Thousands more gun dealers now required to run background checks on buyers

Blatant lie.

ALL gun dealers have been required to run background checks all along.

Not correct.

First, there is no federal requirement for a background check. Only some States, the SDTC, the SOTCO, and the SOTNY require them. Such checks to purchase a firearm is unconstitutional, violating the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 14th amendments.

The current regions require background checks to purchase a firearm:
WA, OR, NV, NM, MN, IL, MI, PA, VA, NJ, MD, VT, RI, CT, DE, MA, the SDTC, the SOTCO, the SOTHI, and the SOTNY.

The FBI usually is contracted to conduct these checks.
post the EXACT link for that, liar, and you have been given context numerous times. you simply refuse to acknowledge the truth and reality of it.

Nope, dumbfuck, just your lame denials.

The context was rights vs. privileges. You pulled the same lame car/gun analogy a lot of barrel strokers do. And, as I always do, I point out the absurdity of that argument, since vehicles are a necessary part of a modern society, while guns are not.

That’s where you made the stupidest fucking post ever on this forum.
Yep, you're lying through your fucking teeth. Armslist complies with all federal and state laws. You accept conditions to use the site - as you accepted the conditions to use this site. If you BUY a gun from a dealer - you will have to go through a standard background check.

Not necessarily true. Most States have no background check to purchase a gun.
I wouldn’t say most, all the health care in the world still won’t predict who the next shooter will be, but we do have the ability to control that which makes it all possible, the weapon. How many suicides would have been prevented if there wasn’t a gun easily accessible

So don't shoot yourself. Carry a gun to protect yourself. It really is pretty simple.
When you win or purchase a gun, you have to give the license # of the FFL holder you're having that gun sent to. You pick it up there after a background check is run (they usually run them before the gun is sent). Ain't no way gettin' out of it.

Assuming the gun is being sent to a State that conducts background checks.

Most don't.
Ah, exactly, you accept the rules by checking a box, that’s it, it is not monitored, duh, and a License dealer who would a background check need not be involved

As usual, you haven’t a clue about what you are talking about

So let's assume it's not monitored, as you claim. So?
Oh, so if you buy a weapon from your next door neighbor you ”have to give the license # of the FFL holder you're having that gun sent to. You pick it up there after a background check is run (they usually run them before the gun is sent)?

No, you just buy the gun from your next door neighbor. Done.
So it's the use of guns not the sale of guns you're opposed to. We agree! Isn't that beautiful? How many of those 40,000 dead Americans were killed by a gun bought on the Internet?

I can't agree.

If one is willing, carry a gun to protect yourself. That means potentially using it.
You are flat out lying.

Since the 1993 "Brady Bill" the sale of firearms must be through a Federal Firearms Licensed Dealer (FFL) and utilize the NICS background system.

There is no "gun show loophole" and never has been. You of the anti-liberty left simply lie in your quest to end civil rights.

The ONLY exemption to background checks is private sales between individuals. Dealers have been required by federal law to perform background checks for over 30 years.

You are repeating a direct lie by Biden.

That law is unconstitutional.
You're simply lying.

Any dealer who sells a firearm without a NICS check is headed for prison - unless the buyer is Hunter Biden.

Further, you're lying about what the Biden campaign stunt does. While you want Quid Pro to be an absolute dictator in the mold of Xi Jinping or Vladimir Putin, he is still slightly restrained by the constitution you have such Contempt for. The Biden rule says that if I sell a gun as a private individual to my brother, it must be at a loss - I cannot make a PROFIT - or it must be routed through an FFL. As long as I lose money, I can still sell as normal.

This is nothing but a campaign stunt by Xi's Biden Regime in hopes of motivating the democrat masses who are apathetic about another 4 years of Bought and Paid for's disastrous regime.

These days, if you speak out against Biden, they say you are headed for prison.
Can’t help you with your dumbfuckness, doc. Perhaps remedial reading.

QED on how much you and the MAGAts have in common, dome.

When you grow up, graduate from college and embark on a professional career, perhaps you'll consider focusing your anger into something positive and help make a good difference in the lives of your friends and family.

Good luck. :thup:

Good for Tennessee.
Removing dangers from mental patients is part of mental healthcare. In fact, it's step one if the mental problems are alcohol-related. So how do you keep the arms out of crazy people's grips without background checks being universal?

You can't, even if background checks ARE universal. Carry a gun to protect yourself.