Thousands more gun dealers now required to run background checks on buyers

Libertarians believe that healthcare prices would decrease and quality and availability of healthcare would increase if providers were freed from government meddling and control.

Virtually every person wants access to quality healthcare at an affordable price. Libertarians think the best way to achieve this is by removing government interference and enabling free markets.

Government inappropriately controls our healthcare in many ways:

Government and a handful of insurance companies have a virtual monopoly as payers. Because of this, they make most of the decisions about what kinds of healthcare are available.
Government regulates where, when, and who may open new healthcare facilities.
Government agencies greatly slow development of and access to new medicines, devices, and technologies that may improve quality of care and reduce cost of care.
Currently, the healthcare industry is virtually monopolized by the government and a handful of insurance companies. They hold the checkbook and wield it for their own benefit.

Each year, the government sets prices that they will pay providers including doctors and hospitals. Each year, these payments increase at less than the cost of inflation, while the cost of providing medical care increases by a far greater amount. This has unpleasant consequences for everyone. Providers are incentivized to do what is quick and cheap, not what is in the best interest of a particular patient. Doctors are forced to reduce the time they spend with patients, and this reduces quality of care. Hospitals are discouraged from upgrading facilities, and this reduces quality of care. Worse yet, insurance companies often set their payments according to the government’s prices. This regular ratcheting down on payments to providers, while actual costs to provide care increases, makes providers less able to provide high quality healthcare.

Government also regulates where medical facilities can be built, who can build them, and when. The process for applying for permission to build facilities is very costly and very slow, thus it favors the biggest corporations and prevents smaller organizations from opening new facilities that could serve patients. This greatly limits patients’ access to medical care and increases costs compared to a system where government permission was not required.

Institutions such as the Food and Drug Administration also limit cost-effective access to quality care. The approval processes for new drugs and technology is lengthy and expensive. Because of this, the process favors the biggest companies with the most lawyers. There are many stories of patients dying while waiting for approval of a new device or medicine. Instead, Libertarians call for free-market testing which will be inherently incentivized to be efficient and fair in their processes. Additionally, Libertarians believe in the “Right to Try”, especially in situations with a terminal diagnosis. The government must not be permitted to deny patients access to new medical advances.

Tort reform would also greatly reduce the cost of health care. The current tort system raises the cost of care by
encouraging unnecessary testing and procedures which increase the cost of medical care by forcing medical teams to devote significant time and resources to preventing or defending against unwarranted legal actions. When legitimate claims arise, they should be taken seriously and resolved fairly through the courts. However, frivolous and fraudulent claims should not be tolerated, as our current system does. These disparage our healthcare providers and the quality of medical care they can provide and that we can receive. Libertarians oppose fraud in all forms.

In short, Libertarians believe that each person has the right to make their own medical decisions. Libertarians support removing government meddling from healthcare. We think this and tort reform are the best ways to improve quality of healthcare, increase access to healthcare, and decrease prices of healthcare in our country.

Translation: fuck the sick

Let’s make money or they can just go kill themselves
More Democratic chipping away at gun rights and not a single mention of better mental health care. This is why I won’t vote Democrat.

From the link:
The rule, which was finalized this week, makes clear that anyone who sells firearms predominantly to earn a profit must be federally licensed and conduct background checks, regardless of whether they are selling on the internet, at a gun show or at a brick-and-mortar store, Attorney General Merrick Garland told reporters.

AFAIK, that’s always been the law. So now the Democrats are passing laws to make it illegal to sell guns illegally. Awesome. LOL


Utter fail of a post
“Everything else” didn’t result in over 40,000 dead Americans last year
Neither did the guns that were sold on the internet.

BTW:You can buy cars on the internet and they DID kill 40,000 people last year yet we continue to sell them on the internet.
Why don’t you already know?

I thought you were claiming you were informed about the issue?

I’ll go get some of the ideas the party supports

People who are small government always kill any attempts to do something

Remember that’s what libertarians believe
I do know; those in Congress don't give a fuck about anything except getting reelected. Is that too cynical? LOL

What parts of a complex issue do you think I need more education on, evince?

Supports as in, it's in their platform but never appears as a bill? Or that it's prioritized waaaaay down the list?

Government is necessary. I support government since we need roads, schools and hospitals...not to mention a military, but I don't support overreaching governments that oppress citizens in order to maintain their power. Government should support citizen's rights and resolve disputes, not dictate how people should think, live and belief.

Unlike Democrats and Republicans, Libertarians don't have to toe the line and only preach Party talking points. We're free to speak our minds and disagree with our leaders.
“Everything else” didn’t result in over 40,000 dead Americans last year

How many were murders compared to suicides?

Suicide is a choice. See Albert Camus:

Murder is not a choice. When thinking about murder, please consider this:
Overall, 76% of female murders and 56% of male murders were perpetrated by someone known to the victim. About 16% of female murder victims were killed by a nonintimate family member—parent, grandparent, sibling, in-law, and other family member—compared to 10% of male murder victims.

A larger percentage of males (21%) were murdered by a stranger than females (12%). For 1 out of every 3 male murder victims and 1 out of every 5 female murder victims, the relationship between the victim and the offender was unknown.

On sites as Armslist (, you accept the conditions by checking off a box which includes promising to comply with all applicable rules, compliance isn’t monitored. Just think of a pseudo Craigslist for guns, as long as you don’t sell across State lines you are copacetic

You trumpet your complete lack of real world experience again.

To buy online you must have an FFL, or have it shipped to someone with an FFL, which require massive background checks to obtain.

If you have an FFL, background check already done; if you ship thru a third party FFL holder, THEY are required to complete the background check before you can take possession of the firearm.
I do know; those in Congress don't give a fuck about anything except getting reelected. Is that too cynical? LOL

What parts of a complex issue do you think I need more education on, evince?

Supports as in, it's in their platform but never appears as a bill? Or that it's prioritized waaaaay down the list?

Government is necessary. I support government since we need roads, schools and hospitals...not to mention a military, but I don't support overreaching governments that oppress citizens in order to maintain their power. Government should support citizen's rights and resolve disputes, not dictate how people should think, live and belief.

Unlike Democrats and Republicans, Libertarians don't have to toe the line and only preach Party talking points. We're free to speak our minds and disagree with our leaders.

There's no way to improve mental healthcare without increasing taxes. Democrats probably don't even try that route because it's a no-go scenario. The R's would do everything to block what they call socialism.
There's no way to improve mental healthcare without increasing taxes. Democrats probably don't even try that route because it's a no-go scenario. The R's would do everything to block what they call socialism.
The Republican Party is in the midst of eating itself alive then imploding.

The Democrats are still stuck in 1990s thinking with race legislation and gun banning their top two agenda items. FWIW, we can't get rid of racism if we keep institutionalizing it. Better, IMO, to focus on offering all Americans an inexpensive, high-quality education then let them figure it out from there.

Yes, taxes need to be raised. It's one thing to cut fat, but we've been hacking away at meat and bone for over 20 years now while the national debt mushrooms. The rich get richer and the middle-class moves toward the lower class...although some of them move toward the higher income groups.
The Republican Party is in the midst of eating itself alive then imploding.

The Democrats are still stuck in 1990s thinking with race legislation and gun banning their top two agenda items. FWIW, we can't get rid of racism if we keep institutionalizing it. Better, IMO, to focus on offering all Americans an inexpensive, high-quality education then let them figure it out from there.

Yes, taxes need to be raised. It's one thing to cut fat, but we've been hacking away at meat and bone for over 20 years now while the national debt mushrooms. The rich get richer and the middle-class moves toward the lower class...although some of them move toward the higher income groups.

Another thing I've heard is that life insurers may give you the boot if you develop mental health issues.
Another thing I've heard is that life insurers may give you the boot if you develop mental health issues.

Better mental healthcare only works if there's legislation to support it.

If a person is covered by insurance, they shouldn't be booted for developing a medical issue, physical or mental.
Better mental healthcare only works if there's legislation to support it.

If a person is covered by insurance, they shouldn't be booted for developing a medical issue, physical or mental.

You can still get life insurance if they think you are high risk but the premiums are astronomical.
You can still get life insurance if they think you are high risk but the premiums are astronomical.
That needs to be worked out a bit more. Insurance companies were the ones who tubed national healthcare during the Obama administration.
You trumpet your complete lack of real world experience again.

To buy online you must have an FFL, or have it shipped to someone with an FFL, which require massive background checks to obtain.

If you have an FFL, background check already done; if you ship thru a third party FFL holder, THEY are required to complete the background check before you can take possession of the firearm.

Already been there, done that, same point was covered post ago, unless you got something new, NEXT
Neither did the guns that were sold on the internet.

BTW:You can buy cars on the internet and they DID kill 40,000 people last year yet we continue to sell them on the internet.

Ruh roh! The stupid fucking car/gun shit again. The argument of a fucking moron.
How many were murders compared to suicides?

Suicide is a choice. See Albert Camus:

Murder is not a choice. When thinking about murder, please consider this:
Overall, 76% of female murders and 56% of male murders were perpetrated by someone known to the victim. About 16% of female murder victims were killed by a nonintimate family member—parent, grandparent, sibling, in-law, and other family member—compared to 10% of male murder victims.

A larger percentage of males (21%) were murdered by a stranger than females (12%). For 1 out of every 3 male murder victims and 1 out of every 5 female murder victims, the relationship between the victim and the offender was unknown.


I don’t care how you want to twist it, but gun suicides are a direct result of easy access to guns. Period. Pure and simple.

Suicides are often a tragedy of opportunity. A combination of mental health, drugs and/or alcohol and access to the means. A lot of suicides are unsuccessful. Guns increase the likelihood they are not.

Suicides and easy access to guns are not separate from other gun deaths. They are the same animal with the same causes.
And America shows that it isn't worth much...certainly not as much value as a nice new Glock.

you should probably have that discussion with your beloved government. when they cost someone their life, or even their freedom, they don't consider it worth much and those that love their government go right along with them.