This is why religion is a DISEASE, that needs to be rooted OUT of america

I have insisted all along that the climate change debate should be based on fundamental principles of science, not religion. Ultimately, I hope, it will be decided by hard facts and data-and by serious scientists committed to the principles of sound science. Instead of censoring skeptical viewpoints, as my alarmist friends favor, these scientists must be heard, and I will do my part to make sure that they are heard.

In the "Author's Message" at the end of the book, he refreshingly states what scientists have suspected for years: "We are also in the midst of a natural warming trend that began about 1850, as we emerged from a 400 year cold spell known as the Little Ice Age."

what inhofe ACTUALLY said about global warming and science.
Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) appeared on Voice of Christian Youth America’s radio program Crosstalk with Vic Eliason yesterday to promote his new book The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future,where he repeated his frequent claim that human influenced climate change is impossible because “God’s still up there.” Inhofe cited to claim that it is “outrageous” and arrogant for people to believe human beings are “able to change what He is doing in the climate. Genesis 8:22


And he denies global warming and science "BECAUSE GOD"

Elected leaders the espouse this ignorant, delusional shit need to be recalled and BARRED from public office.
He's co-chair Grind......thank God!
Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) appeared on Voice of Christian Youth America’s radio program Crosstalk with Vic Eliason yesterday to promote his new book The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future,where he repeated his frequent claim that human influenced climate change is impossible because “God’s still up there.” Inhofe cited to claim that it is “outrageous” and arrogant for people to believe human beings are “able to change what He is doing in the climate. Genesis 8:22


And he denies global warming and science "BECAUSE GOD"

Elected leaders the espouse this ignorant, delusional shit need to be recalled and BARRED from public office.
Oh lord, you're going to get the emo science deniers to start beating a dead horse again with this post. I can see it now.
I tell ya, sneaking Theocracy in one silly statement at a time. The Secong Dark Ages is coming.
Naaaa it's always been that way in America. Probably that way in any Nation. There's always a segment of the population who fear the unknown and who distrust intellectuals. We make progress in spite of them. The truth always wins out in the long runs. Hell, it ussually wins out in the short run if a fat profits involved. ;)
And yet you seem perfectly willing to ignore the threat from Islamic radicalism.
Whens the last time you bumped into one? I can't remember ever bumping into one. Though I did bump into Shaking Sammy the Seventh Day Adventist Lately. He was down in front of local night club doin some street preaching and speaking in toungues. Nice guy.
And you're one to speak of tolerance? Oh, the lulz.

Johnny Rocketfingers' Girlfriend

Post #29. That is where YOU decided to make ME the topic. If you can't take it then don't dish it out, you fucking sissy coward.

Yes, because your previous posts have indicated nothing a wholly tolerant attitude, therefore you are the perfect example of tolerance and paint the picture of one who should preach about it.
Yes, because your previous posts have indicated nothing a wholly tolerant attitude, therefore you are the perfect example of tolerance and paint the picture of one who should preach about it.

Go fuck yourself, you self-righteous prick.

So you don't like my "attitude". Gee, that's just too damn bad. Why don't you piss your diaper and toss your rattle at the wall.
Go fuck yourself, you self-righteous prick.

So you don't like my "attitude". Gee, that's just too damn bad. Why don't you piss your diaper and toss your rattle at the wall.

Such well reasoned argument. Clearly it is I who is too immature for such political discourse, not yourself.

Anyways, Grind is hardly a 'leftist', so your entire premise is false in that extent as well.
Such well reasoned argument. Clearly it is I who is too immature for such political discourse, not yourself.

Anyways, Grind is hardly a 'leftist', so your entire premise is false in that extent as well.

I can rise to a higher level. It depends on who I'm talking with. If you want to elevate the discussion then don't make me the topic. It's totally up to you.

I'll make my own mind up on who is what. No one here needs you to tell us what the score is. Make your points and stick to the topic.
I can rise to a higher level. It depends on who I'm talking with. If you want to elevate the discussion then don't make me the topic. It's totally up to you.

I'll make my own mind up on who is what. No one here needs you to tell us what the score is. Make your points and stick to the topic.

Just keep being yourself, we need the comic relief.