Thousands more gun dealers now required to run background checks on buyers

Out of curiosity only, what is the cost for a dealer to conduct a background check?
How much will it increase the cost of buying firearms?
because gangbangers and criminals will certainly follow THAT law.

That's why it's probably best if America simply abandons all "laws" (bad people gonna break 'em even if they exist) and go back to the good ol' days of Western Movie Style Justice meted out with a gun on an as-needed basis.

Laws are so ineffective that I heard about one dude that now has 88 criminal counts against him yet he's still running for POTUS as if none of it matters. His followers actually LIKE IT when he gets booked...they think of his ability to violate the laws without cost is a BENEFIT.

So let's dispense with "law" altogether.
Out of curiosity only, what is the cost for a dealer to conduct a background check?

My guess, based on the fight against this that it must cost the dealer about $1,000,000,000/background check. It's simply too expensive. And a human life is only worth, well whatever the raw materials are worth.

How much will it increase the cost of buying firearms?

A gun will be increased by $1,000,000,000 obviously. That will take it out of the hands of the poor who need guns as well. And it isn't fair in America that someone couldn't possibly afford a gun. The Founding Fathers wrote the second amendment with that exact thing in mind: the right of ALL Americans (except women and minorities) to buy as many guns as humanly possible to protect themselves against the government who only has these things:

My guess, based on the fight against this that it must cost the dealer about $1,000,000,000/background check. It's simply too expensive. And a human life is only worth, well whatever the raw materials are worth.

A gun will be increased by $1,000,000,000 obviously. That will take it out of the hands of the poor who need guns as well. And it isn't fair in America that someone couldn't possibly afford a gun. The Founding Fathers wrote the second amendment with that exact thing in mind: the right of ALL Americans (except women and minorities) to buy as many guns as humanly possible to protect themselves against the government who only has these things:


The value of a human life may be one of the least uniform metrics in our entire universe.
And America shows that it isn't worth much...certainly not as much value as a nice new Glock.
It's a matter of percentages. Over 30,000 Americans die in car accidents every year. It's considered "the price of doing business". Gun grabbers don't care unless a gun is involved.

About 2/3s of "gun violence" are suicides...usually a single-shot to the head and mainly old white guys. That's only half the suicide problem. Gun-banners don't care about the 25,000 Americans who commit suicide without a gun. They're mostly kids and women.
It's a matter of percentages. Over 30,000 Americans die in car accidents every year. It's considered "the price of doing business". Gun grabbers don't care unless a gun is involved.

About 2/3s of "gun violence" are suicides...usually a single-shot to the head and mainly old white guys. That's only half the suicide problem. Gun-banners don't care about the 25,000 Americans who commit suicide without a gun. They're mostly kids and women.

How is suicide even a problem?

Who knows better whether or not a person has had enough
than the person him/herself?

NOT making suicide as easy and undramatic as possible is, if we want to be honest, inhumane.

In a dangerously over-populated world,
religious conservatives do everything that they can to exacerbate rather than mitigate the problem.
How is suicide even a problem?

Who knows better whether or not a person has had enough
than the person him/herself?

NOT making suicide as easy and undramatic as possible is, if we want to be honest, inhumane.

In a dangerously over-populated world,
religious conservatives do everything that they can to exacerbate rather than mitigate the problem.
For washed-up, bitter geezers? It's not a problem as long as they don't leave a mess...and most do.

For teenagers, it's an unnecessary tragedy. Banning ropes, belts and curtain cords won't fix the problem.
For washed-up, bitter geezers? It's not a problem as long as they don't leave a mess...and most do.

For teenagers, it's an unnecessary tragedy. Banning ropes, belts and curtain cords won't fix the problem.

It's a matter of personal perspective for sure,

but to my mind,

every element of our world demographic is over-populated.

Except maybe, for good hitters.
Right now, baseball is bereft of good hitters.
I can't even watch modern baseball.

I grew up watching Ted Williams.
It's a matter of personal perspective for sure,

but to my mind,

every element of our world demographic is over-populated.
That's because you are a citified Bostonian. Living in the country is a lot nicer. The only people I see are at Wal-Mart.

Dallas is a mess. The ACS Lodge we're staying is deep in the heart of Dallas. Yes, very overpopulated. LOL
More Democratic chipping away at gun rights and not a single mention of better mental health care. This is why I won’t vote Democrat.

From the link:
The rule, which was finalized this week, makes clear that anyone who sells firearms predominantly to earn a profit must be federally licensed and conduct background checks, regardless of whether they are selling on the internet, at a gun show or at a brick-and-mortar store, Attorney General Merrick Garland told reporters.

AFAIK, that’s always been the law. So now the Democrats are passing laws to make it illegal to sell guns illegally. Awesome. LOL

It’s your team that refuses to fund healthcare silly boy

Stop being stupid
How is suicide even a problem?

Who knows better whether or not a person has had enough
than the person him/herself?

NOT making suicide as easy and undramatic as possible is, if we want to be honest, inhumane.

In a dangerously over-populated world,
religious conservatives do everything that they can to exacerbate rather than mitigate the problem.

Good gravey

You have no idea about this subject do you?

You sure seem happy to dig childrens graves don’t you
It’s your team that refuses to fund healthcare silly boy

Stop being stupid
My team is the United States of America and partially agreed. TPTB only give minimal attention to healthcare and almost no attention to mental healthcare.

Does your team see that better mental healthcare would save more lives than banning guns, evince? What have they done to advance better mental healthcare, if any?
The target of this shit is some guy that goes to the gun show / swap meet, and regularly sells a few guns or some ammunition--like a reloader--to people for profit. It isn't the guy's means of living, or his primary income. It's on the side.

Where this rule gets into a grey zone is somebody sells say, two guns they've owned for long time and makes a profit doing that. Does that suddenly qualify them as predominantly earning a profit and they would have needed a firearms license to do it? The way this rule is worded is really lawyerese weasel wording.

Because this person sold every (both) firearm for a profit, they were predominantly earning a profit on firearms sales and now need a federal license to do it. At least some pencil necked liar... err, lawyer... could easily twist this rule in this way, essentially making virtually any for profit gun sale fall under it.
My team is the United States of America and partially agreed. TPTB only give minimal attention to healthcare and almost no attention to mental healthcare.

Does your team see that better mental healthcare would save more lives than banning guns, evince? What have they done to advance better mental healthcare, if any?

Why don’t you already know?

I thought you were claiming you were informed about the issue?

I’ll go get some of the ideas the party supports

People who are small government always kill any attempts to do something

Remember that’s what libertarians believe