Three ways for the Jury to convict Trump

Exactly. Twice impeached didnt work. Insurrectionist didnt work. Fascist didnt work. Rapist didnt work. Maybe this will work?
Nothing worked against Clinton. In fact his poll numbers were better after his impeachment. I see the same thing happening with Trump.
Nothing worked against Clinton. In fact his poll numbers were better after his impeachment. I see the same thing happening with Trump.
Nothing will dissuade a trumpet, he can shoot someone on 5th ave, and they would support him.
Nothing will dissuade a trumpet, he can shoot someone on 5th ave, and they would support him.
The left has been going after Trump since before he was inaugurated continuously . You’re don’t think people are getting numb to it?
First, the Jury can decide that what Cohen said about the Checks was true, that even though he is a huge liar on many issues, for whatever reason they believe him about what Donald Trump knew about the checks and if they believe that he is Guilty.

They won't because the prosecution never told them what felony was committed to resurrect this nonsensical trial.

Second, they can totally disregard Cohen and believe that all the other evidence about Trump and how he ran his business and how he micromanaged everything and how he operated, added to the clear motivation to precent Daniels from saying what ever she was going to say (regardless of truth) he knew. Granted this is circumstantial evidence, but a jury is allowed to convict on circumstantial evidence, it is done every day.

What evidence? The salacious Stormy testimony which once again she perjured herself with?

There was no evidence of a crime presented nor did the DA tell anyone what the felony crime was.

Third, they can believe a combination of the evidence, in this scenario they can believe that Cohen is a liar, but that because of all the circumstantial evidence about the situation and how Trump ran his business they believe that Cohen's testimony leaves no reasonable doubt that he was telling the truth.

There was no evidence other than Cohen said so. There was no presentation of what felony Trump had to have committed.

I am not saying all jurors will see these scenarios as proven beyond a reasonable doubt and thus that Trump will be convicted, but I believe it is very possible.

Wishful thinking from a partisan hack.

I would be shocked if they all believe the case was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt and thus they will exonerate him.

How did they prove beyond a reasonable doubt when they presented no evidence of the crime nor state what it was?

I would be surprised if the Prosecution does not outline these possibilities for the jury.

I would be surprised if you knew what it was you are emotionally babbling about.

(Cue the unrelated personal attacks from those who are triggered by this post)
Cue the whining and crying from the left.
If Trump is convicted, Alito, Thomas, and at least three of the other four SCOTUS pachys will only overturn the conviction.
The solution to Trump is a drone strike.
Let's see SCOTUS overturn that.

Get off you ass, Biden.
Grow a pair.
If I were POTUS, Trump wouldn't have survived January of 2021.

:lolup: Triggered delusional loon. I cannot imagine how triggered and emotionally unsound NiftyNitWit will become with Trumps re-election.
Then he will be sentenced and allowed to appeal the fairness and legality of the trial. Most if not all of the sentence would be stayed until that happens.

Fairness? There was no fairness by this corrupt partisan jurist. That is why they know anything they do in this clown court will easily be overturned. Marchan didn't even allow the expert FEC witness. He censured another defense witness that destroyed Cohens lie filled narrative.

Everything this jurist did was anti-Constitutional and unfair.
WRONG, such a statement turns its back on hundreds of years of legal precedence.

There is zero legal precedence with this clown show. Saying there is is merely evidence of your complete ignorance of the law or your utter dishonesty bloviating about things you know nothing about which is standard MO for you.
3. True, but does not make a conviction impossible or illegal.
4. True, but does not make a conviction impossible or illegal.

Why, because you say so? Try to form a coherent argument if that is even possible.
I thought that the way Trump was going to be convicted in this trial--at least by the Left and Prosecutor's thinking--was that the Jury would find him guilty simply because of who he is...

Well, that may be the case because they certainly didn't prove any crime had been committed or tell us what crime Trump is guilty of.
Falsifying business records is a felony.

No, it is not. It is a misdemeanor whose statute of limitations have run out.

Lying makes for very bad arguments.

"Former President Donald Trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, according to a grand jury indictment released Tuesday.

"The crime of falsifying business records is included in New York’s penal code. Falsifying records in the second degree is a misdemeanor, but it becomes a felony if the person falsified business records with an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission of a crime."

Per that bolded part; what other crime was there or crime that was concealed?

This is why it is hard to argue with uneducated and uninformed partisan hacks that only know how to parrot MSNBC talking points.