Three ways for the Jury to convict Trump


If Trump is convicted…. They will say, “it was a corrupt jury”.

If there is a hung jury…. They will say, “Trump is totally exonerated.”

If there is an acquittal…. They will say, “See it was a fraud.”

They have no concept of what a jury trial is or what it means.

The only ones here illustrating they have no concept about anything would be you and your merry band of leftist nitwits.

I understand why you are avoiding explaining what the crime is.
Almost none. The jury was presented the paperwork showing exactly what the prosecutor claimed. That is real and Trump could not mitigate that.
Cohen a liar? The whole Trump organization was founded on lies. When you look at Trump Co. you see an operation based on lies and cheating.
Trump's company clearly committed about 30 acts of fraudulent paperwork to try and cover up his affairs. Trump and his company are guilty of the misdemeanors. However, to make them into felonies, they have to prove that Trummp's violations were designed to cover up the affairs because the election was nigh. Pecker made that clear. Stormy made it clear. Every witness clarified it.
Trump's only chance is to have a Trumplestilkin sitting on the jury. They do not believe in the law.

If the lynching succeeds, do you think that Bought and Paid for will win the election? Will it erase the failing economy? Will prices drop 40% back to what they were when Quid Pro was installed? Or will Biden declare a felon can't be president and declare himself dictator?
A person committing election fraud would most likely come under the purview of the 14th Amendment and be found unfit for office.
A person committing election fraud would most likely come under the purview of the 14th Amendment and be found unfit for office.

That's nice, and I agree that Quid Pro is unfit. But since we don't have a system of justice in this nation, no hearing of the evidence of election fraud by Biden and the democrats was allowed.

This still doesn't answer any of the questions. The key one being, would Bought and Paid for Biden claim that a convicted felon cannot be president, and refuse to leave office - ending the peaceful transition of power?

It depends on whether he thinks he could get away with it.
That's nice, and I agree that Quid Pro is unfit. But since we don't have a system of justice in this nation, no hearing of the evidence of election fraud by Biden and the democrats was allowed.

This still doesn't answer any of the questions. The key one being, would Bought and Paid for Biden claim that a convicted felon cannot be president, and refuse to leave office - ending the peaceful transition of power?

It depends on whether he thinks he could get away with it.
I just answered the question, illiterate fuck. Find a literate 10 year old to explain it to you.
I just answered the question, illiterate fuck. Find a literate 10 year old to explain it to you.

You answered nothing, and your dishonest ducking does nothing.

Do you think Quid Pro - those who control the old, senile crook, will refuse to leave office and would use a bogus conviction, if Merchan were able to cook one up, as his excuse for becoming a dictator?
You answered nothing, and your dishonest ducking does nothing.

Do you think Quid Pro - those who control the old, senile crook, will refuse to leave office and would use a bogus conviction, if Merchan were able to cook one up, as his excuse for becoming a dictator?
I don’t think it will affect the election either way. Trumpets do not care if he shoots a guy on 5th Avenue.

Sure we would - we just wouldn't accept a blatant lie by you Stalinists that he did.

You STILL can't come up with an underlying crime that turns an alleged bookkeeping error into a felony. Instead demanding that Trump be convicted for running against Joe Biden.
The left has been going after Trump since before he was inaugurated continuously . You’re don’t think people are getting numb to it?
It is not "the left". If Trump and his companies and his campaign and charities, etc do not want law enforcement "going after" them, then the answer is to STOP committing crimes.

As you saw, even Trumps own AG, a REPUBLI'CAN', and a REPUBLI'CAN' special counsel felt compelled to investigate and charge and convict Trump's campaign for various crimes they were engaged in.

Trump Campaign, followed in the long line of crimes investigated and convicted against his Companies and Charities and almost his entire inner circle of people who help him with his criming.
The jury will find him guilty if they find 3 things to be true.
1. The documents were falsified.
2. Trump caused the documents to be falsified.
3. The documents were falsified to help hide another crime.

The actual evidence presented at trial would lead to a jury likely finding those 3 things true.
If you have an argument against the evidence, then feel free to make one instead of your fact free idiotic assertions.

What is the "another crime?"

Merchan and Bragg never could come with anything - didn't even bother trying. We know, the "crime" Trump is being lynched for is running against Joe Biden for president.

Every person in America, including you, knows this.
First, the Jury can decide that what Cohen said about the Checks was true, that even though he is a huge liar on many issues, for whatever reason they believe him about what Donald Trump knew about the checks and if they believe that he is Guilty.

Second, they can totally disregard Cohen and believe that all the other evidence about Trump and how he ran his business and how he micromanaged everything and how he operated, added to the clear motivation to precent Daniels from saying what ever she was going to say (regardless of truth) he knew. Granted this is circumstantial evidence, but a jury is allowed to convict on circumstantial evidence, it is done every day.

Third, they can believe a combination of the evidence, in this scenario they can believe that Cohen is a liar, but that because of all the circumstantial evidence about the situation and how Trump ran his business they believe that Cohen's testimony leaves no reasonable doubt that he was telling the truth.

I am not saying all jurors will see these scenarios as proven beyond a reasonable doubt and thus that Trump will be convicted, but I believe it is very possible.

I would be shocked if they all believe the case was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt and thus they will exonerate him.

I would be surprised if the Prosecution does not outline these possibilities for the jury.

(Cue the unrelated personal attacks from those who are triggered by this post)
Or they could ignore the law and convict Trump because they don't like his politics.
3. True, but does not make a conviction impossible or illegal.
4. True, but does not make a conviction impossible or illegal.
I invests tens of thousands in my son's education so I have a financial interest in my son's financial success. I suspect the Judge is like me. So 5. True Also Number 1. What crime Jarod?

It's amusing how you prove that you're lying as you lie.
Really, how stupid are you, chump. </rhetorical> It's in the NY penal code. Universal Citation: NY Penal L § 175.10 (2022)

§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.

A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.

Falsifying business records in the first degree is a class E felony.