotten him to realize that Obama is calling the shots.

yeah well a year ago you were betting that Hillary was going to win the nomination.
They are on our payroll, and like all good employees, they do as they are told to do.

It is all about US oil interests. Of course Israel often has their own motives, but, if the US told them not to attack Iran, or else, then they would not attack Iran. Under this administration, you have seen Cheney working in actual concert with the Israelis. Any attack on Iran will be approved and planned by him. If it is Iran who is told to do the frontman work, than they were told we will be coming in at the first excuse, which of course, Iran will give us once they are attacked. Some call it “self-defense” but when Iran strikes back it will be called an unprovoked act of war on the United States.

And…people will buy it.

It's fascist collaborative effort.
You mean they would not openly attack Iran if we told them not to. Sneaky bastiges.

Our military nor budget/debt will handle a war in Iran. Nor our economy from the increased oil prices alone.

Draft and taxes baby if we get into it with Iran.

Does W know that?
If Israel wants to go to war with Iran, have at it, hit em first all you want. But when the rest of the Arab world decides to rain on you, don't ask for US help. You are big country, 60 years old and everything. Defend yourself.
Yeah, like they did last time Israel bombed Iran.... wait...
Yeah, sounds like the US is easily going to war there. Which country kidnapped the British sailors? Which has threatened US ships? Which has threatened the Straits? Which has a leader and surrogates, backed by the mullahs that threaten and attack Israel? Notice the tough response for displaying the ability to deliver a fatal blow:

July 10, 2008
Iran Says It Test-Fired Missiles

PARIS — One day after threatening to strike Tel Aviv and United States interests if attacked, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards were reported on Wednesday to have test-fired nine missiles, including one which Tehran claims has the range to reach Israel.

State-run media, quoted by Western news agencies, said the missiles were long- and medium-range projectiles, among them a new version of the Shahab-3 which Tehran maintains can hit targets 1,250 miles away from its firing position.

The reported tests coincide with increasingly tense negotiations over Tehran’s nuclear program, which Iran says is for civilian purposes but which many Western governments suspect is aimed at building nuclear weapons. At the same time, United States and British warships have been conducting naval maneuvers in the Persian Gulf — apparently within range of the launching site of the missiles tested on Wednesday. Israel insisted it did not want war with Iran.

“Israel has no desire for conflict or hostilities with Iran,” Mark Regev, a spokesman for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, said. “But the Iranian nuclear program and the Iranian ballistic missile program must be of grave concern to the entire international community.”

The missile tests drew a sharp response from the United States. Gordon D. Johndroe, the deputy White House press secretary, said in a statement at the Group of 8 meeting in Japan that Iran’s development of ballistic missiles was a violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions.

“The Iranian regime only furthers the isolation of the Iranian people from the international community when it engages in this sort of activity,” Mr. Johndroe said.

He urged Iran to “refrain from further missile tests if they truly seek to gain the trust of the world. The Iranians should stop the development of ballistic missiles which could be used as a delivery vehicle for a potential nuclear weapon immediately.” The missile tests were reported after the Group of 8 leaders urged Iran to suspend uranium enrichment. Moreover, Iran displayed its military capability just a day after the United States and the Czech Republic signed an accord to allow the Pentagon to deploy part of its contentious antiballistic missile shield, which Washington maintains is designed to protect in part against Iranian missiles....
Hey Kath, i have seen some one-sided shit in my life, but the crap you spew is really beyond the pale. Are you Jewish? Just curious.

It was only a couple of weeks ago that ISRAEL staged war games:

WASHINGTON — Israel carried out a major military exercise earlier this month that American officials say appeared to be a rehearsal for a potential bombing attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Several American officials said the Israeli exercise appeared to be an effort to develop the military’s capacity to carry out long-range strikes and to demonstrate the seriousness with which Israel views Iran’s nuclear program.

More than 100 Israeli F-16 and F-15 fighters participated in the maneuvers, which were carried out over the eastern Mediterranean and over Greece during the first week of June, American officials said.

Further, as you might know if you haven't been in a coma??? That has not been the only threat towards Iran recently. Bush has recently warned them that "nothing is off the table". There have been reports that either Israel or the Us, or both, are planning a near-future attack on Iran. And the Bush adminstration has told the world, if you, like Iraq, cannot hurt us, we will invade your country, kill your leader, and murder errr, excuse me, "liberate" your people, and occupy you indefinitely. However, if you, like N Korea, can do some damage in return, we'll negotiate.

So, what do you think the US would do if Canada was acting the way Israel and the Us is towards us? Beg "pleasssse don't attack us" or say, this is what we can do to you fuckers if you do attack??? The latter of course. Iran has every right to self-defense.

Stop acting like this, it's sickening. You're a woman. There is something particularly and disgustingly pornographic about watching a woman slobbering and panting for more war. Slobbering and panting for more dead children.

You disgust me. And if we hit Iran? Because of what a piece of shit I think you are? i hope your son is in Iraq by then Kathi. Better your son than someone else's

Those boys are going down in a fucking pig slaughter the second we hit Iran.
..... And the Bush adminstration has told the world, if you, like Iraq, cannot hurt us, we will invade your country, kill your leader, and murder errr, excuse me, "liberate" your people, and occupy you indefinitely. However, if you, like N Korea, can do some damage in return, we'll negotiate.

Taking military options 'off the table' is not a good idea:

Barack Obama's Israel Bond
by Joshua Frank

In an attempt to squelch rumors that he is pro-Palestinian, or god forbid Muslim, Barack Obama made it clear in the final Democratic Presidential debate on Tuesday that he is anything but. After being prodded by NBC's Tim Russert on the issue, Obama said he has long been a "stalwart friend of Israel's," believing the country to be one of the United States' "most important allies in the region," and even going as far as to call the security of Israel "sacrosanct."

The hallowed confirmation that he would maintain the US's lopsided support for Israel came the same day seven Palestinians were killed by Israeli air strikes in Gaza. Since "peace negotiations" resumed in November, Israeli military forces have reportedly killed over 200 Palestinians.

Speaking to a group of 100 pro-Israel supporters in Cleveland this week, Obama assured the crowd that as president he would keep Iran in the crosshairs to protect Israeli interests.

"Now the gravest threat ... to Israel today, I believe, is from Iran. There the radical regime continues to pursue its capacity to build a nuclear weapon and continues to support terrorism across the region," he explained. "Threats of Israel's destruction can not be dismissed as rhetoric. The threat from Iran is real and my goal as president would be to eliminate that threat."

After reiterating that he'd end the war in Iraq first, Obama then promised he would turn his attention to the country's neighbor. "My approach to Iran will be aggressive diplomacy: I will not take any military options off the table."

Taking military options 'off the table' is not a good idea:

That’s your response? Obama said it too? Do you really think I give a fuck? Speak for yourself, warmonger. What is your response to this below? Hoping nobody will notice because it might interfere with your dreams of war? Why do you believe that Iran has no right to respond to these aggressive action by Israel? Please explain for the rest of the world.

WASHINGTON — Israel carried out a major military exercise earlier this month that American officials say appeared to be a rehearsal for a potential bombing attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Several American officials said the Israeli exercise appeared to be an effort to develop the military’s capacity to carry out long-range strikes and to demonstrate the seriousness with which Israel views Iran’s nuclear program.

More than 100 Israeli F-16 and F-15 fighters participated in the maneuvers, which were carried out over the eastern Mediterranean and over Greece during the first week of June, American officials said.