Three ways for the Jury to convict Trump

I thought that the way Trump was going to be convicted in this trial--at least by the Left and Prosecutor's thinking--was that the Jury would find him guilty simply because of who he is...
Don't call that thinking. Trump had the opportunity to present his case and had none to speak of. He got the full measure of the justice system because he was rich and powerful.
I thought that the way Trump was going to be convicted in this trial--at least by the Left and Prosecutor's thinking--was that the Jury would find him guilty simply because of who he is...
The jury will find him guilty if they find 3 things to be true.
1. The documents were falsified.
2. Trump caused the documents to be falsified.
3. The documents were falsified to help hide another crime.

The actual evidence presented at trial would lead to a jury likely finding those 3 things true.
If you have an argument against the evidence, then feel free to make one instead of your fact free idiotic assertions.
The jury will find him guilty if they find 3 things to be true.
1. The documents were falsified.
2. Trump caused the documents to be falsified.
3. The documents were falsified to help hide another crime.

The actual evidence presented at trial would lead to a jury likely finding those 3 things true.
If you have an argument against the evidence, then feel free to make one instead of your fact free idiotic assertions.
The paperwork was falsified. There is no doubt about that. They showed the documents in court and received testimony from people who created them or worked with them. That is a misdemeanor and the time for charging misdemeanors has expired. The prosecutor had to connect Trump to them and show they were falsified to cover up for Trump in the coming election. That makes them felonious.
That case was also proven. Mr. Micromnger, Trump cannot escape on evidence. He needs a Trumpy or 2 to have infiltrated the jury. They also have to ignore the responsibilities of jurors and work for a hung jury.
The jury will find him guilty if they find 3 things to be true.
1. The documents were falsified.
2. Trump caused the documents to be falsified.
3. The documents were falsified to help hide another crime.

The actual evidence presented at trial would lead to a jury likely finding those 3 things true.
If you have an argument against the evidence, then feel free to make one instead of your fact free idiotic assertions.
That’s for the felony convictions. They can find him guilty of the first two elements only, which are misdemeanors.
The paperwork was falsified. There is no doubt about that. They showed the documents in court and received testimony from people who created them or worked with them. That is a misdemeanor and the time for charging misdemeanors has expired. The prosecutor had to connect Trump to them and show they were falsified to cover up for Trump in the coming election. That makes them felonious.
That case was also proven. Mr. Micromnger, Trump cannot escape on evidence. He needs a Trumpy or 2 to have infiltrated the jury. They also have to ignore the responsibilities of jurors and work for a hung jury.
Since Trump signed the checks it is easy to tie Trump to them.
That really only leaves the question of whether it was to cover up another crime and if the jury will agree with that.
That’s for the felony convictions. They can find him guilty of the first two elements only, which are misdemeanors.
They don't need to find beyond a reasonable doubt that the crime exists that the documents were falsified to cover up since Trump isn't charged with that crime. The jury instructions may make it clear they don't even have to all agree that the same crime was covered up. Each juror can decide one or all of the three possible crimes was covered up by the falsification.
He is not his daughter.

Federal code specifies no action that benefits immediate family.,

The shithole of New York likely has similar prohibitions. Merchan had an ethical duty to recuse, but he is a party thug and this is a lynching - so integrity isn't part of the equation.

One does wonder how many criminal statutes Merchan and Bragg violated with this lynching? January 2025 is coming. Either we will have the restoration of legitimate law under Trump - or all law will cease.

Prosecution of those like Merchan who have made a mockery of the rule of law would do a lot to restore faith in American Jurisprudence.
Falsifying business records is a felony.


"Former President Donald Trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, according to a grand jury indictment released Tuesday."

"The crime of falsifying business records is included in New York’s penal code. Falsifying records in the second degree is a misdemeanor, but it becomes a felony if the person falsified business records with an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission of a crime."

It's amusing how you prove that you're lying as you lie.
Trumpers still deny that reality, claim the justice system is rigged and vote for him anyway. You included.

If the lynching succeeds, do you think that Bought and Paid for will win the election? Will it erase the failing economy? Will prices drop 40% back to what they were when Quid Pro was installed? Or will Biden declare a felon can't be president and declare himself dictator?
Falsifying business records, as charged against Trump, is a felony.

That is a fucking lie as you well know.

If your lynching were to succeed - what would the party claim the underlying crime was? You're doing this to corrupt an election. Do you think no one notices that you have shit all over the rule of law? That's why this has backfired on you tyrants.
If the lynching succeeds, do you think that Bought and Paid for will win the election? Will it erase the failing economy? Will prices drop 40% back to what they were when Quid Pro was installed? Or will Biden declare a felon can't be president and declare himself dictator?
I don’t think it will affect the election either way. Trumpets do not care if he shoots a guy on 5th Avenue.
Since Trump signed the checks it is easy to tie Trump to them.
That really only leaves the question of whether it was to cover up another crime and if the jury will agree with that.

There is enough evidence for a jury to make Trump responsible for the payments, including Trump admitting they were flow thru payments and not legal fees in the past. And there is enough evidence that the goal was to do this to provide cover for the election.

There simply is no argument the above is not true. The only question is does the jury unanimously find it substantial enough to convict or not.
That is a fucking lie as you well know.

If your lynching were to succeed - what would the party claim the underlying crime was? You're doing this to corrupt an election. Do you think no one notices that you have shit all over the rule of law? That's why this has backfired on you tyrants.
You need to read the statute. I know you hate reality but it is still reality.

Ҥ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.

A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree
when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second
degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit
another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.

Falsifying business records in the first degree is a class E felony.”
They don't need to find beyond a reasonable doubt that the crime exists that the documents were falsified to cover up since Trump isn't charged with that crime. The jury instructions may make it clear they don't even have to all agree that the same crime was covered up. Each juror can decide one or all of the three possible crimes was covered up by the falsification.
thanks for explaining Venezuelan jurisprudence to us..,.,,
You need to read the statute. I know you hate reality but it is still reality.

Ҥ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.

A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree
when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second
degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit
another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.

Falsifying business records in the first degree is a class E felony.”
odd, the statute doesn't say the jury gets to make up it's own laws......