Thousands more gun dealers now required to run background checks on buyers

this is a prime example of modern day leftist delusion. Nothing of what you said here is even remotely true and not even close to what I said. You're like a two dollar whore. Once you get your teeth on something, you just do not let go, no matter how wrong or bad it is for you.

You repeated my claim, stupid fuck. Hung by your own petard, yet too stupid to realize it.
Private sales do not need to go through a FFL.

Nope, a "private sale" at a gun show requires no background check.

At the beginning of the post, you claimed that all sales must go through a dealer, and now you say they do not. The fact is federal law allows a "private sale" at a gun show, or in a gun store parking lot. There is no background check required.

READING is FUNdemental....
You start out by saying that it is a lie, and then go to some are private sales? In other words, even you admit it is the truth that private sales happen.

I say it's a lie, because you are lying. The site specifically states that sales MUST go through an FFL. For private sales, the buyer and seller MUST be in the same state and not be restricted by state law.

You stepped on a rake. A leftist site fed you a pile of shit that you unquestioningly shared here.
Two of the idiots on this thread were saying you can buy a gun on the aforementioned internet sites without a background check. They were who I was quoting, and they are wrong.
They are.
I would think that the SCOTUS should rule whether it's unconstitutional.
It is unconstitutional, whether SCOTUS rules that way or not. SCOTUS has many times allowed unconstitutional law to stand, or even violated the Constitution themselves.
There is only one way SCOTUS can rule and conform to the Constitution.

SCOTUS has no authority over the Constitution, cannot change the Constitution, cannot interpret the Constitution, and must conform to the Constitution. It is the Constitution that created SCOTUS.

Giving SCOTUS authority over the Constitution is creating an oligarchy and discarding the Constitution.

Here's the problem:

You fill out a form, giving your name and other identifying information to the FBI that you are buying a gun. They conduct a 'background check' as they call it (basically checking if you have a criminal history) and report back to the FFL dealer.

In other words, you are compelled to witness against yourself (a violation of the 5th amendment). It is snooping by the government (a violation of the 4th amendment) and allows them to build a database of gun owners that can later be used against you (a violation of the 2nd amendment). It separates out 'authorized' sellers of guns and individuals selling guns to each other and creates classes of people allowed to own a firearm (a violation of the 14th amendment).

The gun division of the BATF is itself unconstitutional. The federal government has NO authority to ban or limit any weapon or it's accessories. The gun division of the BATF routinely does this. No State has any authority to ban or limit any weapon either. They signed onto this when they joined the Union.

There is NO justification for discarding the Constitution. The right of self defense is inherent. It cannot be taken away. No matter how oppressive a government gets, there WILL be guns and other weapons.

So...what do you do about the mass shooters?

1. Carry a gun...protect yourself and others from these monsters. I welcome any school district that allows the teachers to carry guns to protect themselves and their students. The answer to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Eliminate 'gun free' zones. They are completely worthless, as demonstrated by every mass shooter killing people in one.
2. Stop the catch and release program for criminals. Letting violent criminals loose on the street after less then 24 hours is not helping anyone except the criminal.
3. Hold ANYONE encouraging criminal activity accountable. That means cities, judges, pyschoquacks, police, bureaucrats, social workers, or anyone else that lets these mass shooters and hoodlums return to the streets with little or no consequence of their actions, or prescribe mind altering drugs that cause homicidal tendencies. If someone is killed by their lax behavior or prescription, they are just as guilty as the shooter himself.

The gun is a tool. It does not kill anyone unless someone puts a cartridge in the chamber and causes the trigger to be pulled. It's the human being that is required to make a gun kill someone.
Democrats blame the gun. Stop blaming an inanimate object for the actions of human beings causing loss of life.

Remember that any scare tactic the Democrats use to try to justify taking away guns only comes back to a justification to carry a gun to protect yourself and others from such criminals.
Remember the purpose of any background check, which is to eventually be used to try to disarm the citizens and make it harder to obtain weapons to defend themselves.
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Can’t fix your ignorance, Buford. There’s a reason the US leads western nations in gun violence. And it’s not easy access to forks.

Stupid fuck.

It doesn't, and I have already given the reasons for the gun violence we have here:

* 'gun free' zones.
* catch and release handling of criminals.
* failing to hold bureaucrats, politicians, social workers, psychoquacks, etc. of the carnage they cause by encouraging 'catch and release' and prescribing mind altering drugs that can cause homicidal tendencies.

Until you do something about the gangs (that Democrats support), the psychoquacks (that Democrats support), and other the Democrats support, and the 'gun free' zones, there will continue to be mass shootings occurring regularly.
Ah, no, too many guns already out there, and climbing numbers of new guns every year, but raising hurdles to access to guns certainly may lead to a reduction

And just like the Constitution, immigration, law, and a slew of other issues, the ones with “lack of knowledge” is the right

What would help to greatly reduce gun crime in America is a simple regime of mandatory, federally administered and supervised, IQ testing. If you (a man or woman over 18 y.o) score below 85 points, then it's: "Sorry Buddy, but your 2nd Amendment Right to possess and bear firearms just disappeared down the gurgler. You ain't gettin' no gun/s."

It's not a panacea, but at least my proposal would - at the very least - save 1000s of lives in America each year.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

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