Threadbanning: There will be a new poll soon

Make me, deadshit.


You are too stupid to realize how I am playing you. You are a useful idiot to me
It's no secret that us mods were having our ears blasted everyday. People were very open about it on the board that they kept asking us and "we weren't doing anything about the problematic people", and of course I am sure I have made general statements about the hypocrisy of people like bijou, tekkychick and others. not hard to put two and two together
No, it's speculation, using his imagination.
BTW tell us again how you never complained to Billy, Grind and Damo


I never complained PRIVATELY which is what you claimed above. Certainly I criticized you out on the forum and don't even hint that you didn't deserve it. You're trying to have it both ways. You want bragging rights about how you got rid of people like Bijou and tekky, etc, you want to continue using your vile language and everyone is supposed to suck it up, then you get all incensed when someone calls you out. You're a coward.

And while we're on the subject, no liberal here is afraid to meet you on APP. First, you don't get to dictate when and where people should address you and second, it should be clear to you already that no one gives a shit about your topics no matter which forum they're in.
I never complained PRIVATELY which is what you claimed above. Certainly I criticized you out on the forum and don't even hint that you didn't deserve it. You're trying to have it both ways. You want bragging rights about how you got rid of people like Bijou and tekky, etc, you want to continue using your vile language and everyone is supposed to suck it up, then you get all incensed when someone calls you out. You're a coward.

And while we're on the subject, no liberal here is afraid to meet you on APP. First, you don't get to dictate when and where people should address you and second, it should be clear to you already that no one gives a shit about your topics no matter which forum they're in.

Yes you are supposed to suck it up. You are such a lying disengenuous twat. I never once denied anything I said here. I also have never been "incensed" about being called out. That is a lie

I was merely pointing out that the threadban these libs hate so much was of lefty creation. You specifically and the rest of your pussy posse.

As of APP? That a dumb twat like you doesn't debate me there continues to prove my point that you guys are afraid of the place. You claim to want civil debate but you like getting down in the gutter with me. So spare me your faux indignation you dumb cunt and continue to do my bidding. You will vote for the threadban because I want you to. Perios
Yes you are supposed to suck it up. You are such a lying disengenuous twat. I never once denied anything I said here. I also have never been "incensed" about being called out. That is a lie

I was merely pointing out that the threadban these libs hate so much was of lefty creation. You specifically and the rest of your pussy posse.

As of APP? That a dumb twat like you doesn't debate me there continues to prove my point that you guys are afraid of the place. You claim to want civil debate but you like getting down in the gutter with me. So spare me your faux indignation you dumb cunt and continue to do my bidding. You will vote for the threadban because I want you to. Perios

:rofl: "I also have never been "incensed" about being called out, that is a lie."

If you call me cunt, pussy, and dumb twat when you're not incensed, what can I expect when you are? I almost feel sorry for you that you can post such a transparent lie and expect anyone to believe it.

Furthermore, I debated you about abortion in APP and Y O U are the one who called an end to it, not me. So take this lie, along with all the others, and shove them where the sun don't shine puddin' pop.
For once I hope Billy is right. Just keep the thread ban and leave well enough alone

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:rofl: "I also have never been "incensed" about being called out, that is a lie."

If you call me cunt, pussy, and dumb twat when you're not incensed, what can I expect when you are? I almost feel sorry for you that you can post such a transparent lie and expect anyone to believe it.

Furthermore, I debated you about abortion in APP and Y O U are the one who called an end to it, not me. So take this lie, along with all the others, and shove them where the sun don't shine puddin' pop.

Sweetie, you don't know the meaning of the word incensed. You aren't important enough for me to ever be incensed by anything you say or do.

Remember when you said you would never reply to me because I call you cunt? What happened to that cunt?

Now ignore me. I order you to
:rofl: "I also have never been "incensed" about being called out, that is a lie."

If you call me cunt, pussy, and dumb twat when you're not incensed, what can I expect when you are? I almost feel sorry for you that you can post such a transparent lie and expect anyone to believe it.

Furthermore, I debated you about abortion in APP and Y O U are the one who called an end to it, not me. So take this lie, along with all the others, and shove them where the sun don't shine puddin' pop.

See, this kind of off-topic, he-said she-said, you-called-me-that but you-deserved-it nonsense is the only reason why thread-bans are justifiable, so as to get rid of blustering nitwits and trolls who excel at contributing nothing other than venting their personal dysfunctionality, dragging as many threads as possible into the gutter in which they dwell. As far as I can see, you long-termers should keep it - at least as long as the Mods fail to kick out the likes of Sticky Don.

Oh, and then there's the hilarity of watching thread-ban lists like this one:

Billy Batts
Brain Food
Buckly J. Ewer
Cadillac Man
Don Quixote
Fuck Populists
Mr. Shaman
Owl'd You're Up!

By their doings you shall know them.
See, this kind of off-topic, he-said she-said, you-called-me-that but you-deserved-it nonsense is the only reason why thread-bans are justifiable, so as to get rid of blustering nitwits and trolls who excel at contributing nothing other than venting their personal dysfunctionality, dragging as many threads as possible into the gutter in which they dwell. As far as I can see, you long-termers should keep it - at least as long as the Mods fail to kick out the likes of Sticky Don.

Oh, and then there's the hilarity of watching thread-ban lists like this one:

Billy Batts
Brain Food
Buckly J. Ewer
Cadillac Man
Don Quixote
Fuck Populists
Mr. Shaman
Owl'd You're Up!

By their doings you shall know them.

I guess you are interested in yet another abortion debate? Tell ya what, start a thread supporting something Trump did/does and you will catch my interest.

This notion that people come here to "discuss the issues" in a "civil" manner is an illusion.

You may think that is what you want, but it isn't.
Sweetie, you don't know the meaning of the word incensed. You aren't important enough for me to ever be incensed by anything you say or do.

Remember when you said you would never reply to me because I call you cunt? What happened to that cunt?

Now ignore me. I order you to

Sugar bear I order you to continue using the vulgar and racist language that's made you reviled here. We all so look forward to it.

Have a blessed day, baby boo. Jesus loves you.
Sugar bear I order you to continue using the vulgar and racist language that's made you reviled here. We all so look forward to it.

Have a blessed day, baby boo. Jesus loves you.

You really aren't that good at this are ya sugar tits? Good news though. Your boyfriend Legion is back. That should make you happy.