THIS must end in America!


New member

I blame much of the climate that emboldens these "thugs with badges" on Republicans, the Bush administration and the right wing law & order freaks that have NO regard for people's rights, JUST punishment...

Police departments need to screen applicants to eliminate hiring these sanctioned criminals that abuse their power...

Abraham Lincoln said it best: Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
LOL! Yeah, police brutality started in 2001. No wonder you are a hit-n-run poster with crap like this.
LOL! Yeah, police brutality started in 2001. No wonder you are a hit-n-run poster with crap like this.

Police brutality didn't start in 2001, BUT the punishment crowd has ALWAYS resided on the right...

The fucking PEA brains of America...
Well Republicans are anti-human and pro-cruelty.

See the Republicans team up with the Greens and those who believe the earth is overpopulated and we do our best to help keep the human numbers down as best we can. How come no one ever thanks us for that?
I prefer "get tough goons" to "punishment crowd", BTW. It's an alliteration of my own invention, and therefore not that great, but I say it anyway because it's mine.
See the Republicans team up with the Greens and those who believe the earth is overpopulated and we do our best to help keep the human numbers down as best we can. How come no one ever thanks us for that?

Greens are usually humanists. Only when you get to the extreme fringes do you encounter Greens that hold an environmental agenda that opposes human life because it hurts the environment. Although, that extreme vision is pretty much the most anti-humanist philosophy possible, and makes Hitler wince.
LOL... a typical PEA brain... research polarized thinking and find a mirror pea brain

Actually I was just breaking it down along your line of thinking following your previous example. Kind of ironic you calling someone a pea brain when your inital two posts on this thread essentially define 'pea brain' thinking with over the top partisan generalizations.
Actually I was just breaking it down along your line of thinking following your previous example. Kind of ironic you calling someone a pea brain when your inital two posts on this thread essentially define 'pea brain' thinking with over the top partisan generalizations.

Not if you understand authoritarianism and the right wing pea brain mind...

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altemeyer
Not if you understand authoritarianism and the right wing pea brain mind...

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altemeyer

Sure and the blue state of California passes three strike laws and supports the death penalty because all the Democrat voters here are really closet hateful bigoted conservative Republicans.
Sure and the blue state of California passes three strike laws and supports the death penalty because all the Democrat voters here are really closet hateful bigoted conservative Republicans.

You guys have a lot of granola eating liberals, but not many bleeding hearts. Most of them are out east. They're still hateful bigots though.
Sure and the blue state of California passes three strike laws and supports the death penalty because all the Democrat voters here are really closet hateful bigoted conservative Republicans.

Yea, and the Governator's fear mongering sank Prop 66...

The shift to the right in this country that I've witnessed in my lifetime has consequences...

Back in 1993, proponents of the "Three Strikes and You're Out" law (Proposition 184 on the California ballot) promised voters that it would keep violent criminals off the street.

The language of the proposed law seemed simple: A convicted felon would receive triple the time of a normal sentence for his or her second crime and a mandatory 25 years to life for the third crime.

But today, 80 percent of the prisoners who are now serving maximum sentences under Three Strikes have been charged with non-violent, and relatively minor, crimes. Merely being caught with an ounce of marijuana can send a defendant to prison for life.

I guarantee that any changes to these draconian laws will come from the left, not the right...

Are YOU a card carrying member of the ACLU?
Yea, and the Governator's fear mongering sank Prop 66...

The shift to the right in this country that I've witnessed in my lifetime has consequences...

Back in 1993, proponents of the "Three Strikes and You're Out" law (Proposition 184 on the California ballot) promised voters that it would keep violent criminals off the street.

The language of the proposed law seemed simple: A convicted felon would receive triple the time of a normal sentence for his or her second crime and a mandatory 25 years to life for the third crime.

But today, 80 percent of the prisoners who are now serving maximum sentences under Three Strikes have been charged with non-violent, and relatively minor, crimes. Merely being caught with an ounce of marijuana can send a defendant to prison for life.

I guarantee that any changes to these draconian laws will come from the left, not the right...

Are YOU a card carrying member of the ACLU?

Now why the f*ck would I carry an ACLU card? You have got to be crazy.

You say the left will change three strikes but its the left that helped vote it into law. This is not a Republican state and this state has been blue since 3 strikes was passed.

I do not understand your facile style of extreme partisan thinking.
Now why the f*ck would I carry an ACLU card? You have got to be crazy.

You say the left will change three strikes but its the left that helped vote it into law. This is not a Republican state and this state has been blue since 3 strikes was passed.

I do not understand your facile style of extreme partisan thinking.

Because it is right wing pea brains that would abolish the American CIVIL LIBERTIES Union...


10 Reasons to Oppose "3 Strikes, You're Out" (3/17/2002)
I have a feeling that a prop 66 like proposition will be passed in the future, and also that three strikes itself, which is irrational populist fearmongering at its worst, will eventually be eliminated or replaced by something more rational as the idiots of gen x and baby boomers thankfully die. There is no mathematical formula for justice.
Now why the f*ck would I carry an ACLU card? You have got to be crazy.

You say the left will change three strikes but its the left that helped vote it into law. This is not a Republican state and this state has been blue since 3 strikes was passed.

I do not understand your facile style of extreme partisan thinking.

In support of the 'wackster.....

The first of the Three Strikes Laws as we know them now was passed in Washington State, certainly not a bastion of Conservatism. Initiative 593 was passed by their voters in 1993. In California it was prop 184 passed in 1994, again by the voters.. It passed with a vote of 72% there. 24 more states followed after, but not one of them had as sweeping and tough sentencing as California, again not a Conservative state.

And do you think Sandra Day O'Connor is Conservative?

Writing for the plurality in Ewing, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor analyzed the serious problem of recidivism among criminals in California and concluded:

We do not sit as a "superlegislature" to second-guess these policy choices. It is enough that the State of California has a reasonable basis for believing that dramatically enhanced sentences for habitual felons advances the goals of its criminal justice system in any substantial way … To be sure, Ewing's sentence is a long one. But it reflects a rational legislative judgment, entitled to deference, that offenders who have committed serious or violent felonies and who continue to commit felonies must be incapacitated.

It's preposterous to blame Conservatives for the Three Strikes laws.
Three strikes is one of the reasons I oppose the initiative system. In a rational, legislature setting, even conservatives could see the flaws in the massively strict California statute, and amended it as necessary. In California, there was no rational debate, no ability to amend it to make it more sensible (however, I'll give you that making any form of three strikes sensible is quite a task indeed), and now it's nearly impossible to change.