Thousands more gun dealers now required to run background checks on buyers

There's even a FFL holder at public auctions. Some (most) even run the checks right on the spot.

The problem with these leftie moonbats is the fact they know nothing about firearms or the thousands of existing laws on the books.
Ah, exactly, you accept the rules by checking a box, that’s it, it is not monitored, duh, and a License dealer who would a background check need not be involved

As usual, you haven’t a clue about what you are talking about

What is really hilarious is that you nor the morons at the hate site you're echoing bothered to log in..


Nearby FFL?


More Democratic chipping away at gun rights and not a single mention of better mental health care. This is why I won’t vote Democrat.

From the link:
The rule, which was finalized this week, makes clear that anyone who sells firearms predominantly to earn a profit must be federally licensed and conduct background checks, regardless of whether they are selling on the internet, at a gun show or at a brick-and-mortar store, Attorney General Merrick Garland told reporters.

AFAIK, that’s always been the law. So now the Democrats are passing laws to make it illegal to sell guns illegally. Awesome. LOL

Removing dangers from mental patients is part of mental healthcare. In fact, it's step one if the mental problems are alcohol-related. So how do you keep the arms out of crazy people's grips without background checks being universal?
Removing dangers from mental patients is part of mental healthcare. In fact, it's step one if the mental problems are alcohol-related.

So how do you keep the arms out of crazy people's grips without background checks being universal?
These laws do little if nothing to stop suicides. The focus is gun control not saving lives.

How many suicidal Americans are in the data base? Very few AFAIK
These laws do little if nothing to stop suicides. The focus is gun control not saving lives.

How many suicidal Americans are in the data base? Very few AFAIK

You can only treat the willing unless you want to go back to committing people to asylums.
So it's the use of guns not the sale of guns you're opposed to. We agree! Isn't that beautiful? How many of those 40,000 dead Americans were killed by a gun bought on the Internet?

Nice try, sophomoric, but humorous, it’s all about access to guns, and when access is nearly nonexistent, we wind up with 40,000+ dead a year
You are flat out lying.

Since the 1993 "Brady Bill" the sale of firearms must be through a Federal Firearms Licensed Dealer (FFL) and utilize the NICS background system.

There is no "gun show loophole" and never has been. You of the anti-liberty left simply lie in your quest to end civil rights.

The ONLY exemption to background checks is private sales between individuals. Dealers have been required by federal law to perform background checks for over 30 years.

You are repeating a direct lie by Biden.

And that is what a sale over the Internet becomes, a private sale, as I said, you are clueless on the issue
I didn't say that, stupid. I said any purchase, private or dealer on the aforementioned internet sites, you must give the FFL license holder's #, and it has to be sent there.

And no you don’t, as I said, all you have to do is agree to do such by checking off a box, it is not monitored or policed, you real that naive on how things work in the real world
No they aren't - you are again lying.

Armlist allows private sales but the majority are FFL sales.

Whatever hate site is feeding you this shit, try a different one.

Bingo, “Armslist allows private sales,” and given no one monitors it, how do you know “majority of sales are FLL sales

Thanks for proving my point
You can only treat the willing unless you want to go back to committing people to asylums.
Like vaccinations? Agreed. A lot of this can be caught by screening in schools. About half of all US suicides are done without the need for a gun, mostly the kids. Elderly Euro-American males are the type to use a single-shot from a handgun (not an AR) to end their lives.

People shouldn't be forced, but we should work together to persuade them on how best to help their children and/or themselves.
You're simply lying.

Any dealer who sells a firearm without a NICS check is headed for prison - unless the buyer is Hunter Biden.

Further, you're lying about what the Biden campaign stunt does. While you want Quid Pro to be an absolute dictator in the mold of Xi Jinping or Vladimir Putin, he is still slightly restrained by the constitution you have such Contempt for. The Biden rule says that if I sell a gun as a private individual to my brother, it must be at a loss - I cannot make a PROFIT - or it must be routed through an FFL. As long as I lose money, I can still sell as normal.

This is nothing but a campaign stunt by Xi's Biden Regime in hopes of motivating the democrat masses who are apathetic about another 4 years of Bought and Paid for's disastrous regime.

Amazing, ah, they are not all dealers, if they aren’t selling guns to make a profit they are, or where, not recognized dealers, if you actually read the source, which isn’t some blogger or tweet, you might know what is going on
Why is selling guns on the Internet "nuts"? You can buy everything else on the Internet without all this bullshit.

You buy them on the internet then they are shipped to a licensed gun dealer where a background check is the ran by the licensed gun dealer. It has never been legal to but them off the internet without a background check. The story is full of flaws and is being repeated by people that have no clue about what they are talking about.
And that is what a sale over the Internet becomes, a private sale, as I said, you are clueless on the issue

What you're claiming is simply not true - and you know it.

Comrade Biden is trying to rally the troops as your party heads for certain defeat in November, so you trot out moronic lies in a desperate attempt to make the idiocy he put out seem like it means something.
Yeah, but Young Turds and Raw Sewage told Arachnid that anyone could just log on like it was Craigslist and have guns sent to them, no questions....

The level of stupidity involved is jaw dropping. The demagogues depend on an audience that is utterly ignorant and have never purchased a firearm in their lives.

Ah, no it was from “Market Watch,” a conservative business site, but same narrative can be found at nearly all legitimate news sources

Amazing how little know especially given how much bullshit you bloviate
Amazing, ah, they are not all dealers, if they aren’t selling guns to make a profit they are, or where, not recognized dealers, if you actually read the source, which isn’t some blogger or tweet, you might know what is going on

Why would I sell any possession at a loss? I bought my 1986 Gibson Les Paul Standard for $1,700. If I sell it at market value - about $5,500 does that make me Guitar Center, a dealer?

What Xi's man put out is sheer idiocy - which is fair because Biden is a fucking retard. Sure, the courts will knock this jackassery down. A dealer is one who is a consistent source. Quid Pro is attacking individuals who sell one or two of their private guns over a lifetime.

This is nothing more or less than a campaign stunt by the worst president in history.
These laws do little if nothing to stop suicides. The focus is gun control not saving lives.

How many suicidal Americans are in the data base? Very few AFAIK

Creating hurdles to gun access would certainly make the ease of gun suicides, if there are no guns in the house it makes it more difficult
What you're claiming is simply not true - and you know it.

Comrade Biden is trying to rally the troops as your party heads for certain defeat in November, so you trot out moronic lies in a desperate attempt to make the idiocy he put out seem like it means something.

Sure it is, you haven’t offered anything to invalidate it