Three ways for the Jury to convict Trump

First, the Jury can decide that what Cohen said about the Checks was true, that even though he is a huge liar on many issues, for whatever reason they believe him about what Donald Trump knew about the checks and if they believe that he is Guilty.

Second, they can totally disregard Cohen and believe that all the other evidence about Trump and how he ran his business and how he micromanaged everything and how he operated, added to the clear motivation to precent Daniels from saying what ever she was going to say (regardless of truth) he knew. Granted this is circumstantial evidence, but a jury is allowed to convict on circumstantial evidence, it is done every day.

Third, they can believe a combination of the evidence, in this scenario they can believe that Cohen is a liar, but that because of all the circumstantial evidence about the situation and how Trump ran his business they believe that Cohen's testimony leaves no reasonable doubt that he was telling the truth.

I am not saying all jurors will see these scenarios as proven beyond a reasonable doubt and thus that Trump will be convicted, but I believe it is very possible.

I would be shocked if they all believe the case was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt and thus they will exonerate him.

I would be surprised if the Prosecution does not outline these possibilities for the jury.

(Cue the unrelated personal attacks from those who are triggered by this post)
Complete nonsense. No crime has been even presented, much less proven.

Reimbursing Cohen for a hush money payment is not a crime, except in the feverish leftist imaginings.
I thought that the way Trump was going to be convicted in this trial--at least by the Left and Prosecutor's thinking--was that the Jury would find him guilty simply because of who he is...
No, it is because of what he did. He is a proud lawbreaker and regulation breaker who defies you to do anything about it.
3. True, but does not make a conviction impossible or illegal.
4. True, but does not make a conviction impossible or illegal.

Lying doesn't change anything.

Merchan presented an absurd and fraudulent legal theory that he could take an alleged misdemeanor and charge it as a felony because of some alleged underlying crime. No such crime was ever presented - ever.

The misdemeanor - had that been legitimate - was three years past the statute of limitations. Merchan and Bragg both know this - but this is a lynching with no relation to legitimate jurisprudence.

And again - flat out lying does nothing to change the FACT that Comrad Merchan's daughter has raked in hundreds of millions based on this lynching. Merchan is beyond unethical and outright criminal in his refusal to recuse himself.

But this is a lynching - not an actual court of law.
I thought that the way Trump was going to be convicted in this trial--at least by the Left and Prosecutor's thinking--was that the Jury would find him guilty simply because of who he is...

That was the idea. But I think that fell apart when Cohen confessed to a serious felony on the stand.

All it takes is one juror with a hint of integrity and the jury is hung. I know Merchan has made threats regarding the personal safety of the jury, but there are three that may not be swayed by the coercion of Merchan.

Plus the threats that Jurors will never work again, will be shunned in their communities if they don't convict pale a bit in the face of 30,000 person rallies supporting the last legitimate president.
First, the Jury can decide that what Cohen said about the Checks was true, that even though he is a huge liar on many issues, for whatever reason they believe him about what Donald Trump knew about the checks and if they believe that he is Guilty.

Second, they can totally disregard Cohen and believe that all the other evidence about Trump and how he ran his business and how he micromanaged everything and how he operated, added to the clear motivation to precent Daniels from saying what ever she was going to say (regardless of truth) he knew. Granted this is circumstantial evidence, but a jury is allowed to convict on circumstantial evidence, it is done every day.

Third, they can believe a combination of the evidence, in this scenario they can believe that Cohen is a liar, but that because of all the circumstantial evidence about the situation and how Trump ran his business they believe that Cohen's testimony leaves no reasonable doubt that he was telling the truth.

I am not saying all jurors will see these scenarios as proven beyond a reasonable doubt and thus that Trump will be convicted, but I believe it is very possible.

I would be shocked if they all believe the case was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt and thus they will exonerate him.

I would be surprised if the Prosecution does not outline these possibilities for the jury.

(Cue the unrelated personal attacks from those who are triggered by this post)
Meanwhile there are at least 30 different ways NOT to convict him. :)
Lying doesn't change anything.

Merchan presented an absurd and fraudulent legal theory that he could take an alleged misdemeanor and charge it as a felony because of some alleged underlying crime. No such crime was ever presented - ever.

The misdemeanor - had that been legitimate - was three years past the statute of limitations. Merchan and Bragg both know this - but this is a lynching with no relation to legitimate jurisprudence.

And again - flat out lying does nothing to change the FACT that Comrad Merchan's daughter has raked in hundreds of millions based on this lynching. Merchan is beyond unethical and outright criminal in his refusal to recuse himself.

But this is a lynching - not an actual court of law.
He is not his daughter.
Complete nonsense. No crime has been even presented, much less proven.

Reimbursing Cohen for a hush money payment is not a crime, except in the feverish leftist imaginings.
Falsifying business records is a felony.

"Former President Donald Trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, according to a grand jury indictment released Tuesday."

"The crime of falsifying business records is included in New York’s penal code. Falsifying records in the second degree is a misdemeanor, but it becomes a felony if the person falsified business records with an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission of a crime."

First, the Jury can decide that what Cohen said about the Checks was true, that even though he is a huge liar on many issues, for whatever reason they believe him about what Donald Trump knew about the checks and if they believe that he is Guilty.

Second, they can totally disregard Cohen and believe that all the other evidence about Trump and how he ran his business and how he micromanaged everything and how he operated, added to the clear motivation to precent Daniels from saying what ever she was going to say (regardless of truth) he knew. Granted this is circumstantial evidence, but a jury is allowed to convict on circumstantial evidence, it is done every day.

Third, they can believe a combination of the evidence, in this scenario they can believe that Cohen is a liar, but that because of all the circumstantial evidence about the situation and how Trump ran his business they believe that Cohen's testimony leaves no reasonable doubt that he was telling the truth.

I am not saying all jurors will see these scenarios as proven beyond a reasonable doubt and thus that Trump will be convicted, but I believe it is very possible.

I would be shocked if they all believe the case was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt and thus they will exonerate him.

I would be surprised if the Prosecution does not outline these possibilities for the jury.

(Cue the unrelated personal attacks from those who are triggered by this post)
he may get more votes if he is
Exactly. Twice impeached didnt work. Insurrectionist didnt work. Fascist didnt work. Rapist didnt work. Maybe this will work?
Amazing that all those realities didn’t work. Demonstrates the massive ignorance, stupidity and gullibility of his supporters.
Please tell us all the Big, Secret Underlying crime that makes expired business record misdemeanors a felony, without which, the entire case is moot.

That has already been presented to a jury. THEY will determine if it is a legitimate charge...not some Internet troll.
Amazing that all those realities didn’t work. Demonstrates the massive ignorance, stupidity and gullibility of his supporters.
It is amazing. Trump has set the bar for being stupid very, very low...yet still manages to find lots of people able to wiggle under it.

If Trump is convicted…. They will say, “it was a corrupt jury”.

If there is a hung jury…. They will say, “Trump is totally exonerated.”

If there is an acquittal…. They will say, “See it was a fraud.”

They have no concept of what a jury trial is or what it means.
Meanwhile there are at least 30 different ways NOT to convict him. :)
Almost none. The jury was presented the paperwork showing exactly what the prosecutor claimed. That is real and Trump could not mitigate that.
Cohen a liar? The whole Trump organization was founded on lies. When you look at Trump Co. you see an operation based on lies and cheating.
Trump's company clearly committed about 30 acts of fraudulent paperwork to try and cover up his affairs. Trump and his company are guilty of the misdemeanors. However, to make them into felonies, they have to prove that Trummp's violations were designed to cover up the affairs because the election was nigh. Pecker made that clear. Stormy made it clear. Every witness clarified it.
Trump's only chance is to have a Trumplestilkin sitting on the jury. They do not believe in the law.