Thought there was no yellow cake in Iraq?

The funniest thing about this (aside from the fact that the uranium was locked up and under IAEA seal, which was confirmed by Hans Blix and his people before we went it and then left unguarded and unaccounted for for quite sometime after we invaded the country and toppled the government) is that the fact that Iraq had all of this yellowcake was part of the reason that George Bush's 16 words regarding Iraq was seeking "significant quantities of uranium from Africa" so damned implausible.

They already possessed a lot of the stuff and had no real reason to seek out more.

Oh yeah, I am sure those UN seals were going to keep Saddam from developing a nuke with the uranium, how dumb of me! He would have never broken the seal and defied the UN, would he? And it wasn't left unguarded, since 2003 when we invaded, the article says it has been under tight security. My question was, who was guarding it before we got there? Saddam? Well, hell, we could trust Saddam to guard 550 tons of yellowcake uranium he possessed.

As for the other idiot's post about the quality of this stuff, the article does say it wasn't useful in a dirty bomb, but that is never the purpose of raw yellowcake uranium, when it is enriched, it is used to fuel nukes, and it was certainly of sufficient quality for that. So we know Saddam wasn't planning to make dirty bombs with it, and that really leaves only one thing. But Saddam would never do something so terrible as try to make a nuke, would he?

Nuclear bombs are funny things, they require much testing, but the key component requires a significant amount of enriched uranium, which would require an enormous amount of yellowcake uranium to be enriched. He was seeking more from Niger to go with what he had, because when you make a nuke, generally you make two or three, it's just how it's done. Froggie posted the IAEA link, it details how much he had procured from other places, so it's crazy to think Saddam would have been prejudiced against Niger uranium.

Oh, I know, he hadn't yet developed a nuke, and that is what you will cling to here. Anything short of that, and you will scream and moan that we didn't have justification to go into Iraq, but the thing is, if he had developed a nuke, we wouldn't have been able to go. We know now, that the 550 tons of yellowcake had not been enriched, but how did we know this before we invaded? Most importantly, we know the yellowcake is safely in the hands of the Canadians now, but how did we know it was secure and safe before we invaded? Ohhhh yeahhh... the UN seals! I'm gonna have to get me some of those, they are amazing indeed.
Oh yeah, I am sure those UN seals were going to keep Saddam from developing a nuke with the uranium, how dumb of me! He would have never broken the seal and defied the UN, would he? And it wasn't left unguarded, since 2003 when we invaded, the article says it has been under tight security. My question was, who was guarding it before we got there? Saddam? Well, hell, we could trust Saddam to guard 550 tons of yellowcake uranium he possessed.

As for the other idiot's post about the quality of this stuff, the article does say it wasn't useful in a dirty bomb, but that is never the purpose of raw yellowcake uranium, when it is enriched, it is used to fuel nukes, and it was certainly of sufficient quality for that. So we know Saddam wasn't planning to make dirty bombs with it, and that really leaves only one thing. But Saddam would never do something so terrible as try to make a nuke, would he?

Nuclear bombs are funny things, they require much testing, but the key component requires a significant amount of enriched uranium, which would require an enormous amount of yellowcake uranium to be enriched. He was seeking more from Niger to go with what he had, because when you make a nuke, generally you make two or three, it's just how it's done. Froggie posted the IAEA link, it details how much he had procured from other places, so it's crazy to think Saddam would have been prejudiced against Niger uranium.

Oh, I know, he hadn't yet developed a nuke, and that is what you will cling to here. Anything short of that, and you will scream and moan that we didn't have justification to go into Iraq, but the thing is, if he had developed a nuke, we wouldn't have been able to go. We know now, that the 550 tons of yellowcake had not been enriched, but how did we know this before we invaded? Most importantly, we know the yellowcake is safely in the hands of the Canadians now, but how did we know it was secure and safe before we invaded? Ohhhh yeahhh... the UN seals! I'm gonna have to get me some of those, they are amazing indeed.

Dixie - We know it was secure and safe before we invaded because the inspectors actually went back into Iraq before we invaded and found the yellowcake with the seals still affixed.

I know everyone likes to pretend that the inspectors were not in Iraq at all before we invaded, but they were.

As for the stuff being unguarded after we invade and toppled the government, here:

VIENNA, Austria -- American troops who suggested they uncovered evidence of an active nuclear weapons program in Iraq unwittingly may have stumbled across known stocks of low-grade uranium, officials said Thursday. They said the U.S. troops may have broken U.N. seals meant to keep control of the radioactive material.

Leaders of a U.S. Marine Corps combat engineering unit claimed earlier this week to have found an underground network of laboratories, warehouses and bombproof offices beneath the closely monitored Tuwaitha nuclear research center just south of Baghdad.

The Marines said they discovered 14 buildings at the site which emitted unusually high levels of radiation, and that a search of one building revealed ''many, many drums'' containing highly radioactive material. If documented, such a discovery could bolster Bush administration claims that Saddam Hussein was trying to develop nuclear weaponry.

Lt. Cmdr. Charles Owens, a spokesman for the U.S. Central Command, said officials there have not heard anything through military channels about a Marine inspection at Tuwaitha.

The Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency, which has inspected the Tuwaitha nuclear complex at least two dozen times and maintains a thick dossier on the site, had no immediate comment.

But an expert familiar with U.N. nuclear inspections told The Associated Press that it was implausible to believe that U.S. forces had uncovered anything new at the site. Instead, the official said, the Marines apparently broke U.N. seals designed to ensure the materials aren't diverted for weapons use or end up in the wrong hands.

''What happened apparently was that they broke IAEA seals, which is very unfortunate because those seals are integral to ensuring that nuclear material doesn't get diverted,'' the expert said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The Army Times, meanwhile, reported that troops with the 101st Airborne Division have unearthed 11 shipping containers, filled with sophisticated lab equipment, buried at a chemical plant in Karbala. It said the equipment's value and evidence that some of it may have been smuggled into Iraq raised suspicions that the facility had been used to manufacture chemical weapons.

U.N. arms inspectors visited a facility in the immediate vicinity of the chemical plant Feb. 23, but did not find the buried equipment. Officials at the U.S. Central Command suggested that no conclusions should be drawn.

Several tons of low-grade uranium has been stored at Tuwaitha, Iraq's principle nuclear research center and a site that has been under IAEA safeguards for years, the official said. The Iraqis were allowed to keep the material because it was unfit for weapons use without costly and time-consuming enrichment.

Tuwaitha contains 1.8 tons of low-grade enriched uranium and several tons of natural and depleted uranium.

The uranium was inspected by the U.N. nuclear agency twice a year and was kept under IAEA seal at least until early this week, when the Marines seized control of the site.

The U.N. nuclear agency's inspectors have visited Tuwaitha about two dozen times, including a dozen checks carried out since December, most recently on Feb. 6. It was among the first sites that IAEA inspectors sought out after the resumption of inspections on Nov. 27 after a nearly four-year break.

And we found it and broke the IAEA seals, smart guys that we are.
This is it! Dixie has finally found the justification for the invasion. Of Course at first he thought no one would read the article and he could sneak it past us as THE YELLOWCAKE, but care being ever diligent pointed out to Dixie that it was not THE YELLOW cake. The report I read even went on to say that it was not even of a grade sufficient to create a dirty bomb. Of couse Dixie also fails to point out that Iraq had no working centrifuge for processing THE YELLOWCAKE and make it fissible. But he this the smoking gun. Dixie I now know why you cannot be a pin head. Because even with a pin head your brain would slosh around inside your skull with vigor.

Oh... we needed to find THE yellowcake! That would be THE yellowcake that only Bush knew they had but no one else knew about, right? Because THIS yellowcake was protected by a UN seal, and Saddam was such an honest man, he would have never broken the seal and used the stuff. Saddam did receive a shipment of aluminum tubes, that was well documented. But since Bush has psychic ability, he should have known the tubes were not of sufficient grade to make a centrifuge, even though that was why Saddam purchased them.

So the war was not justified because even though Saddam had an active nuclear weapons program, 550 tons of yellowcake uranium, and what he believed was aluminum tubes for the centrifuge, Bush should have used his psychic ability to know better, and he should have understood that Saddam would never defy the UN by breaking the UN seals on the uranium. And even if Saddam HAD made a nuke, he was such a swell guy, he would have never actually used it on anyone. That's your argument, and you're sticking to it, right?
Dung, thanks for that evidence that Saddam had an active nuclear weapons program. I think it is important to point that out to some people, because I kept hearing that he didn't have anything, no WMD's were found in Iraq, and Bush lied. It's good to see Bush was exonerated, and Saddam really WAS working on a nuke, as was feared.
Dung, thanks for that evidence that Saddam had an active nuclear weapons program. I think it is important to point that out to some people, because I kept hearing that he didn't have anything, no WMD's were found in Iraq, and Bush lied. It's good to see Bush was exonerated, and Saddam really WAS working on a nuke, as was feared.

You really are a mouth-breather aren't you. It's amazing you haven't drowned in your drool cup yet.
The uranium was inspected by the U.N. nuclear agency twice a year and was kept under IAEA seal at least until early this week

Saddam kicked out UN inspectors in 1998, so how did they inspect this stuff between 1998 and 2003? It seems like a tough feat to me, to inspect something when you've been kicked completely out of the country, but perhaps the IAEA had psychic abilities like Bush was supposed to have?

The more I listen to you guys, the more I am convinced the Democrats should have nominated Miss Cleo for president, because that is about what you are expecting from a leader.
Saddam kicked out UN inspectors in 1998, so how did they inspect this stuff between 1998 and 2003? It seems like a tough feat to me, to inspect something when you've been kicked completely out of the country, but perhaps the IAEA had psychic abilities like Bush was supposed to have?

The more I listen to you guys, the more I am convinced the Democrats should have nominated Miss Cleo for president, because that is about what you are expecting from a leader.

Actually, you are incorrect. The IAEA did indeed visit the site twice yearly from 1998-2001 to ensure the materials remained under seal. Even if they did not, the inspectors were back in Iraq in late 2002 and early 2003, before the war and found the materials still under seal.

Your drool cup is getting full.
You really are a mouth-breather aren't you. It's amazing you haven't drowned in your drool cup yet.

Me? Hell, I am still waiting for one of you idiots to make the claim that nukes aren't WMD's! It's coming, I know it is, I've heard them claim this before!

See, you've all set this thing up so that, only IF we find viable WMD's which would have had to been made 6 months after Saddam's death, and doesn't include nuke components or programs, it doesn't count as a THE WMD's Bush said he had. Since I don't think Saddam was able to make WMD's from the Crypt, I doubt that will ever be found.

We've found the equipment he used to make Sarin and VX, hidden in some rose bushes, we found the starter strains for Anthrax and Botulin in a scientist's refrigerator, we found thousands of empty warheads awaiting the toxic payloads, we found tons and tons of Castor bean hulls used to make Ricin, we found over 500 Sarin and mustard gas bombs Saddam told the UN he had destroyed, and now we hear of this 'secret US mission' to spirit out 550 tons of yellowcake uranium Saddam was not supposed to be interested in, but none of it counts as the WMD's Bush calimed he had but no one else in the world knew about.

I think your argument that 'Bush lied about WMDs' is coming unraveled, and the more you try to hold it together, the stupider you look. But the thing is, so many of you have drank the koolaid and are so heavily invested in this myth, you simply can't climb back off the limb now. So you continue to make one ridiculous statement after another, in an attempt to continue propping up your myth and misconceptions. It's really quite amusing to me.
Actually, you are incorrect. The IAEA did indeed visit the site twice yearly from 1998-2001 to ensure the materials remained under seal. Even if they did not, the inspectors were back in Iraq in late 2002 and early 2003, before the war and found the materials still under seal.

Your drool cup is getting full.

Actually, you are incorrect. The inspectors were supposed to inspect the site twice yearly, but Saddam ordered them to leave Iraq in 1998, and they couldn't very well inspect every 6 months from outside the country. When we put 100,000 troops on his border in Kuwait, and surrounded his country with US battleships, he agreed to allow UN inspectors back in Iraq, but when they attempted to inspect known facilities and locations, Saddam gave them the runaround and stalled them, claiming all of this stuff had been destroyed. We can go pull up the UN reports from Hans Blix to confirm this, if you like, but that's what happened. You, along with France, Germany and Russia, wanted to keep playing footsie with Saddam and give him more time, but Bush decided it was time to act, and we did.
"I think your argument that 'Bush lied about WMDs' is coming unraveled, and the more you try to hold it together, the stupider you look. But the thing is, so many of you have drank the koolaid and are so heavily invested in this myth, you simply can't climb back off the limb now. So you continue to make one ridiculous statement after another, in an attempt to continue propping up your myth and misconceptions. It's really quite amusing to me."

Well, since you speak for America, how do you think the rest of the nation feels about that one?

Do you think McCain running on a platform of "we found the WMD's!" would be a winner?

Think long & hard about that one Dix. I said yesterday, it's great to see you suffering politically.
Sorry Beefy, but we didn't "conquer" Iraq. There is no US flag flying over the capitol.


April 9, 2003.
"I think your argument that 'Bush lied about WMDs' is coming unraveled, and the more you try to hold it together, the stupider you look. But the thing is, so many of you have drank the koolaid and are so heavily invested in this myth, you simply can't climb back off the limb now. So you continue to make one ridiculous statement after another, in an attempt to continue propping up your myth and misconceptions. It's really quite amusing to me."

Well, since you speak for America, how do you think the rest of the nation feels about that one?

Do you think McCain running on a platform of "we found the WMD's!" would be a winner?

Think long & hard about that one Dix. I said yesterday, it's great to see you suffering politically.

Yeah, your buddies in the Liberal Media are doing everything they can to get Obama elected, so that's why this story was buried and didn't get reported on any major network. It doesn't "fit" the template of Bush Lied and No WMD's in Iraq, so they didn't report it. And YES, you have been very good at brainwashing stupid Americans into believing your pack of lies, so NO, it probably wouldn't do McCain any good to run against The Great Lie.
Yeah, your buddies in the Liberal Media are doing everything they can to get Obama elected, so that's why this story was buried and didn't get reported on any major network. It doesn't "fit" the template of Bush Lied and No WMD's in Iraq, so they didn't report it. And YES, you have been very good at brainwashing stupid Americans into believing your pack of lies, so NO, it probably wouldn't do McCain any good to run against The Great Lie.

yellowcake is NOT a wmd or imminent threat. Enriched uranium would be close to an imminent threat IF there was also means to deliver it via missle to us....with a mushroom cloud to show for it......butttt, no such thing!

Let's just keep facts straight on what we were told, which was that Saddam was actively seeking to acquire Yellowcake from Niger, Africa....

The administration was very aware of this yellowcake under UN seal in Iraq from 1981.... IF they told us about this yellowcake that was already there, then Cheney's lies regarding the New and Recent seeking of yellowcake from africa would not have meant as much in scaring the pajesus out of us, because saddam ALREADY had tons of it....

yellowcake is NOT a wmd or imminent threat. Enriched uranium would be close to an imminent threat IF there was also means to deliver it via missle to us....with a mushroom cloud to show for it......butttt, no such thing!

Let's just keep facts straight on what we were told, which was that Saddam was actively seeking to acquire Yellowcake from Niger, Africa....

The administration was very aware of this yellowcake under UN seal in Iraq from 1981.... IF they told us about this yellowcake that was already there, then Cheney's lies regarding the New and Recent seeking of yellowcake from africa would not have meant as much in scaring the pajesus out of us, because saddam ALREADY had tons of it....


I think you are confused Care, no one has ever argued that Iraq was an "imminent threat" and you have apparently misinterpreted something. Bush did make the argument that we can't wait for Iraq to become an imminent threat, and that was the direction they were heading. Yes, the administration was aware of this yellowcake, which was not being guarded or protected, and was in the possession of a man who sought to build nuclear weapons with it, in defiance of the US and UN. If you knew and understood that yellowcake uranium needed to be enriched before it was dangerous, how was the 'pajesus' scared out of you by the administrations intelligence reports regarding African yellowcake? That doesn't make any sense.

Yellowcake uranium is only used for two reasons, one is to make nuclear power, the other is to make nuclear weapons. Iraq, with a viable oil supply, has no use for nuclear power. To enrich it and use it for a nuclear weapon, it takes tons and tons of it, some of which, he already had. He did attempt to buy yellowcake from Niger and the Congo, regardless of what Joe Wilson reported. Joe and his Democrat Hack wife, attempted to destroy the credibility of US intelligence reports about this, and for some mush-brain Democrats, they succeeded. But the actual yellowcake in and of itself, was never the issue here, it was Saddam's intent and purpose for it.
I think you are confused Care, no one has ever argued that Iraq was an "imminent threat" and you have apparently misinterpreted something. Bush did make the argument that we can't wait for Iraq to become an imminent threat, and that was the direction they were heading. Yes, the administration was aware of this yellowcake, which was not being guarded or protected, and was in the possession of a man who sought to build nuclear weapons with it, in defiance of the US and UN. If you knew and understood that yellowcake uranium needed to be enriched before it was dangerous, how was the 'pajesus' scared out of you by the administrations intelligence reports regarding African yellowcake? That doesn't make any sense.

Yellowcake uranium is only used for two reasons, one is to make nuclear power, the other is to make nuclear weapons. Iraq, with a viable oil supply, has no use for nuclear power. To enrich it and use it for a nuclear weapon, it takes tons and tons of it, some of which, he already had. He did attempt to buy yellowcake from Niger and the Congo, regardless of what Joe Wilson reported. Joe and his Democrat Hack wife, attempted to destroy the credibility of US intelligence reports about this, and for some mush-brain Democrats, they succeeded. But the actual yellowcake in and of itself, was never the issue here, it was Saddam's intent and purpose for it.
He did too try to get yellowcake. He did too have WMD's! He did too meet with Al Qaeda! He did too have something to do with 9-11! The insurgents are too getting ready to fold! You have parroted the administration this entire fucking goat screw. You are a dyed in the wool Kool-Aid drinking, Jeans lusting Bushite automoton. But I forget, you did spend a few weeks there and you know more than all of us combined. Like I said, slosh slosh slosh. The Good lord put your brains in with a teaspoonand someone joggled his arm.
I think you are confused Care, no one has ever argued that Iraq was an "imminent threat" and you have apparently misinterpreted something. Bush did make the argument that we can't wait for Iraq to become an imminent threat, and that was the direction they were heading. Yes, the administration was aware of this yellowcake, which was not being guarded or protected, and was in the possession of a man who sought to build nuclear weapons with it, in defiance of the US and UN. If you knew and understood that yellowcake uranium needed to be enriched before it was dangerous, how was the 'pajesus' scared out of you by the administrations intelligence reports regarding African yellowcake? That doesn't make any sense.

Yellowcake uranium is only used for two reasons, one is to make nuclear power, the other is to make nuclear weapons. Iraq, with a viable oil supply, has no use for nuclear power. To enrich it and use it for a nuclear weapon, it takes tons and tons of it, some of which, he already had. He did attempt to buy yellowcake from Niger and the Congo, regardless of what Joe Wilson reported. Joe and his Democrat Hack wife, attempted to destroy the credibility of US intelligence reports about this, and for some mush-brain Democrats, they succeeded. But the actual yellowcake in and of itself, was never the issue here, it was Saddam's intent and purpose for it.

PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE......Saddam DID NOT TRY to purchase yellowcake from niger and most importantly he did NOT PURCHASE yellowcake from niger and your president and vice president LIED THROUGH THEIR TEETH and committed a crime in what they did to valerie plame and her identity and her career.... they, the presidents, couldn't go much lower than what they did in the plame case and in what they did in lying to us.... telling us that Saddam was an imminent threat to us and that we had to attack immediately so that we would not wake up to a smoking gun in the form or a nuclear cloud....

i haven't forgotten their LIES and bullshit and never will.....

PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE......Saddam DID NOT TRY to purchase yellowcake from niger and most importantly he did NOT PURCHASE yellowcake from niger and your president and vice president LIED THROUGH THEIR TEETH and committed a crime in what they did to valerie plame and her identity and her career.... they, the presidents, couldn't go much lower than what they did in the plame case and in what they did in lying to us.... telling us that Saddam was an imminent threat to us and that we had to attack immediately so that we would not wake up to a smoking gun in the form or a nuclear cloud....

i haven't forgotten their LIES and bullshit and never will.....

As I said, some mush-brained Democrats believed Plame and Wilson. Most of us with half an ounce of sense, saw it for the political hack job it was. Intelligence reports said, Saddam was trying to buy yellowcake from Niger and the Congo, and we have the documents to prove his people were there, discussing the purchase with the Nigerians and the Congonese governments. There is no bill of lading or records of any purchase being made, but this does not mean a damn thing regarding the highly sensitive product.

The issue was never the yellowcake uranium! As you pointed out, it is not a WMD, and is practically useless in of itself, so this was NEVER the issue, although Democrats turned it into this huge big deal of an issue, and pretended it was lied about. Nothing was lied about, we have the intelligence reports and documentation! Airplanes landed at airports, they have logs of the flights, dignitaries got off the planes and were greeted by the government officials, these things can't be denied, they happened! The Nigerian Foreign Minister issued a statement confirming that Saddam had sought yellowcake uranium from them, and withdrew the statement two days later! You can believe Joe Wilson's politically motivated lies if you want to, I am not an idiot!