This is why I won't ever vote for a leftist

I drove for Uber and Lift for 4 years while living in Florida and I encountered around 6,500 people. We all got along together rather nicely.
I don't have a gun, but unlike you lefties…
Since you’re an obvious liar and hater, nothing you post can be trusted. The fact you're not very bright just adds to your problems.

Too bad you won’t let your family get you help. I predict your life will end poorly; either suicide or death by stupidity.
One of JPPs leftist angels, who wishes that people they disagree with be violently murdered, started a thread with the following OP

USC draws backlash for canceling valedictorian’s speech due to support for Palestine
The US’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization has condemned the University of Southern California’s decision to prohibit the graduating class’ valedictorian from speaking at May’s commencement ceremony after she posted messages of support for Palestine on a social media account.

What amazes me about leftists is their selective outrage over censorship. The leftist "angel" seems to be in agreement with the "largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization" that condemned USC for not allowing a pro Palestine speech at it's upcoming graduation. What's funny is this same leftist "angel" that wishes some people be violently murdered would be more than pleased and would defend the USC if they refused to allow a conservative to speak on campus.

For people that ask why I voted for trump it's behavior like this that would vote for Charles Manson before any democrat.

I drove for Uber and Lift for 4 years while living in Florida and I encountered around 6,500 people. We all got along together rather nicely.
I don't have a gun, but unlike you lefties I stand firm on having people adhere to, and not to change anything about our 2nd Amendment rights.

Too bad you aren't one of those pro Americans that I was referring to by calling them 'WE'. I shall just keep calling you and others like you...'Marxists'.
I know, that's another form of gang speak. Okay, I can live with that.

Wow, I admitted that I no longer abide by my oath to the Constitution? What is this about murdering an innocent person? What are you smoking?

Speaking of mental health: You did see my OP on how over 50% of young liberal girls/women had serious mental disorders? But I will be posting a new
one very soon that goes further into detail of just how mentally deranged the Left is has become.

The “tiny penis.”
You prove yourself wrong. To explain why you'll never vote for a leftist you cite what you suppose is an individual case of hypocrisy. But hypocrisy is apolitical of course. It's a personality failing that people succumb to or not regardless of political outlook. All you've told us is that you won't overlook hypocrisy if and when you see it on the Left, and you think that is information you should share with the forum.

In other words you're being an asshole.

So he's being an asshole pointing out the problems of the Democrats. Big hairy deal.
Voting is a political act, Sock.
That does nothing to change the fact USC is private school.

Thousands of private companies take small business loans from the government, and millions of private citizens take social security Social Security payments from the government

USC is not a private school. It is funded by government.
It's my contention that I have never based a decision as important as the right to vote on what some obscure moron said on a message board.

I have thought long and hard about what my own personal values and principles are, and that's what I base my vote on.

You're the obscure moron, Sock.
Agreed. As such they a libel for any violence or harmful actions that take place on their campus. The First Amendment restrictions apply to government. Only MAGAts are stupid enough to believe they apply to private businesses they don’t like.

USC is not a private school, Sock.
It doesn't seem like MAGA morons have their own original and independent values and principles. They just define themselves by being against whatever Democrats are doing.

You are describing yourself again, Sock. You cannot project YOUR problems on anybody else.
MAGA isn't a person, Sock.
Agreed. It’s one reason why they are so cultish; they simply believe what the Orange Jesus tells them. It’s been proved multiple times over the past several years. Not just the JPP MAGAts either, but the MAGAts in Congress.

You are describing yourself and the Democrats again, Sock. You cannot project YOUR problems on anybody else.
You mindlessly do what Democrats tell you.
MAGA isn't a person, Sock.
USC is a private school and can do whatever they want. Valedictorians should be non-controversial people, in principle. Nobody has a God given right to be a valedictorian.

I am liberal, pro-Israel, and think there should be equitable two state solution guaranteeing Israel's security and addressing Palestinian concerns as much as feasible.

That is a mainstream position among mainstream Democratic politicians.

I have not heard any mainstream national Democratic politician complain about this USC thing.

A 2-state soluton is the only one that doesn't result in genocide.
One of JPPs leftist angels, who wishes that people they disagree with be violently murdered, started a thread with the following OP

USC draws backlash for canceling valedictorian’s speech due to support for Palestine
The US’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization has condemned the University of Southern California’s decision to prohibit the graduating class’ valedictorian from speaking at May’s commencement ceremony after she posted messages of support for Palestine on a social media account.

What amazes me about leftists is their selective outrage over censorship. The leftist "angel" seems to be in agreement with the "largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization" that condemned USC for not allowing a pro Palestine speech at it's upcoming graduation. What's funny is this same leftist "angel" that wishes some people be violently murdered would be more than pleased and would defend the USC if they refused to allow a conservative to speak on campus.

For people that ask why I voted for trump it's behavior like this that would vote for Charles Manson before any democrat.

You fall for the propaganda that suggests 'leftists' are a monolith.
^^ This is the truest cartoon of all time.

Since Reagan the top 10% of American's have grown disproportionately more wealthy, while taking ever more of the pie at the expense of the MC and below.

The biggest threat they face is from the discontent on both the left and right, who feel the system does not work for them. The same basic message Trump used in 2016 which was a version of Bernie's battle cry for decades. A politician who united those groups in a focus of rebalancing the system by making the uber rich pay their fair share.

The uber rich think tanks understand this threat and realized the best way to counter it was to inspire culture wars and pit those groups against one another. They relied on the gullibility of those on the far right, and an ability to trigger their hatred of OTHERS as a weapon.

As such you have people, like Terry here, who have become completely unable to attribute even an ounce of culpibility to the uber rich, and who direct all their hate at the left. the left is the only group they see as doing any wrong. Uber rich culture war push... success!

I already know you're a communist, Sock.
First, good to see you aren’t William Brock of Ohio, Hater. You’re exactly the time of idiot I expect to shoot an innocent old woman Uber drive several times over a delusion.

Second, only weak people say “we” when they are claiming to speak for others in a mass group. It’s gang speak.

Third, you’re a scumbag oath-breaking traitor. You admitted it when you said you no longer abide by your oath to the Constitution. Hanging is too good for you so life in prison for murdering an innocent American you think is a “Marxist” or “trans” will have to do.

Lastly, if our nation had better mental health care, you’re family would be able to get you help. Since our nation doesn’t have it, prison will have to do.

You are describing yourself again, Sock. You cannot project YOUR problems on anybody else.
Don't try to hide behind the Constitution you despise.
Autocrats are only conservatives in Britain, Yak. You’re a Tory, not an American conservative like myself. You never served our country, you hate American values and all you want to do is burn down our nation because you don’t like the results of democracy.

You never served, Sock. You hate American values. All you want to do is burn down the nation. The oligarchy you want is not a democracy.
Firstly i do not live in your world of make believe. The world i live in is dominated by FACTS and DATA so the 'supposed good news' is ACTUAL good news backed by facts and data.

And yes, while a POTUS CANNOT control the economy to a macro extent, meaning if the world is tipping towards recession, during a time like covid, a POTUS is not going to be able to insolate the US from that, but what the POTUS can do, (any World leader) is lead their country to either superior or inferior results as compared to their peer nations.

IT would be like 10 CEO's of similar businesses trying to navigate a recession. They do not have any ability to control the recession but you can look at each CEO and how they navigated WITHIN IT, by COMPARING THEM, to see who did well and who did not.

In those measures Bidenomics has EXCELLED AT THE VERY TOP LEVELS, and that is a factual statement backed by the data that CANNOT be denied in any reality based world.

Lastly the only people who do not put person financial state at the top of their list, are people who are doing well and thus it is not a concern. Impoverished people are not focused on culture wars. So it is because Bidenomics has made it so you do not have to worry about finance you can then focus on your woke agenda. You just do not recognize that.

Made up numbers is not 'data', Sock. Argument from randU fallacy. A 'fact' is not a 'proof' not a Universal Truth, Sock. Learn what 'fact' means.
Inflation is not growth, Sock. You cannot call an economic depression a 'great economy'...a depression that was started by DEMOCRATS.

I live in a reality based world and Magats live in one that is all about their FEELINGS devoid of FACT and DATA.

You Magats think we need to cater to your FEELINGS and make you FEEL better about things, and your emotional maturity is that of a 15 year old girl who just lost her first boyfriend and cannot be convicted the world is not over.

IT IS NOT our job to pull you in to a reality based world and convince you when FACTS and DATA are irrelevant to your FEELINGS.

Learn what 'fact' and 'data' means, Sock. I already know you can't read or understand English. It is DEMOCRATS that talk about FEELINGS. You cannot project YOUR problems on anybody else, Sock.