Threadbanning: There will be a new poll soon

OMG what a bunch of horseshit...but then, it IS an IHA post, so "filled with horseshit" is pretty much par for the course.

You've lost your mind and become unhinged a number of times when I've caught you lying and called you out on your bullshit.

EVERY time I tried to debate you, your only response has been namecalling and running away.


And ban all the user names of people like Yurt. Make him go back to being Yurt. Should be interesting from what I've read.

The most ironic post of the year.

You have created the most number of dishonest threads and always run away when your bullshit gets called that the above post is truly the most ironic, maybe in the universe.

You had NUMEROUS chances to engage me right out here in the open on the regular forums and you ran every time.

Liar. Everyone saw you run.

You are afraid to go one on one in APP because you want to hide behind other posters.

Fuck. You can pick the topic. Any fucking topic you want about politics. My only stipulation is it be in APP where the rules of decorum are more rigid and it is the only place where a true one on one debate can take place.

Now everyone watch Zipperhead slink off and run
Liar. Everyone saw you run.

You are afraid to go one on one in APP because you want to hide behind other posters.

Fuck. You can pick the topic. Any fucking topic you want about politics. My only stipulation is it be in APP where the rules of decorum are more rigid and it is the only place where a true one on one debate can take place.

Now everyone watch Zipperhead slink off and run


Just like I said...

IHA/Teflon/Lalaland: "I'll debate you anytime..."

Me: Okay, lets go!

IHA/TD/LL: Oh my heavens NO - NOT OUT HERE!

IHA had numerous chances to back his big mouth with some action, and he RAN EVERY SINGLE TIME!
Liar. Everyone saw you run.

You are afraid to go one on one in APP because you want to hide behind other posters.

Fuck. You can pick the topic. Any fucking topic you want about politics. My only stipulation is it be in APP where the rules of decorum are more rigid and it is the only place where a true one on one debate can take place.

Now everyone watch Zipperhead slink off and run
I've tried to debate Zippy several times but don't bother any longer. A debate requires both parties to be honest, and Zippy is incapable of that. He'll claim he didn't mean things that he clearly stated yesterday, and accuse you of 'word games' and 'semantic tricks'. It's like debating a kid, where the kid responds with 'lalalalalalalala' and thinks that's a win.

Once he even claimed that I was not referring to him at all since I called him Zippy instead of spelling out his dumb name.
It's been a long time since our last threadban poll, and I said at the time we might revisit the issue in the future. Many people that previously voted for it are no longer here. So we will be having another vote soon.

Current Criteria for eligibility to vote:

- Be signed up in April 2017 or before
- Have an active post history.
- Exceptions might be made, on a case by case basis.
- I have already made an exception or two on this list, based on post activity.

This list isn't about who is nice and agreeable. It's a list of active users, that's it.

The Current list of able participants is as follows:
(note: those that have multiple accounts/change names, your "proper name" is the one on the list)

Truth Detector

I'll be voting FOR the thread ban feature for OBVIOUS reasons.

Just like I said...

IHA/Teflon/Lalaland: "I'll debate you anytime..."

Me: Okay, lets go!

IHA/TD/LL: Oh my heavens NO - NOT OUT HERE!

IHA had numerous chances to back his big mouth with some action, and he RAN EVERY SINGLE TIME!

Why is it so important for you to be able to flame, misdirect, and stay off-topic?