This is why religion is a DISEASE, that needs to be rooted OUT of america

This is a confusing post Dixie. Are you referring to masterbation?

Nope, I was referring to dreaming and imagination.

I can understand why you fear reality Dixie. On the surface, reality can seem cold and, as you say hopeless. It takes strength to push past that. But I believe you have that strength Dixie. You can do it. Do I have a need for you to fear it? On the contrary, I would be pleased to see you rise above it.

I don't know why you are obsessed with me being afraid of something, but it is extremely interesting to note, you are. Reality has nothing to do with spiritual faith or nihilism, we both experience the same reality, don't we? Is something different happening in your world than mine? Why would I be afraid of what is happening? Why would you believe that I am afraid, are you afraid? Perhaps this was subconscious transference? Did you just reveal the reason you are a nihilist? Because you are afraid of a reality where spirituality exists?

Crusader is a poor choice of words Dixie. Crusader indicates someone following or fighting for the cross. I think we have established that that isn't really my thing.

We don't have to have the discussion about why atheism isn't a faith again do we? I'll quote the 'atheism is to hair colour' line, you state I can't prove that god doesn't exist so it must be a faith, I will explain the nature of epistemology, point out the history of religious faith as a god of the gaps and god the great comforter etc etc. We have had that discussion once every six months or so for the last six years...

Crusader is the perfect word, you do fight for a cross, yours is upside-down, but it's still a cross. Yes, we do need to have the discussion on why faith in atheistic belief is not faith, because it defies logic or the meaning of the word faith. Your lame explanations for why humanity has ALWAYS worshiped something, and has ALWAYS had the connection to spirituality, defies the very nature of Darwinist theory as well as biological evidence we have from every species of life ever studied. To pass it off as some un-needed anomaly, when it is so intrinsically tied to our species, is contrary to science, and to continue to ignorantly deny this, is based on nothing more than your FAITH in your BELIEF in Atheism.

Ok, lets pick out the salient points.

No consequence for actions - are you saying that the only reason you don't go out on a killing spree is because of the threat of consequences? You need consequences to direct your moral compass? If you saw the light, you wouldn't need to be 'good else you get punished'. You formulate your own moral code, based on reason, compassion and understanding. Which is the stronger moral code, the one forced upon you by threat, or coming from within.

Nope, I am asking you, a nihilist, what would be the possible motivation for you to behave "good?" You are worm food no matter if you are good or bad, right? If you treat your fellow man with respect, and do the 'right things' in life... you are still worm food in the end, it doesn't really matter, right? So why bother doing good? Why bother being moral or ethical? What is a "moral code" when life and existence mean nothing? As a Nihilist, you should believe that Hitler was just as "moral" as Billy Graham, because "morality" is merely a word created by men, to define the spiritual-based ethos of humanity. So are "reason, compassion, and understanding" in this context. Morality means absolutely nothing if life is meaningless, it defies any sense of logic otherwise. Now, since you don't want to be viewed as a person with no moral compass and no basis for morality, you have conveniently redefined it to include the rhetoric you spout which supposedly 'proves' you can be a moral atheist nihilist. It's like claiming you can purchase just as much property as Donald Trump because you own a Monopoly game!

Afterlife - What evidence do you have that the afterlife exists?

Do you have proof it doesn't exist? THAT is the question here!

The first thing we have to do is clarify what is meant by "exist." Do you mean, can I give you physical proof that afterlife physically exists in our known reality and physical universe, where science applies? Nope... can't give you that, because we are not dealing with something physical science can explain, or even something it supposed to "exist" in our physical understanding and comprehension. Can you prove you love your mother? You can tell me you do, and maybe you can even do things to make it appear you do, but can you ever prove to me that you love her? Now, you know you do, there isn't any question of that, but it's not something that can be proven with physical evidence. Does that mean it doesn't exist? I guess so, if you are a nihilist, huh... after all, Mum's just worm food, right!

You are making a huge gamble here, treat this life as the only one of your existence, cherish every moment of it, or gamble on this being a prelude to an afterlife of which we have no evidence, and only know about it through the ramblings of long dead mystics?

Well I do think this life is the only one of my existence here on this planet at this time. I do cherish every moment of it, and I don't gamble on anything. This has absolutely nothing to do with my faith in spirituality and my personal spiritual foundation and understanding. The real gamble as I see it, is in going against the natural state of every human who is born, not an Atheist. To refute the nature of human spirituality when 95% of the species exhibits the behavior... that's a real scientific risk, if you ask me.

Nihilism - you seem to be mistaking the nature of nihilism. Nihilism doesn't mean that things like the conscience doesn't exist. It means that nothing has innate meaning. That doesn't mean humans have no meaning in their lives, but that meaning is something that is created within us. We invest entities with meaning, our children, a beautiful morning, a lifelong ambition for eg.

Nihilism means "moral" conscience is meaningless. It is nothing more than an obstacle to keep you from exploring gratifications by establishing taboos. Nihilists invest in self-service and self-interest. You can indeed invest interest in your children, but in the end, they are just worm food too, right? Their souls and spirit don't really exist, that will all be gone when they become worm food. very depressing indeed.

If you consider this life to be merely a prelude to the afterlife, this life is only a fraction of your overall existence. Therefore what has meaning in the prelude is diluted by the extent of your overall existence.

Who said I thought this life was a prelude? Again, I believe this life and existence in this universe at this time, is finite and will end when I die. It's not a prelude to anything, it is a completely and totally different production. What comes after this? I have not a clue!! No idea whatsoever! Oh, I have notions... but I can't 'prove' or 'disprove' anything, so what difference does it make? I guess I'll have to wait and see... hope I don't get there, and God says... "shoulda listened to them Jehovah's Witness people!" If that turns out to be the case, I'm fucked. But regardless of what I think or believe, I do have a spiritual understanding and foundation, and I believe that to be real, whether it is or not. I am compelled by this spiritual faith to behave in a decent and moral manner, and treat others with respect and dignity. I don't do this out of "fear" that I will be punished in an afterlife, or that I will be "rewarded" in said afterlife. for me personally, it is a matter of positive and negative energy flow.... very scientific... when I do good things, good things happen. Same with bad things... Karma, that's what a lot of people call it, and I believe in it like you believe you love your Mum.

Truth is not a democracy Dixie.

Nope, but truth is a FACT. Sux, yeah?

What is life, a mere few score years in comparison to an eternity of afterlife, if it isn't a practice run? Accept suffering in this life, it will all be made good in the next life. I refer you back to my comments about nihilism. Nihilism doesn't me I don't believe in nothing at all. Maybe that has been your stumbling block on understanding this whole matter. Nihilism is simply accepting that there is no innate meaning, not that there is no meaning at all.

Again, if it doesn't matter, if there is no innate meaning, what is the motivating reason for behaving in a selfless and ethical way toward others? If the only justification is what's in it for you, then your character becomes shallow and you have no integrity. This always results in feelings of inadequacy, searching for something to fill that void... it's a cycle.

Calm down dear! :) You are confusing abstract notions with nihilism. Considering nihilism is an abstract notion, nihilists certainly don't believe that abstract notions can't exist. I can believe that there is no innate meaning to existence, yet still invest meaning in my daughter, consider her to be precious and describe her as sweet without there being a compromise.

What? You have some physical scientific evidence of "abstract notions?" You MUST... you said you believed they exist! So you can invest meaning to your daughter, but it is innately meaningless to do so? Wow... does your daughter understand this? And again... some people think WORMS are "precious and sweet" and the worms need to be fed. How does it feel to know all your daughter is or ever will be, is ultimately meaningless to everyone except some hungry worms awaiting her demise?

Again, you are wrongly attributing characteristics to nihilism, which makes this post nonsense. I don't want you to suffer Dixie. I know there is no innate meaning to existence, yet I know that your life holds meaning to you, spending time with your family, if you have one, holds meaning to you. I can empathise with that. That is how true morality, rather than the 'morality in a can' that religious belief brings.

What difference does it make to you? Why is it so important to respond to me? You obviously have some motivation because you continue responding. If you believe there is no innate meaning to existence, that is SAD to me... that's all I said. I didn't tell you that you mustn't believe that way or you are wrong and I can prove it... I just said I thought it was sad and depressing.

You can 'pretend' to have morality, I never said you couldn't do that, either. AssClown used to run around spouting some nonsense about pack mentality, insisting that "morality" was cooperation for the mutual benefit of both parties, or some such nonsense. Morals, or the things we commonly accept as morals, are pretty much ALL based on the belief in spiritual reprisal. Without spirituality, there is no basis or fundamental purpose for moral behavior, and you demonstrate that beautifully in your personal political views. It's easy to justify any immorality, when you have no reason to do otherwise.
And to be sure, because so many humans do have a belief in the religious, you can almost count on it being genetically linked. Because so many do possess a belief in God, in some form or another, it probably means that societies where religion was encouraged or at least tolerated were more successful than those that were not, and that genetic marker was passed in greater numbers than the genetic marker for no belief in god.
And to be sure, because so many humans do have a belief in the religious, you can almost count on it being genetically linked. Because so many do possess a belief in God, in some form or another, it probably means that societies where religion was encouraged or at least tolerated were more successful than those that were not, and that genetic marker was passed in greater numbers than the genetic marker for no belief in god.

that's an incredible endorsement for exterminating atheists......a bit extreme perhaps.....I think as long as they keep a low profile they aren't apt to create enough damage that we need to eliminate them.........
And to be sure, because so many humans do have a belief in the religious, you can almost count on it being genetically linked. Because so many do possess a belief in God, in some form or another, it probably means that societies where religion was encouraged or at least tolerated were more successful than those that were not, and that genetic marker was passed in greater numbers than the genetic marker for no belief in god.

You can say it "probably" means something, but science has to form logical arguments based on scientific evidence, and I haven't seen any which suggests un-needed behaviors are retained genetically. In every case, for every living species, it behaves the way it does for a reason, not simply because it is predisposed genetically. It may very well be a genetic attribute, but if it has persisted in humans from their inception, I would argue it is a fundamental attribute, and one that can't easily or simply be explained away. This doesn't mean that any specific incarnation of "God" is real or true, but it does mean that humans are intrinsically tied to worship of the spiritual nature, and it also seems to define us as unique among all other species of life. A noted psychiatrist once pontificated; "If God wasn't real, mankind would have to invent Him." Meaning to say, we wouldn't and couldn't be civilized humanity without a spiritual foundation. It is as much of who we are as our DNA.
that's an incredible endorsement for exterminating atheists......a bit extreme perhaps.....I think as long as they keep a low profile they aren't apt to create enough damage that we need to eliminate them.........

I'm an athiest er I'm educated. Please start your eradication effort with me you pussy
fucking PostmodernSandusky can only commit to kids

All religious people are Pagan worshipers, I must admit funny as fuck though
poor toppie....when he gets the shit knocked out of him in a debate he can only fall back on calling me a pedophile.....where's Darla to give you a "thanks" for this post and report me!