Thousands more gun dealers now required to run background checks on buyers

What would help to greatly reduce gun crime in America is a simple regime of mandatory, federally administered and supervised, IQ testing. If you (a man or woman over 18 y.o) score below 85 points, then it's: "Sorry Buddy, but your 2nd Amendment Right to possess and bear firearms just disappeared down the gurgler. You ain't gettin' no gun/s."

It's not a panacea, but at least my proposal would - at the very least - save 1000s of lives in America each year.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Apply it to voting too. It’ll stop a lot of dumbasses. Mostly MAGAts, but others too. Dumbass MAGAts like Sybil:
What 'concession', Sock? You are hallucinating again. Assumption of victory fallacy.
“Biden administration will require thousands more gun dealers to run background checks on buyers”

Thousands MORE gun dealers? How many outlaws are out there selling guns who are NOT running BGCs and still have a license?

Long overdue, selling guns via the Internet is just plain nuts, along with making straw purchases more difficult

Have you ever bought a gun? Have you ever bought a gun on the internet? How do you think it works, you just give someone your credit card number and they ship it to you?

“Thousands more firearms dealers across the United States will have to run background checks on buyers when selling at gun shows or other places outside brick-and-mortar stores, according to a Biden administration rule that will soon go into effect.”

I've bought one gun at a gun show back in 1994. I believe I only had to put a deposit on it and wait 5 days until the BGC was done, and that 5 days was also for what they call a "cooling off period"

“Administration officials believe the new rule will impact more than 20,000 dealers”

If there's 20,000 FFL holders out there selling guns without a BGC, and the ATF knows it, they are negligent. Even private firearms sales must be done with a licensed dealer who does a BGC, documents it, and collects a fee for doing it.
What would help to greatly reduce gun crime in America is a simple regime of mandatory, federally administered and supervised, IQ testing. If you (a man or woman over 18 y.o) score below 85 points, then it's: "Sorry Buddy, but your 2nd Amendment Right to possess and bear firearms just disappeared down the gurgler. You ain't gettin' no gun/s."

It's not a panacea, but at least my proposal would - at the very least - save 1000s of lives in America each year.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

True, fewer guns would result in fewer shootings. Hard to believe you can understand that.
To buy online you must have an FFL, or have it shipped to someone with an FFL, which require massive background checks to obtain.

You are wrong. There is no distinction between buying online and any other private sale. If it is all within a single state, that state's laws apply. In many states, there are no background checks for private sales.

Now if the state requires background checks for private sales, or if the private sale is over state lines, then you do have to get a background check.
BTW:You can buy cars on the internet and they DID kill 40,000 people last year yet we continue to sell them on the internet.

Car sales all require a title transfer by the government. The title is searchable by government computer. Every car must have a government known owner. These are all things that are not fully applied to guns.

If a car is used in a crime, and was sold without informing the government, the seller is looking at prison time. I would love for that to apply to guns too.
Where this rule gets into a grey zone is somebody sells say, two guns they've owned for long time and makes a profit doing that. Does that suddenly qualify them as predominantly earning a profit and they would have needed a firearms license to do it? The way this rule is worded is really lawyerese weasel wording.

Why are you so hung up on profit. No one is trying to stop profit, they are trying to stop the transfer of guns to criminals.

Let's take the terrorist supporter who buys guns legally, and then gives them to criminals to commit terrorist acts. The guns cost money to buy, and were given for no money. That is a huge loss, so no profit. The problem is the straw man purchaser is providing guns to terrorists, not that he might make a profit.

Conversely, a gun maker that makes every reasonable effort to avoid having their guns used in a crime should be allowed a profit, if the market provides it.