This is what happens when you live in a state run by Republicans

True they took the risks and should just die.
Facing the consequences of your actions, even if they are so high, is something that often will happen in a free society. Attempting to take the consequences away is a mistake and actually an infringement on freedoms.
Dead people and brain dead people dont learn much.

Damo its not just compassion its pocketbook. You can still go helmetless you just have to accept the price that comes with it like tickets and revoked DL.
Dead people and brain dead people dont learn much.

Damo its not just compassion its pocketbook. You can still go helmetless you just have to accept the price that comes with it like tickets and revoked DL.
It is "misapplied compassion" that makes you open the public 'pocketbook' to pay for them.

Again, this is just one example. I wear a helmet when I ride. The point is, a classical liberal doesn't make laws "for your own good" to "save the public money" because he isn't using the public's money to pay for the idiot.

Only today's "progressive" makes these laws because they misapply compassion and pay for the stupidity of others.
At least Desh isn't attempting to argue that "liberals" don't make the idiotic laws, she's just trying to justify it.
Because all people who buy motorcycle insurance pay that premium. Your nannyism aside. The bottom line is, they only cost you more if you are willing to pay for them. Let people make their own mistakes and don't because of "compassion" bail them out.

Let's focus on big shit, like Ron Paul wanting to force mothers not to have an abortion, instead of trivial common sense shit like helmet laws that Libertarians froth at the mouth about. Christ.
Facing the consequences of your actions, even if they are so high, is something that often will happen in a free society. Attempting to take the consequences away is a mistake and actually an infringement on freedoms.

A trivial infringement. If a trivial infringement can, in total, improve the general happiness of society, I am for it. Helmet laws do. The only grounds to oppose them on are trivial, irrelevant, illogical, emotional grounds.
Let's focus on big shit, like Ron Paul wanting to force mothers not to have an abortion, instead of trivial common sense shit like helmet laws that Libertarians froth at the mouth about. Christ.
Silly little emo, this is only one of the little things that make a marked difference between a classical liberal and a liberatarian.

One person asked me to point out differences between liberals and libertarians, I was able to do it so effectively with one of the little things, that the entire thread became about that little thing.

PC'ism is part of modern "liberalism", pretending that it isn't is just that, pretense. It is what drives idiots to ban books like "To Kill a Mockingbird" when such an action actually works against what they claim to be trying to do.
A trivial infringement. If a trivial infringement can, in total, improve the general happiness of society, I am for it. Helmet laws do. The only grounds to oppose them on are trivial, irrelevant, illogical, emotional grounds.
All infringements add up. And there is nothing trivial about protecting freedoms.

Those who are willing to give up freedoms for such a minimal return have sold their most valuable possession for pennies.
At least Desh isn't attempting to argue that "liberals" don't make the idiotic laws, she's just trying to justify it.

Its not an idiotic law Damo. Driving is a priveldge not a right. You dont have the right to cause me to watch your self destruction and put me in danger of an accident because you want to spread your brains on the pavement then make me pay for your care.
Its not an idiotic law Damo. Driving is a priveldge not a right. You dont have the right to cause me to watch your self destruction and put me in danger of an accident because you want to spread your brains on the pavement then make me pay for your care.
LOL. Driving is a privilege. You do not have a right to force me to pay for other people who use that privilege stupidly.

The reality is, motorcyclists are not going to hurt you in your cage. It is far more likely that you will, due to ignorance, hurt them.

Again. It isn't "liberal" to make such a law in any classical sense, it is only "liberal" in the present sense. That same "liberal" will attempt to make laws to censure (not censor, that is a different thing) people for using language they dislike. I have watched it happen right here on the floor of the state house.
LOL. Driving is a privilege. You do not have a right to force me to pay for other people who use that privilege stupidly.

The reality is, motorcyclists are not going to hurt you in your cage. It is far more likely that you will, due to ignorance, hurt them.

I had a motorcycle wreck last May. Had it not been for the helmet (we are a helmet optional state) I would have very likely been killed. I am definitely for me wearing a helmet. I am not for forcing this on others by way of law.
I had a motorcycle wreck last May. Had it not been for the helmet (we are a helmet optional state) I would have very likely been killed. I am definitely for me wearing a helmet. I am not for forcing this on others by way of law.
Yup. I'm not stupid. I wear a helmet every time. But if you want to be stupid then so be it. Just don't expect me to pay for your care.

(general 'you' not you personally lr...)
There is the safety issue damo.

Im behind you in my tank, You go down ,your brains go splat and I hydro plane on them because you have such a huge libertarian brain and me and the whole family are sailing off a cliff.

Seriously Damo a motorcycle is still a danger to a car. I am hyper aware of bikes and motorcycles because they represent fellow travelers who are very likely to break the rules and ruin my day even if they only put a dent in my tank.
Its not an idiotic law Damo. Driving is a priveldge not a right. You dont have the right to cause me to watch your self destruction and put me in danger of an accident because you want to spread your brains on the pavement then make me pay for your care.


1) Do not pay for their care

2) Having a helmet or not does not put you in danger of an accident. They either wreck or don't. The increase in potential damage to themselves does not effect whether you wreck or not.

3) What happened to the liberal position of "its their body let them do with it as they choose"? Suddenly it is ok to tell someone what they should wear because YOU think it is in their best interest?
I had a motorcycle wreck last May. Had it not been for the helmet (we are a helmet optional state) I would have very likely been killed. I am definitely for me wearing a helmet. I am not for forcing this on others by way of law.

I cannot fathom why anyone would ride a motorcycle without a helmet. Hell I wear one on a road bicycle. A biker on ride the rockies last year slammed into the back of a car (that erroneously pulled out in front of a trio of bikers thinking they were going far slower than they were). His helmet is all that saved his ass.... and that is on a road bike.
When the jackass who is next to me swerves and hits me because he was trying to not run your ass over It does effect me dude.
Rebublicans have no compassion until something hits close to home. I guess you could call it selfish compassion ?

1) Do not pay for their care

2) Having a helmet or not does not put you in danger of an accident. They either wreck or don't. The increase in potential damage to themselves does not effect whether you wreck or not.

3) What happened to the liberal position of "its their body let them do with it as they choose"? Suddenly it is ok to tell someone what they should wear because YOU think it is in their best interest?

So a stone or bird hitting the head of an unhelmeted rider and causing them to swerve into your path does not effect you ?

they don't need eye protection either do they? who needs to see where they are going anyway.

And don't say it does not happen I had blood and feathers on my helmet 2 times. And had a good sized nick from a gravel as well. I assume it was a gravel.