Three ways for the Jury to convict Trump


Well-known member
First, the Jury can decide that what Cohen said about the Checks was true, that even though he is a huge liar on many issues, for whatever reason they believe him about what Donald Trump knew about the checks and if they believe that he is Guilty.

Second, they can totally disregard Cohen and believe that all the other evidence about Trump and how he ran his business and how he micromanaged everything and how he operated, added to the clear motivation to precent Daniels from saying what ever she was going to say (regardless of truth) he knew. Granted this is circumstantial evidence, but a jury is allowed to convict on circumstantial evidence, it is done every day.

Third, they can believe a combination of the evidence, in this scenario they can believe that Cohen is a liar, but that because of all the circumstantial evidence about the situation and how Trump ran his business they believe that Cohen's testimony leaves no reasonable doubt that he was telling the truth.

I am not saying all jurors will see these scenarios as proven beyond a reasonable doubt and thus that Trump will be convicted, but I believe it is very possible.

I would be shocked if they all believe the case was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt and thus they will exonerate him.

I would be surprised if the Prosecution does not outline these possibilities for the jury.

(Cue the unrelated personal attacks from those who are triggered by this post)
If Trump is convicted, Alito, Thomas, and at least three of the other four SCOTUS pachys will only overturn the conviction.
The solution to Trump is a drone strike.
Let's see SCOTUS overturn that.

Get off you ass, Biden.
Grow a pair.
If I were POTUS, Trump wouldn't have survived January of 2021.
First, the Jury can decide that what Cohen said about the Checks was true, that even though he is a huge liar on many issues, for whatever reason they believe him about what Donald Trump knew about the checks and if they believe that he is Guilty.

Second, they can totally disregard Cohen and believe that all the other evidence about Trump and how he ran his business and how he micromanaged everything and how he operated, added to the clear motivation to precent Daniels from saying what ever she was going to say (regardless of truth) he knew. Granted this is circumstantial evidence, but a jury is allowed to convict on circumstantial evidence, it is done every day.

Third, they can believe a combination of the evidence, in this scenario they can believe that Cohen is a liar, but that because of all the circumstantial evidence about the situation and how Trump ran his business they believe that Cohen's testimony leaves no reasonable doubt that he was telling the truth.

I am not saying all jurors will see these scenarios as proven beyond a reasonable doubt and thus that Trump will be convicted, but I believe it is very possible.

I would be shocked if they all believe the case was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt and thus they will exonerate him.

I would be surprised if the Prosecution does not outline these possibilities for the jury.

(Cue the unrelated personal attacks from those who are triggered by this post)
Lets say hes convicted. Then what?
First, the Jury can decide that what Cohen said about the Checks was true, that even though he is a huge liar on many issues, for whatever reason they believe him about what Donald Trump knew about the checks and if they believe that he is Guilty.

Second, they can totally disregard Cohen and believe that all the other evidence about Trump and how he ran his business and how he micromanaged everything and how he operated, added to the clear motivation to precent Daniels from saying what ever she was going to say (regardless of truth) he knew. Granted this is circumstantial evidence, but a jury is allowed to convict on circumstantial evidence, it is done every day.

Third, they can believe a combination of the evidence, in this scenario they can believe that Cohen is a liar, but that because of all the circumstantial evidence about the situation and how Trump ran his business they believe that Cohen's testimony leaves no reasonable doubt that he was telling the truth.

I am not saying all jurors will see these scenarios as proven beyond a reasonable doubt and thus that Trump will be convicted, but I believe it is very possible.

I would be shocked if they all believe the case was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt and thus they will exonerate him.

I would be surprised if the Prosecution does not outline these possibilities for the jury.

(Cue the unrelated personal attacks from those who are triggered by this post)

The ONLY way the Jury could convict is to ignore the evidence and act based on political reasons as a lynch mob - which is what you and your party supports.
If Trump is convicted, Alito, Thomas, and at least three of the other four SCOTUS pachys will only overturn the conviction.
The solution to Trump is a drone strike.
Let's see SCOTUS overturn that.

Get off you ass, Biden.
Grow a pair.
If I were POTUS, Trump wouldn't have survived January of 2021.
Hey look everyone its a loud mouth punching bag. Did you let kids rub the hair on your legs and threaten "Corn Pop"? LMFAO
The ONLY way the Jury could convict is to ignore the evidence and act based on political reasons as a lynch mob - which is what you and your party supports.
WRONG, such a statement turns its back on hundreds of years of legal precedence.
WRONG, such a statement turns its back on hundreds of years of legal precedence.


Lynching is the OPPOSITE of legal precedence.
  1. No Crime
  2. Past Statute of Limitations
  3. Key Witness committed perjury
  4. Key Witness confessed to a felony
  5. Judge has personal financial interest in the case
What would Comrade Merchan's instructions to the Jury be? "Ignore everything you saw and convict because the party needs you?"

Lynching is the OPPOSITE of legal precedence.
  1. No Crime
  2. Past Statute of Limitations
  3. Key Witness committed perjury
  4. Key Witness confessed to a felony
  5. Judge has personal financial interest in the case
What would Comrade Merchan's instructions to the Jury be? "Ignore everything you saw and convict because the party needs you?"
3. True, but does not make a conviction impossible or illegal.
4. True, but does not make a conviction impossible or illegal.
First, the Jury can decide that what Cohen said about the Checks was true, that even though he is a huge liar on many issues, for whatever reason they believe him about what Donald Trump knew about the checks and if they believe that he is Guilty.

Second, they can totally disregard Cohen and believe that all the other evidence about Trump and how he ran his business and how he micromanaged everything and how he operated, added to the clear motivation to precent Daniels from saying what ever she was going to say (regardless of truth) he knew. Granted this is circumstantial evidence, but a jury is allowed to convict on circumstantial evidence, it is done every day.

Third, they can believe a combination of the evidence, in this scenario they can believe that Cohen is a liar, but that because of all the circumstantial evidence about the situation and how Trump ran his business they believe that Cohen's testimony leaves no reasonable doubt that he was telling the truth.

I am not saying all jurors will see these scenarios as proven beyond a reasonable doubt and thus that Trump will be convicted, but I believe it is very possible.

I would be shocked if they all believe the case was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt and thus they will exonerate him.

I would be surprised if the Prosecution does not outline these possibilities for the jury.

(Cue the unrelated personal attacks from those who are triggered by this post)
