Threadbanning: There will be a new poll soon

Can you share it with me? I've seen what evince does to discussions and if I can't "deport" that wack job I don't know if I will stay here.

In every thread you start, at the bottom of the page is the option to threadban any member. Just type in their name and they can't list in your threads

The other option is post in Above Plain Politics. It has a higher standard of decorum so you have to ask permission. Just PM Grind and he will approve. Desh will never be able to post there
APP is like kryptonite to libtards

Who needs a poll? Anyone that attempts to silence those who oppose them aren't worth debating in the 1st place. By attempting to personally ban another poster you are demonstrating two things. 1. You lack the skills to articulate and defend your argument 2. You want "accolade" instead of stimulating intellectual discussion.

Conclusion: Who cares if the intellectual water heads take their ball and go home? If you don't possess the intelligence to deal with "snowflakes" and "clan supporters" it appears you are in the wrong place....go some place where everyone gets a "participation trophy"....t-ball. You know there are no "safe zones" in a real debate...only the exchange of ideas and opinions....some good, some bad, and some idiotic. On any given day even the most imbecilic individual can teach something new to the supposed most intelligent individual who enters any discussion with an open mind void of preconceptions.
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Who needs a poll? Anyone attempts to silence those who oppose them aren't worth debating in the 1st place. By attempting to personally ban another poster you demonstrating two things. 1. You lack the skills to articulate and defend your argument 2. You want "accolade" instead intellectual discussion.

Conclusion: Who cares if the intellectual water heads take their ball and go home?

ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR - just way too many liberal snowflakes who just want to troll. :good4u:
Who needs a poll? Anyone that attempts to silence those who oppose them aren't worth debating in the 1st place. By attempting to personally ban another poster you are demonstrating two things. 1. You lack the skills to articulate and defend your argument 2. You want "accolade" instead of stimulating intellectual discussion.

Conclusion: Who cares if the intellectual water heads take their ball and go home? If you don't possess the intelligence to deal with "snowflakes" and "clan supporters" it appears you are in the wrong place....go some place where everyone gets a "participation trophy"....t-ball. You know there are no "safe zones" in a real debate...only the exchange of ideas and opinions....some good, some bad, and some idiotic. On any given day even the most imbecilic individual can teach something new to the supposed most intelligent individual who enters any discussion with an open mind void of preconceptions.

I think it is cute that you believe people come here to exchange ideas and opinions.
Who needs a poll? Anyone that attempts to silence those who oppose them aren't worth debating in the 1st place. By attempting to personally ban another poster you are demonstrating two things. 1. You lack the skills to articulate and defend your argument 2. You want "accolade" instead of stimulating intellectual discussion.

Conclusion: Who cares if the intellectual water heads take their ball and go home? If you don't possess the intelligence to deal with "snowflakes" and "clan supporters" it appears you are in the wrong place....go some place where everyone gets a "participation trophy"....t-ball. You know there are no "safe zones" in a real debate...only the exchange of ideas and opinions....some good, some bad, and some idiotic. On any given day even the most imbecilic individual can teach something new to the supposed most intelligent individual who enters any discussion with an open mind void of preconceptions.

The issue is not disagreement, it's an inability of some to stay on topic.
I've always found the great bar to serious discussion is direct competitiveness, where two people are locked in not-very-interesting personal 'debate', normally including a lot of offensiveness, which is boring. To avoid this it has always seemed more sensible to use 'ignore' than to stop general discussion - and I do go back over the 'ignore' list every so often.
The sun was in my eyes.....I tripped over a rock. There is always an excuse handy to defend a lack of talent. :)
I've always found the great bar to serious discussion is direct competitiveness, where two people are locked in not-very-interesting personal 'debate', normally including a lot of offensiveness, which is boring. To avoid this it has always seemed more sensible to use 'ignore' than to stop general discussion - and I do go back over the 'ignore' list every so often.

Yeah, I am seeing of lot of personal insult-slinging and irrelevant off topic "battles". Maybe some people have a history with each other, but it sure makes it tough to discuss the issues in some threads.

At what point does the need to maintain a usable environment for honest debate override the rights of folks who seem to be engaged in an endless personal vendetta without regard to issues being discussed?

Moderators, please consider.
I've always found the great bar to serious discussion is direct competitiveness, where two people are locked in not-very-interesting personal 'debate', normally including a lot of offensiveness, which is boring. To avoid this it has always seemed more sensible to use 'ignore' than to stop general discussion - and I do go back over the 'ignore' list every so often.

I have only ever banned ONE person on this

I dont even use the neg rep thingy

I pos rep but in over a decade here have NEVER neg repped anyone
I have only ever banned ONE person on this

I dont even use the neg rep thingy

I pos rep but in over a decade here have NEVER neg repped anyone

I have never banned nor put someone on ignore.

I guess I don't understand.

All one has to do is keep scrolling. It's worked for me for years.

But as usual, the right likes a police state. They like to shut down anyone who calls them out.

And cawacky, please refrain from pointing out the very few on the left that ban people, because this issue about banning came from those on the right.

Thread banning is for entitled, spoiled, rotten children.
I have never banned nor put someone on ignore.

I guess I don't understand.

All one has to do is keep scrolling. It's worked for me for years.

But as usual, the right likes a police state. They like to shut down anyone who calls them out.

And cawacky, please refrain from pointing out the very few on the left that ban people, because this issue about banning came from those on the right.

Thread banning is for entitled, spoiled, rotten children.

What a cute screed. Would it help you if you learned that the thread ban was created specifically for liberals to deal with me?

You are new here but it is a true story bro
What a cute screed. Would it help you if you learned that the thread ban was created specifically for liberals to deal with me?

You are new here but it is a true story bro

I am not surprised. Let me guess, they were for it before they were against it?