Thought there was no yellow cake in Iraq?

You know how all the pinheads have lauded Joe Wilson's assertion, that Saddam Hussein never tried to purchase yellow cake uranium from Niger, and there were no WMD's in Iraq?

Interesting AP story on that...

AP Exclusive: US removes uranium from Iraq

The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program — a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium — reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.

The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" — the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment — was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried the cache would reach insurgents or smugglers crossing to Iran to aid its nuclear ambitions.
You know how all the pinheads have lauded Joe Wilson's assertion, that Saddam Hussein never tried to purchase yellow cake uranium from Niger, and there were no WMD's in Iraq?

Interesting AP story on that...

AP Exclusive: US removes uranium from Iraq

The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program — a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium — reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.

The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" — the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment — was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried the cache would reach insurgents or smugglers crossing to Iran to aid its nuclear ambitions.

read the full article dixie, this yellowcake was from 1981, being guarded by UN since before the first gulf war...?

Israeli warplanes bombed a reactor project at the site in 1981. Later, U.N. inspectors documented and safeguarded the yellowcake, which had been stored in aging drums and containers since before the 1991 Gulf War. There was no evidence of any yellowcake dating from after 1991, the official said.

Oooooooooh.... so OLD yellowcake isn't a problem? I shoulda figured as much. I guess since WMD's have an average shelf life of about 6-months, there is nothing that could be found now in Iraq that would qualify, huh? Well, let me ask you this Care, what was Saddam planning to do with this yellowcake? Have a birthday party, maybe?
Oooooooooh.... so OLD yellowcake isn't a problem? I shoulda figured as much. I guess since WMD's have an average shelf life of about 6-months, there is nothing that could be found now in Iraq that would qualify, huh? Well, let me ask you this Care, what was Saddam planning to do with this yellowcake? Have a birthday party, maybe?
Yellow cake is delicious you know...
Oooooooooh.... so OLD yellowcake isn't a problem? I shoulda figured as much. I guess since WMD's have an average shelf life of about 6-months, there is nothing that could be found now in Iraq that would qualify, huh? Well, let me ask you this Care, what was Saddam planning to do with this yellowcake? Have a birthday party, maybe?

Hey, don't shoot me, i am just the messenger of what the article stated.

Regardless it was not enriched uranium, and it was not the yellowcake that was supposedly being sought by Saddam from Niger, because that was supposedly a recent action of saddam's not something from before 1991 according to both Bush and Cheney's statements on it.

And let's see...the administration has been aware of this yellowcake from 1981 being in dilapidated drums in Iraq and not once tried to imply it was the yellowcake that they were hyping...that THIS was their PROOF.....hymmmmmmwonder why?

I don't know Care, but isn't it interesting how they kept it secret? Makes you wonder what else may have been discovered in Iraq, which isn't being revealed yet because of security concerns, doesn't it? I've seen the deserts over there, they are huge and full of sand, and things like F15 Fighter Jets can be hidden beneath them very easily, you know. It doesn't seem too far fetched that WMD's could be hidden as well, and without knowing precisely where to look for them, it may take.... oh... 20 or 30 years to get an AP wire story about the "secret US mission" to spirit them out of the danger zone. Of course, by then, this will be ancient history, and long forgotten, I am sure. Besides, who will care in 20 years?

Let's be clear about this, Saddam was up to no good, we all know it. He wasn't keeping this stockpile of yellowcake for shits and giggles, he was planning to make a nuclear weapon with it. Unlike other WMD materials, yellowcake doesn't become impotent for something like 999 years, so he had a little time to put it to use. The UN was not in Iraq for several years. How were they "guarding" this stuff, Care??? What was our assurance that Saddam wasn't developing a nuke with this yellowcake? That's right, we had no assurance. You can continue to stick you head in the sand, just like you did when they found over 500 Sarin bombs and tons of mustard gas he had supposedly destroyed, but I know he was up to no good. History is not going to change that fact, and the further we go down the road, the more you are going to hear about "secret US missions" to transport this stuff out of Iraq.
Saddam posed no real imminent threat to the United States.

He was a relatively stable, secular dictator.

What we replaced him with scares me a whole lot more than Saddam himself. It is a government that, given a few years, could very easily transform into something like we see in Iran.

That said, I'm glad Saddam got hanged and is now in his own place.
Saddam posed no real imminent threat to the United States.

He was a relatively stable, secular dictator.

What we replaced him with scares me a whole lot more than Saddam himself. It is a government that, given a few years, could very easily transform into something like we see in Iran.

That said, I'm glad Saddam got hanged and is now in his own place.

Where do you get he was "relatively stable" when he defied 17 UN resolutions and kicked out the UN inspectors? Where do you get the idea he posed no imminent threat when his regime met 8 times with members of alQaeda and was providing safe haven for one of the '93 WTC bombers?

As for Iran, I hope they can have a government like Iraq in a few years, TWO democracies in the region would certainly be nice, and I am sure the people of Iran would love to escape the oppression as those in Iraq did. Yeah, I know, it doesn't matter one bit to you if the people of Iraq were being slaughtered daily, that is, if they weren't already being tortured and raped by Uday and Qusay, but to some of us, we really were concerned for the Iraqi people. It's sad how selfish freedom makes some people.
Israel is in violation of 64 UN Resolutions. Should we invade them, conquer them, hang their leader and then send over cannon fodder for the next 5 years.
Israel is in violation of 64 UN Resolutions. Should we invade them, conquer them, hang their leader and then send over cannon fodder for the next 5 years.

Do you really think that the votes regarding behavior of Iraq and Israel in UN are comparable?
You know how all the pinheads have lauded Joe Wilson's assertion, that Saddam Hussein never tried to purchase yellow cake uranium from Niger, and there were no WMD's in Iraq?

Interesting AP story on that...

AP Exclusive: US removes uranium from Iraq

The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program — a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium — reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.

The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" — the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment — was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried the cache would reach insurgents or smugglers crossing to Iran to aid its nuclear ambitions.

And if you had been up on your info you would have known that this yellow cake was known to the inspectors!

Try to keep up!
Oh my. Yellow cake we knew about, guarded, and had under tight security since 1981 was really worth this entire mess.

Face it: Saddam had no active nuclear program in 2003. So says the NIE, so says everyone everywhere but in Alabama.
Oh my. Yellow cake we knew about, guarded, and had under tight security since 1981 was really worth this entire mess.

Face it: Saddam had no active nuclear program in 2003. So says the NIE, so says everyone everywhere but in Alabama.

Exactly! Dixie should have known about it, too! Probably did, but they are still trying to find those WMD's and they only place they existed was in the minds of the PNAC, it is the only thing we could agree upon...I believe is somewhat close to the statement made. They knew it was the only thing that would make the American citizens go to Iraq. Now he just has yellow cake on his face! And will go down in history for it! Cake walk my ass...:cof1:
Israel is in violation of 64 UN Resolutions. Should we invade them, conquer them, hang their leader and then send over cannon fodder for the next 5 years.

Sorry Beefy, but we didn't "conquer" Iraq. There is no US flag flying over the capitol. We defeated Saddam's Republican Guard in about a month, and since then, have been battling Islamic fanatics and former Saddam henchmen, who want control of the country. Our objective is to help the Iraqi people establish a functioning democracy, and they are doing so, as planned and pretty much, on schedule.

"Cannon fodder" would involve cannons, which alQaeda doesn't possess. The fatalities are largely due to roadside bombs and improvised explosive devices (boobie-traps) which terrorists like to set. We also didn't "hang their leader" the Iraqi people did that, take it up with them.
Sorry Beefy, but we didn't "conquer" Iraq. There is no US flag flying over the capitol. We defeated Saddam's Republican Guard in about a month, and since then, have been battling Islamic fanatics and former Saddam henchmen, who want control of the country. Our objective is to help the Iraqi people establish a functioning democracy, and they are doing so, as planned and pretty much, on schedule.

"Cannon fodder" would involve cannons, which alQaeda doesn't possess. The fatalities are largely due to roadside bombs and improvised explosive devices (boobie-traps) which terrorists like to set. We also didn't "hang their leader" the Iraqi people did that, take it up with them.

Okay Dix. Sleep well with that blindfold on.

Our guys are dying there EVERY DAY. We have implemented a government there that wasn't there before we invaded.

Hussein was hanged by our minions.

Call it whatever you want, hide your shame for what it really is by calling something different, but it doesn't change the fact that we invaded, conquered, implemented a type of governace, and had their leader hanged. Oh, and our guys are dying there daily.

Call it whatever the fuck you want to sleep at night, but it doesn't change shit.
We have been battling the people of Iraq.

Some people fall for all the bs put out by this administration.

I am sure you would just stand by if an army as large as the US's rolled into your local neighborhood, right!

We seem to forget that Iraqis are people, too, who have had their homeland invaded by BIG BROTHER!

I know my hubby wouldn't be whittlen on the front porch!
There are so many who were once glad to see us come, but after many of their relatives have been killed, well, things have changed!
Where do you get he was "relatively stable" when he defied 17 UN resolutions and kicked out the UN inspectors? Where do you get the idea he posed no imminent threat when his regime met 8 times with members of alQaeda and was providing safe haven for one of the '93 WTC bombers?

As for Iran, I hope they can have a government like Iraq in a few years, TWO democracies in the region would certainly be nice, and I am sure the people of Iran would love to escape the oppression as those in Iraq did. Yeah, I know, it doesn't matter one bit to you if the people of Iraq were being slaughtered daily, that is, if they weren't already being tortured and raped by Uday and Qusay, but to some of us, we really were concerned for the Iraqi people. It's sad how selfish freedom makes some people.

It depends on which school of thought you come from:

The Neocon camp of Paul Wolfozwitz believed that creative destruction and nation building would lead to the creation of democratic, pro-western nations in the MidEast, which he also believed to be beneficial to our allies in Israel.

The Realist camp of Brent Scowcroft saw Saddam as a usual idiot/asset, who's power brought stability to the region and prevented Iran, Syria. and so forth from being able to cause serious trouble. Topple him unnecessarily and they would all come unglued. It kind of harkens back to an 80's document written by someone by the name of Kilpatrick, advocating that we leave dictators in power who didn't harm (or even helped) our foreign policy/security and topple the one's who were a threat.