This is why religion is a DISEASE, that needs to be rooted OUT of america

Uhhhm I believe he denied ACC in the first bolded sentence based on religious convictions (i.e. a refutation of science).

So what you are reading is, he doesn't agree with your particular theory on how global warming is happening, therefore, he has refuted all of science?

Should I remind you of all the MANY theories, which were completely scientific, but eventually were incorrect? Should we delve into the possibilities of what life might be like here, if we all just accepted theory as fact and never explored further for the truth? It is comments like yours which reveal the arrogance of man, and hearkens back to a time when most "intellectual" people believed the world was flat.... science (at the time) predicted it was impossible for it not to be.

The globe is warming... nearly a whole degree in a century... the question remains, why? Now, it doesn't really matter what your theory is, no theory denies the reality that the globe is warming, that is the purpose of a theory to explain it. And none of the various theories have been proven or disproved. To continually insist that people accept your given theory, and reject all others, is nothing more than abject ignorance of science and the scientific method. Meaning it is YOU who is denying science, not Inhofe.
What needs to be rooted out are the Marxists who run the Department of Education. Look around here at the product their churning out. Dumber than an empty box of Post Toasties.
Uhhhm I believe he denied ACC in the first bolded sentence based on religious convictions (i.e. a refutation of science).

no he did not. perhaps you can cite his actual words. i will cite what he said previously about global warming:

I have insisted all along that the climate change debate should be based on fundamental principles of science, not religion. Ultimately, I hope, it will be decided by hard facts and data-and by serious scientists committed to the principles of sound science. Instead of censoring skeptical viewpoints, as my alarmist friends favor, these scientists must be heard, and I will do my part to make sure that they are heard.

In the "Author's Message" at the end of the book, he refreshingly states what scientists have suspected for years: "We are also in the midst of a natural warming trend that began about 1850, as we emerged from a 400 year cold spell known as the Little Ice Age."
no he did not. perhaps you can cite his actual words. i will cite what he said previously about global warming:

I have insisted all along that the climate change debate should be based on fundamental principles of science, not religion. Ultimately, I hope, it will be decided by hard facts and data-and by serious scientists committed to the principles of sound science. Instead of censoring skeptical viewpoints, as my alarmist friends favor, these scientists must be heard, and I will do my part to make sure that they are heard.

In the "Author's Message" at the end of the book, he refreshingly states what scientists have suspected for years: "We are also in the midst of a natural warming trend that began about 1850, as we emerged from a 400 year cold spell known as the Little Ice Age."

So what you are reading is, he doesn't agree with your particular theory on how global warming is happening, therefore, he has refuted all of science?

Should I remind you of all the MANY theories, which were completely scientific, but eventually were incorrect? Should we delve into the possibilities of what life might be like here, if we all just accepted theory as fact and never explored further for the truth? It is comments like yours which reveal the arrogance of man, and hearkens back to a time when most "intellectual" people believed the world was flat.... science (at the time) predicted it was impossible for it not to be.

The globe is warming... nearly a whole degree in a century... the question remains, why? Now, it doesn't really matter what your theory is, no theory denies the reality that the globe is warming, that is the purpose of a theory to explain it. And none of the various theories have been proven or disproved. To continually insist that people accept your given theory, and reject all others, is nothing more than abject ignorance of science and the scientific method. Meaning it is YOU who is denying science, not Inhofe.
Nope, not going there. I don't know what the man thinks. I just know what was highlighted in the OP.
What needs to be rooted out are the Marxists who run the Department of Education. Look around here at the product their churning out. Dumber than an empty box of Post Toasties.
Well....we are all looking at your past posts and are thinking "Hell, he's finally made a valid point." It's pretty obvious they failed with you. LOL
no he did not. perhaps you can cite his actual words. i will cite what he said previously about global warming:

I have insisted all along that the climate change debate should be based on fundamental principles of science, not religion. Ultimately, I hope, it will be decided by hard facts and data-and by serious scientists committed to the principles of sound science. Instead of censoring skeptical viewpoints, as my alarmist friends favor, these scientists must be heard, and I will do my part to make sure that they are heard.

In the "Author's Message" at the end of the book, he refreshingly states what scientists have suspected for years: "We are also in the midst of a natural warming trend that began about 1850, as we emerged from a 400 year cold spell known as the Little Ice Age."
Nope, again. I'm not going there. I don't know for a fact what the man thinks. I only know what was stated in the OP.
Nope, again. I'm not going there. I don't know for a fact what the man thinks. I only know what was stated in the OP.

? you're not going there ? what do you mean? you can't simply cite the man's words? i cited his words where expressly stated he believes in science and believes we are in a warming period. what words of his make you believe he denies warming and science?

the retard proves again he is incapable of debate. i showed his express words that he believes in science and that we are in a warming period. you can't show a single word where he denied science or warming. all you have are petty insults.
? you're not going there ? what do you mean? you can't simply cite the man's words? i cited his words where expressly stated he believes in science and believes we are in a warming period. what words of his make you believe he denies warming and science?

What I am reading is, the poster of the OP is interpreting the source of the OP inaccurately. It appears he thinks because someone believes another theory for global warming, they are denying science. In actuality, that is practicing science, or scientific theory. We are supposed to explore and ask questions, not draw conclusions, science doesn't conclude, it only predicts and explores possibility within the physical universe. This leads me to believe the poster of this thread is indeed a theocratic moron, worshiping at the alter of science and not understanding it's fallibility or obvious 'physical' limitations.

To me, it is sad to see someone who has no spirituality, because I think it means they are destined to be worm food. What a hopeless existence, to know that all you will ever ultimately accomplish for all eternity, is to feed worms. To think that, whenever you die, your spirit and soul cease to ever exist again, in any time or space... everything you ever were, or hoped for, or believed in, is gone and forgotten... All the things you dreamed of and longed for... maybe even what you gave your life for... none of it really matters, you are destined to be worm food, and that's it.

And I think... what a shallow life they must live? Each day is filled with vain attempts to fulfill a void in their life through self-indulgent behavior. Sometimes to the point of obsession. Addicted to their need to be gratified, they turn on any 'threat' to their sick perversions and pleasures, and have the unmitigated audacity to use science as a weapon to attack people of spiritual faith. I can't decide if it's more sad and pathetic, or just plain disgusting and despicable.
To me, it is sad to see someone who has no spirituality, because I think it means they are destined to be worm food. What a hopeless existence, to know that all you will ever ultimately accomplish for all eternity, is to feed worms. To think that, whenever you die, your spirit and soul cease to ever exist again, in any time or space... everything you ever were, or hoped for, or believed in, is gone and forgotten... All the things you dreamed of and longed for... maybe even what you gave your life for... none of it really matters, you are destined to be worm food, and that's it.

Welcome to the nihilistic nature of reality, Dixie. As much as you might fear this, pretending it isn't so doesn't make it go away, just as pulling the duvet over your eyes doesn't make the dark go away.

But you shouldn't fear nihilistic reality, Dixie. Overcome it! Accept that it is so and recognise that you only have this life to live. How much more valuable does that make every day of life? This isn't just a practice run Dixie, this is it.

You still have dreams and longing, but when you achieve those dreams it is so much sweeter, knowing that those achievements aren't made irrelevant by some afterlife.

And I think... what a shallow life they must live? Each day is filled with vain attempts to fulfill a void in their life through self-indulgent behavior. Sometimes to the point of obsession. Addicted to their need to be gratified, they turn on any 'threat' to their sick perversions and pleasures, and have the unmitigated audacity to use science as a weapon to attack people of spiritual faith. I can't decide if it's more sad and pathetic, or just plain disgusting and despicable.

How misguided you are on this case Dixie. Its not a shallower life, its a sweeter and more precious life, knowing that this isn't a practice run, a shallow imitation of the fictional life to come.

You shouldn't feel sorry for atheists, Dixie. I guess I should feel sorry for you, but I take comfort of knowing that you won't suffer. The moment you would realise that you have cheapened the one life you have, you wouldn't know, you would be as you said 'wormfood'.
Wow.... I have been waiting to pick apart some of your nonsense! I LOVE IT!

Welcome to the nihilistic nature of reality, Dixie. As much as you might fear this, pretending it isn't so doesn't make it go away, just as pulling the duvet over your eyes doesn't make the dark go away.

Dark? I rarely ever see darkness! When I close my eyes or pull the 'duvet' over them... I see all kinds of things, do all kinds of things! In fact, there is no real limit to what I can do, and experience. Now being a nihilist, you understand this is all non-existent and doesn't matter, and therefore, you can't really see the point in it, so you see darkness. It's so sad! Depressing, even!

But you shouldn't fear nihilistic reality, Dixie. Overcome it!

I don't fear it, I don't believe in it... do you have a need for me to fear it? Or maybe you have the need for me to believe in it?

Accept that it is so and recognise that you only have this life to live.

Accept that something is so because you believe it is? What kind of moral theocratic crusader are you? How do you profess to know how many lives people have to live? Faith in your beliefs? Is that it?

How much more valuable does that make every day of life? This isn't just a practice run Dixie, this is it.

Life can't be much more valuable to me as a spiritualist. Yes, I know, this is it for this life on this earth and this space and time, I don't dispute physics and my beliefs don't contradict them in any way. That's why they call what happens after this life, an "afterlife" ....because it happens after this one! Duh! Now.... You as a nihilist understand, nothing happens after this life... the only reason or purpose any of us have, is to be worm food. This is very convenient when making moral and ethical decisions in life... If there is ultimately no consequence for your actions and no accountability, you really have no need for a moral compass, do you? Ah.... but there's that thing called a 'conscience' ....but being a nihilist, you know that's not real either, right?

You still have dreams and longing, but when you achieve those dreams it is so much sweeter, knowing that those achievements aren't made irrelevant by some afterlife.

Hmm... you got some weird ideas about relevance and afterlife. Why would it be less irrelevant in an afterlife, than as organic worm food?

How misguided you are on this case Dixie.

Yeah... Me and the 95% of humans on the planet who aren't nihilists.

Its not a shallower life, its a sweeter and more precious life, knowing that this isn't a practice run, a shallow imitation of the fictional life to come.

LMAO... where do you get this 'practice run' shit? And fictional life to come? You are a nihilist, you don't believe life ultimately matters! Fuck practice runs... why would you even want to make a run for something that doesn't matter? What the hell does "sweet and precious" mean to someone who doesn't believe in anything? Aren't these just subjective words placed on us by society, forcing us to conform to some sanctimonious moral guilt and defined by the very stewards of spiritual belief you decry so fervently? Come on big man, if you're going to talk the talk, walk the fucking walk!

You shouldn't feel sorry for atheists, Dixie.

Oh, I don't feel sorry for you, I feel SAD for you. But I really don't know if I should feel sadness or apathy. As I said, I am torn between feeling sad and being disgusted and repulsed.

I guess I should feel sorry for you, but I take comfort of knowing that you won't suffer.

Why does it matter to you, a nihilist? How does it comfort a nihilist to know another human won't suffer? Why does that matter? Worms need food!!

The moment you would realise that you have cheapened the one life you have, you wouldn't know, you would be as you said 'wormfood'.

Well, to me... Life doesn't get much cheaper than believing we exist only to feed worms of the future.
Dark? I rarely ever see darkness! When I close my eyes or pull the 'duvet' over them... I see all kinds of things, do all kinds of things! In fact, there is no real limit to what I can do, and experience.

This is a confusing post Dixie. Are you referring to masterbation?

I don't fear it, I don't believe in it... do you have a need for me to fear it? Or maybe you have the need for me to believe in it?

I can understand why you fear reality Dixie. On the surface, reality can seem cold and, as you say hopeless. It takes strength to push past that. But I believe you have that strength Dixie. You can do it. Do I have a need for you to fear it? On the contrary, I would be pleased to see you rise above it.

Accept that something is so because you believe it is? What kind of moral theocratic crusader are you? How do you profess to know how many lives people have to live? Faith in your beliefs? Is that it?

Crusader is a poor choice of words Dixie. Crusader indicates someone following or fighting for the cross. I think we have established that that isn't really my thing.

We don't have to have the discussion about why atheism isn't a faith again do we? I'll quote the 'atheism is to hair colour' line, you state I can't prove that god doesn't exist so it must be a faith, I will explain the nature of epistemology, point out the history of religious faith as a god of the gaps and god the great comforter etc etc. We have had that discussion once every six months or so for the last six years...

Life can't be much more valuable to me as a spiritualist. Yes, I know, this is it for this life on this earth and this space and time, I don't dispute physics and my beliefs don't contradict them in any way. That's why they call what happens after this life, an "afterlife" ....because it happens after this one! Duh! Now.... You as a nihilist understand, nothing happens after this life... the only reason or purpose any of us have, is to be worm food. This is very convenient when making moral and ethical decisions in life... If there is ultimately no consequence for your actions and no accountability, you really have no need for a moral compass, do you? Ah.... but there's that thing called a 'conscience' ....but being a nihilist, you know that's not real either, right?

Ok, lets pick out the salient points.

No consequence for actions - are you saying that the only reason you don't go out on a killing spree is because of the threat of consequences? You need consequences to direct your moral compass? If you saw the light, you wouldn't need to be 'good else you get punished'. You formulate your own moral code, based on reason, compassion and understanding. Which is the stronger moral code, the one forced upon you by threat, or coming from within.

Afterlife - What evidence do you have that the afterlife exists? You are making a huge gamble here, treat this life as the only one of your existence, cherish every moment of it, or gamble on this being a prelude to an afterlife of which we have no evidence, and only know about it through the ramblings of long dead mystics?

Nihilism - you seem to be mistaking the nature of nihilism. Nihilism doesn't mean that things like the conscience doesn't exist. It means that nothing has innate meaning. That doesn't mean humans have no meaning in their lives, but that meaning is something that is created within us. We invest entities with meaning, our children, a beautiful morning, a lifelong ambition for eg.

Hmm... you got some weird ideas about relevance and afterlife. Why would it be less irrelevant in an afterlife, than as organic worm food?

If you consider this life to be merely a prelude to the afterlife, this life is only a fraction of your overall existence. Therefore what has meaning in the prelude is diluted by the extent of your overall existence.

Yeah... Me and the 95% of humans on the planet who aren't nihilists.

Truth is not a democracy Dixie.

LMAO... where do you get this 'practice run' shit? And fictional life to come?

What is life, a mere few score years in comparison to an eternity of afterlife, if it isn't a practice run? Accept suffering in this life, it will all be made good in the next life.

You are a nihilist, you don't believe life ultimately matters! Fuck practice runs... why would you even want to make a run for something that doesn't matter?

I refer you back to my comments about nihilism. Nihilism doesn't me I don't believe in nothing at all. Maybe that has been your stumbling block on understanding this whole matter. Nihilism is simply accepting that there is no innate meaning, not that there is no meaning at all.

What the hell does "sweet and precious" mean to someone who doesn't believe in anything?Aren't these just subjective words placed on us by society, forcing us to conform to some sanctimonious moral guilt and defined by the very stewards of spiritual belief you decry so fervently? Come on big man, if you're going to talk the talk, walk the fucking walk!

Calm down dear! :) You are confusing abstract notions with nihilism. Considering nihilism is an abstract notion, nihilists certainly don't believe that abstract notions can't exist. I can believe that there is no innate meaning to existence, yet still invest meaning in my daughter, consider her to be precious and describe her as sweet without there being a compromise.

Why does it matter to you, a nihilist? How does it comfort a nihilist to know another human won't suffer? Why does that matter? Worms need food!!

Again, you are wrongly attributing characteristics to nihilism, which makes this post nonsense. I don't want you to suffer Dixie. I know there is no innate meaning to existence, yet I know that your life holds meaning to you, spending time with your family, if you have one, holds meaning to you. I can empathise with that. That is how true morality, rather than the 'morality in a can' that religious belief brings.

Well, to me... Life doesn't get much cheaper than believing we exist only to feed worms of the future.

Ok, lets use a short parable.

There were once two men. One lived on £100 a week, the other lived on £10000 a week. To which one was £100 the most precious?