Threadbanning: There will be a new poll soon

I have never banned nor put someone on ignore.

I guess I don't understand.

All one has to do is keep scrolling. It's worked for me for years.

But as usual, the right likes a police state. They like to shut down anyone who calls them out.

And cawacky, please refrain from pointing out the very few on the left that ban people, because this issue about banning came from those on the right.

Thread banning is for entitled, spoiled, rotten children.
Listen sunshine, thread banning was asked for by the likes of Darla the erstwhile board feminazi.
I am not surprised. Let me guess, they were for it before they were against it?

Well, they really wanted me banned even though I broke no rules.

You see when I got here I turned the lefty collective on its ear. I was the Donald Trump of JPP.

There was a little cadre of lefty women; Bijou (no longer here), Darla(no longer here), Christiefan and Rana who were JPP bullies. Like Trump I gave their bullshit right back to them. They had snowflake males like Zappas, Rune (Darlas cuckold) and Howey (faggot who is permabanned) doing there bidding as well.

They were on a rampage and clamored for Damo and Grind to ban me on a daily basis. They filled up the Mods inbox with daily screeds on how mean big, bad I Love America (my original RP) was to them.

The Mods informed them that hey could just put me on ignore,but that wasn't enough for the pussy patrol. They wanted the original pussy grabber perma banned. They complained that even if they had me on ignore, I could still respond in their precious threads and when someone responded to me they had to read my posts anyway.

Well the Mods rightly declined the efforts to perma ban me and created the Thread Ban thinking they were giving the leftards what they wanted.

Of course me being the brilliant tactician that I am, I decided to use the Thread Ban against them. And of course on cue as I predicted they became anti threadban.

True story bro
Well, they really wanted me banned even though I broke no rules.

You see when I got here I turned the lefty collective on its ear. I was the Donald Trump of JPP.

There was a little cadre of lefty women; Bijou (no longer here), Darla(no longer here), Christiefan and Rana who were JPP bullies. Like Trump I gave their bullshit right back to them. They had snowflake males like Zappas, Rune (Darlas cuckold) and Howey (faggot who is permabanned) doing there bidding as well.

They were on a rampage and clamored for Damo and Grind to ban me on a daily basis. They filled up the Mods inbox with daily screeds on how mean big, bad I Love America (my original RP) was to them.

The Mods informed them that hey could just put me on ignore,but that wasn't enough for the pussy patrol. They wanted the original pussy grabber perma banned. They complained that even if they had me on ignore, I could still respond in their precious threads and when someone responded to me they had to read my posts anyway.

Well the Mods rightly declined the efforts to perma ban me and created the Thread Ban thinking they were giving the leftards what they wanted.

Of course me being the brilliant tactician that I am, I decided to use the Thread Ban against them. And of course on cue as I predicted they became anti threadban.

True story bro

Pants on fire bro. I never clamored on a daily basis, nor did I fill the mods' inboxes with daily screeds. I did support a thread ban because of your ugly, vile racist language. It's the reason for all my thread bans. I don't need you low IQ types calling me the "c" word just because you disagree with a liberal viewpoint.

Furthermore, I still support threadbanning for the same reason. If you dolts insist on flinging around the "c" word, the "n" word and all your other repulsive vocabulary, it won't be in my threads.

And thems the facts, Jack.
Pants on fire bro. I never clamored on a daily basis, nor did I fill the mods' inboxes with daily screeds. I did support a thread ban because of your ugly, vile racist language. It's the reason for all my thread bans. I don't need you low IQ types calling me the "c" word just because you disagree with a liberal viewpoint.

Furthermore, I still support threadbanning for the same reason. If you dolts insist on flinging around the "c" word, the "n" word and all your other repulsive vocabulary, it won't be in my threads.

And thems the facts, Jack.
He has a very active imagination. How does he know we were filling up the mod's mailboxes? Interesting...which mod told him this? It was before my selection to be a moderator or a token as ILA/Teflon Don affectionately calls me, so I don't know the inside scoop from then.
The title of the thread needs to be changed.
"Threadbanning: There might be a poll someday" But don't hold your breath waiting.

i'm allowing enough time for people to see this thread and put their names in if I missed anybody before we start.
He has a very active imagination. How does he know we were filling up the mod's mailboxes? Interesting...which mod told him this? It was before my selection to be a moderator or a token as ILA/Teflon Don affectionately calls me, so I don't know the inside scoop from then.

It's no secret that us mods were having our ears blasted everyday. People were very open about it on the board that they kept asking us and "we weren't doing anything about the problematic people", and of course I am sure I have made general statements about the hypocrisy of people like bijou, tekkychick and others. not hard to put two and two together
Pants on fire bro. I never clamored on a daily basis, nor did I fill the mods' inboxes with daily screeds. I did support a thread ban because of your ugly, vile racist language. It's the reason for all my thread bans. I don't need you low IQ types calling me the "c" word just because you disagree with a liberal viewpoint.

Furthermore, I still support threadbanning for the same reason. If you dolts insist on flinging around the "c" word, the "n" word and all your other repulsive vocabulary, it won't be in my threads.

And thems the facts, Jack.

Shut up cunt

That guarantees one Yes vote for the thread ban. Thanks for being my bitch
Well, they really wanted me banned even though I broke no rules.

You see when I got here I turned the lefty collective on its ear. I was the Donald Trump of JPP.

There was a little cadre of lefty women; Bijou (no longer here), Darla(no longer here), Christiefan and Rana who were JPP bullies. Like Trump I gave their bullshit right back to them. They had snowflake males like Zappas, Rune (Darlas cuckold) and Howey (faggot who is permabanned) doing there bidding as well.

They were on a rampage and clamored for Damo and Grind to ban me on a daily basis. They filled up the Mods inbox with daily screeds on how mean big, bad I Love America (my original RP) was to them.

The Mods informed them that hey could just put me on ignore,but that wasn't enough for the pussy patrol. They wanted the original pussy grabber perma banned. They complained that even if they had me on ignore, I could still respond in their precious threads and when someone responded to me they had to read my posts anyway.

Well the Mods rightly declined the efforts to perma ban me and created the Thread Ban thinking they were giving the leftards what they wanted.

Of course me being the brilliant tactician that I am, I decided to use the Thread Ban against them. And of course on cue as I predicted they became anti threadban.

True story bro

Wow, you're an amazing person, to put so much time and energy into such a tactical move on a relatively small political board.

What accomplishment. Damn dude, you're the boss. You beat off anonymous posters and are now self flagellating yourself over it.

You rule this board, you really do. You are the most awesome, may you live forever.

It's no secret that us mods were having our ears blasted everyday. People were very open about it on the board that they kept asking us and "we weren't doing anything about the problematic people", and of course I am sure I have made general statements about the hypocrisy of people like bijou, tekkychick and others. not hard to put two and two together

You have to give them credit for trying to rewrite history. Her and Christies were some of the funniest I have read in a while.

Good stuff.

Don't forget forced ignore was created for me as well at the request of Darla. You remember big bad Darla who is skeered of no male except me [emoji6]
Shut up cunt

That guarantees one Yes vote for the thread ban. Thanks for being my bitch

Make me, deadshit.
