Thought there was no yellow cake in Iraq?

Threedee shots and scores...OPEC was getting real tired of Saddam messing up their profits, too. He wouldn't cooperate and would flood the market with oil when they were cutting supplies. He was a barb in the sides of the Saudis...George's kissing cousins!
Oh my. Yellow cake we knew about, guarded, and had under tight security since 1981 was really worth this entire mess.

Now how exactly was this being guarded under tight security again? Because my understanding was, the US wasn't in Iraq, and for many years, Saddam wouldn't even allow UN inspection teams in, and inspectors are not security guards anyways. So, who and how was this stuff being guarded under tight security? Please, do elaborate!
We have been battling the people of Iraq.

Some people fall for all the bs put out by this administration.

I am sure you would just stand by if an army as large as the US's rolled into your local neighborhood, right!

We seem to forget that Iraqis are people, too, who have had their homeland invaded by BIG BROTHER!

I know my hubby wouldn't be whittlen on the front porch!
There are so many who were once glad to see us come, but after many of their relatives have been killed, well, things have changed!

No, we aren't battling the people of Iraq, I have two son-in-laws and a brother-in-law over there now, and I have also been there, and last I checked, we are (and have been) training Iraqi soldiers and security forces. The Iraqi people have gone to the polls four times in the past few years, usually in record numbers of around 70~80% voter turnout, which is more support than Obama will get in November from Democrats. So don't try to sell us on this stupidity that we are fighting the Iraqi people, when that simply isn't the case.
It depends on which school of thought you come from:

The Neocon camp of Paul Wolfozwitz believed that creative destruction and nation building would lead to the creation of democratic, pro-western nations in the MidEast, which he also believed to be beneficial to our allies in Israel.

The Realist camp of Brent Scowcroft saw Saddam as a usual idiot/asset, who's power brought stability to the region and prevented Iran, Syria. and so forth from being able to cause serious trouble. Topple him unnecessarily and they would all come unglued. It kind of harkens back to an 80's document written by someone by the name of Kilpatrick, advocating that we leave dictators in power who didn't harm (or even helped) our foreign policy/security and topple the one's who were a threat.

I think 550 tons of yellowcake uranium, unguarded and unprotected, in the hands of Saddam Hussein, WAS A THREAT! You may argue it wasn't "imminent" but with nukes, you can't really wait around until the threat is "imminent" because then, you have no recourse, unless you want nuclear war.

Establishment of democracy in the middle east is important because it is the "ideological" element to battling terrorism. We can't defeat the radical Islamic ideology with bombs and bullets, remember? So, we need the ideology of democracy to flourish, in order to (hopefully) provide a counter to the radical ideology of hate. It is important to establish it there, because "we" can't expect to implement the counter to the ideology, it would never be accepted, however, if the Iraqi people establish it on their own, it just might work. It's better than the pre-911 idea of leaving things be and ignoring the problem, we simply couldn't do that anymore, after 3000 Americans were murdered on 9/11. Call it "nation building" if you like, we are not building anything except military bases, the Iraqi people are building their nation and it's in the form of a democracy.

Yes it is, and you should read it all sometime, it is very telling of what Saddam was doing, and why he needed 550 metric tons of yellowcake uranium. It still didn't answer my question, after Saddam kicked out UN inspectors in 1998, how and who was guarding the stuff under tight security as yy's ass says? The UN wasn't in Iraq, and neither was the US, so who was doing the guarding, Saddam?
I think 550 tons of yellowcake uranium, unguarded and unprotected, in the hands of Saddam Hussein, WAS A THREAT! You may argue it wasn't "imminent" but with nukes, you can't really wait around until the threat is "imminent" because then, you have no recourse, unless you want nuclear war.

Establishment of democracy in the middle east is important because it is the "ideological" element to battling terrorism. We can't defeat the radical Islamic ideology with bombs and bullets, remember? So, we need the ideology of democracy to flourish, in order to (hopefully) provide a counter to the radical ideology of hate. It is important to establish it there, because "we" can't expect to implement the counter to the ideology, it would never be accepted, however, if the Iraqi people establish it on their own, it just might work. It's better than the pre-911 idea of leaving things be and ignoring the problem, we simply couldn't do that anymore, after 3000 Americans were murdered on 9/11. Call it "nation building" if you like, we are not building anything except military bases, the Iraqi people are building their nation and it's in the form of a democracy.

Hardly. As you may have noticed, I don't even believe in American Democracy. Were there a globull community worthwhile, we could all go in and topple the regimes and do as we please. But as there is not, we really have to pick our battles better and accept that we are really just going to have to wait until a seriously major war begins, probably when the Islamists take over Europe and can begin to really threaten the world.

A nuke in the MidEast is really just that, and I don't care where it goes off over there (although preferrably not in Pakistan where a messy war would inevitably break out with India).
Our guys are dying there EVERY DAY. We have implemented a government there that wasn't there before we invaded.

No, our guys are dying once in a while, when some chicken shit terror thug sets up and IED, and it usually kills more innocent Iraqi citizens as well. WE didn't implement a damn thing, the people of Iraq voted and approved a Constitution, a Parliament and elected representatives. We didn't force them to, or tell them how they had to do it, we let them make those choices... to which pinheads opined that they had established a theocratic government based on Sharia, which wasn't true either. The point is, THEY did this, we merely showed them the way.

Hussein was hanged by our minions.

No, Saddam was hanged by the government of Iraq, elected by the people of Iraq, after a trial by a jury of Iraqi's found him guilty. Our only involvement was to provide Saddam legal defense and insure he had a fair trial. You really live in a fantasy land, don't you?
Hardly. As you may have noticed, I don't even believe in American Democracy. Were there a globull community worthwhile, we could all go in and topple the regimes and do as we please. But as there is not, we really have to pick our battles better and accept that we are really just going to have to wait until a seriously major war begins, probably when the Islamists take over Europe and can begin to really threaten the world.

A nuke in the MidEast is really just that, and I don't care where it goes off over there (although preferrably not in Pakistan where a messy war would inevitably break out with India).

well, you really probably should care, because radioactive oil is of no use to anyone, no matter how much of a shortage there may be. I mean, I have genuine human compassion for the people over there, I want them to enjoy the same freedoms we have here, and be all fat and happy like we are, instead of being oppressed and slaughtered on a daily basis. I want the women of the middle east to be treated like humans instead of cattle, I think they might actually enjoy that life more in the end. So, my motives are more than just the oil, but since you really don't give a rat's ass about anyone else having the liberty and freedom you enjoy, your main concern should be the radioactive oil, and how the US would deal with such a crisis. Because it would kinda fuck up your lifestyle.
well, you really probably should care, because radioactive oil is of no use to anyone, no matter how much of a shortage there may be. I mean, I have genuine human compassion for the people over there, I want them to enjoy the same freedoms we have here, and be all fat and happy like we are, instead of being oppressed and slaughtered on a daily basis. I want the women of the middle east to be treated like humans instead of cattle, I think they might actually enjoy that life more in the end. So, my motives are more than just the oil, but since you really don't give a rat's ass about anyone else having the liberty and freedom you enjoy, your main concern should be the radioactive oil, and how the US would deal with such a crisis. Because it would kinda fuck up your lifestyle.

Ay, it would. Speaking of radioactivity, I just remembered that we haven't built a nuke plant in the US since those lefty nutsos put an end to it in the 70's. To date, nuclear energy is the only renewable energy that can compete with fossil fuels. We would still need oil for gasoline, but we could really benefit from nuke plants for powering cities.

But I digress...
Israel is in violation of 64 UN Resolutions. Should we invade them, conquer them, hang their leader and then send over cannon fodder for the next 5 years.

i could be wrong but i do believe most of those are non-binding. but good job anyway. have a cookie.
No, our guys are dying once in a while, when some chicken shit terror thug sets up and IED, and it usually kills more innocent Iraqi citizens as well. WE didn't implement a damn thing, the people of Iraq voted and approved a Constitution, a Parliament and elected representatives. We didn't force them to, or tell them how they had to do it, we let them make those choices... to which pinheads opined that they had established a theocratic government based on Sharia, which wasn't true either. The point is, THEY did this, we merely showed them the way.

Yeah, it was a regular American revolution over there, home grown and organic.

You're so blind its fucking amazing.

No, Saddam was hanged by the government of Iraq, elected by the people of Iraq, after a trial by a jury of Iraqi's found him guilty. Our only involvement was to provide Saddam legal defense and insure he had a fair trial. You really live in a fantasy land, don't you?

Yeah Dix, the people of Iraq decided this moreso than our govenrment.

God call supertard. Right on ya.
Yeah, it was a regular American revolution over there, home grown and organic.

You're so blind its fucking amazing.

Well, I never said it was the American Revolution, is that what you expected to happen in a country ruled by an iron-fisted tyrant for the past 30 years? It was more like the occupation of Japan following WWII, except we actually put Iraqi people in charge and let them form their own constitutional democracy.

My goodness, it sure seems I know a lot more about this than you do, that makes about the tenth thing I've corrected you on, so I don't think it is me who is blind here.

Yeah Dix, the people of Iraq decided this moreso than our govenrment.

God call supertard. Right on ya.

Well, you can call me names all you like, I am used to that. All I know is, the people of Iraq were who voted on and adopted a constitution, it wasn't forced on them against their will, didn't you see the proud Iraqi's holding up purple thumbs? What did you think that was all about, Beefy? Did you think we just gave them finger paints or something? Yeah, it was big news over there, you probably didn't hear it on Olberman or CNN, that's why you didn't know about it, I bet. Anyway, did I mention that over 70% of the voters cast a ballot, and that is probably more than McCain and Obama combined, will get in November?

Gosh Beefy, I thought you were smarter than this, I would be ashamed. Go read some news and stay away from the left-wing blogs, they are poisoning your mind.
I'm still not getting an answer from you brilliant people on who and how this 550 tons of uranium was being guarded under tight security. I don't blame you for not jumping in, that's a tough one to explain, really! I mean, we weren't there, so the US wasn't guarding anything in Iraq, and Saddam kicked the UN inspectors out, so they weren't guarding it, was NATO there? Who exactly was in charge of the "tight security" of this stuff?

I also need some clarification on what exactly was expected of Bush. Was he supposed to know there were WMD's that no one else knew were there? Is that the only thing that would possibly qualify? Because that is a pretty tough standard to ask of the man, he doesn't have psychic powers as president. I'm not sure I really understand what you expected. It seems you are asking for the impossible, that we find WMD's that no one else knew about, but were the ones Bush knew were there, and knew exactly where they were? I mean, short of him being Miss Cleo, how would he know this? Everything we've found in the way of legitimate WMD's, you've had some excuse or reason to disqualify them, and dismiss them as if they don't count as WMD's, but 550 tons of yellowcake uranium is only used for one thing, and it ain't to have a big birthday party.
"I also need some clarification on what exactly was expected of Bush"

A good President looks for any reason he can find NOT to go to war. In March of 2003, Hans Blix reported to Congress that the inspectors had UNFETTERED access to ALL suspected weapons sites. A good President hears that, and thinks that inspections deserve more time, instead of rushing into a war that leads to the death & injury of 10's of thousands.

That's what I expect of a President.
" I would be ashamed"

No you wouldn't. You have no shame. You are shameless & stupid, and completely lack the ability to admit it when you are wrong.
I'm still not getting an answer from you brilliant people on who and how this 550 tons of uranium was being guarded under tight security. I don't blame you for not jumping in, that's a tough one to explain, really! I mean, we weren't there, so the US wasn't guarding anything in Iraq, and Saddam kicked the UN inspectors out, so they weren't guarding it, was NATO there? Who exactly was in charge of the "tight security" of this stuff?

I also need some clarification on what exactly was expected of Bush. Was he supposed to know there were WMD's that no one else knew were there? Is that the only thing that would possibly qualify? Because that is a pretty tough standard to ask of the man, he doesn't have psychic powers as president. I'm not sure I really understand what you expected. It seems you are asking for the impossible, that we find WMD's that no one else knew about, but were the ones Bush knew were there, and knew exactly where they were? I mean, short of him being Miss Cleo, how would he know this? Everything we've found in the way of legitimate WMD's, you've had some excuse or reason to disqualify them, and dismiss them as if they don't count as WMD's, but 550 tons of yellowcake uranium is only used for one thing, and it ain't to have a big birthday party.

The funniest thing about this (aside from the fact that the uranium was locked up and under IAEA seal, which was confirmed by Hans Blix and his people before we went it and then left unguarded and unaccounted for for quite sometime after we invaded the country and toppled the government) is that the fact that Iraq had all of this yellowcake was part of the reason that George Bush's 16 words regarding Iraq was seeking "significant quantities of uranium from Africa" so damned implausible.

They already possessed a lot of the stuff and had no real reason to seek out more.
Ay, it would. Speaking of radioactivity, I just remembered that we haven't built a nuke plant in the US since those lefty nutsos put an end to it in the 70's. To date, nuclear energy is the only renewable energy that can compete with fossil fuels. We would still need oil for gasoline, but we could really benefit from nuke plants for powering cities.

But I digress...

It is certainly an option, but with the advances in wind and solar, it may not be the only way any more. If we invest in the infrastructure of wind and solar, we could replace the electric energy produced by nat gas and then use the cleaner nat gas to use in vehicles. (which is the plan Boone Pickens is promoting in his commercials)

In addition... the Air Force is almost to 100% in using biofuels created by algae, which to date is the most efficient biofuel (that I am aware of) to produce in terms of water used and energy produced.... and like switchgrass, the algae sites can be put anywhere. This same tech can be expanded and used for other fuel replacements.
This is it! Dixie has finally found the justification for the invasion. Of Course at first he thought no one would read the article and he could sneak it past us as THE YELLOWCAKE, but care being ever diligent pointed out to Dixie that it was not THE YELLOW cake. The report I read even went on to say that it was not even of a grade sufficient to create a dirty bomb. Of couse Dixie also fails to point out that Iraq had no working centrifuge for processing THE YELLOWCAKE and make it fissible. But he this the smoking gun. Dixie I now know why you cannot be a pin head. Because even with a pin head your brain would slosh around inside your skull with vigor.
The funniest thing about this (aside from the fact that the uranium was locked up and under IAEA seal, which was confirmed by Hans Blix and his people before we went it and then left unguarded and unaccounted for for quite sometime after we invaded the country and toppled the government) is that the fact that Iraq had all of this yellowcake was part of the reason that George Bush's 16 words regarding Iraq was seeking "significant quantities of uranium from Africa" so damned implausible.

They already possessed a lot of the stuff and had no real reason to seek out more.

Perhaps they wanted "fresh" uranium. I mean it only has a half life of about 500 million years or so... and this stuff was already 30 years old at least.