Three ways for the Jury to convict Trump

The FEC doesn't charge anyone with crimes. The DOJ does. The DOJ charged and convicted Cohen with the crime of making an illegal campaign contribution for the payment to Stormy Daniels. The DOJ charged and convicted Michael Cohen for causing an illegal campaign contribution by a corporation for his use of an LLC to pay Stormy Daniels. Anyone that claims there was no illegal campaign contribution is an idiot since it is a fact that was adjudicated in a court of law and found to be true. The FEC doesn't say I am lying. You are lying about what the FEC does. But lying seems to be what you do, Poopiehead.

This has NOTHING to do with the Trump case. You keep parroting it like an uninformed, uneducated dullard as if it does.

Stormy's salacious fabrication of what occurred had NOTHING to do with the case. Yet the judge allowed her irrelevant and prejudicial testimony.

This judge is a threat to our democracy. This administration is a threat to our democracy. This DOJ led by the partisan hack, lying Garland is a threat to our democracy.

That all ends in November.
What conviction?
I realize you have problems reading and comprehending but here you go.

COHEN, 51, of NEW YORK, NEW YORK, pleaded guilty to five counts of willful tax evasion; one count of making false statements to a bank; one count of causing an unlawful campaign contribution; and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution.

The admission includes that Cohen coordinated with at least one person associated with the campaign.
"In his filing, Bragg sets out four potential object offenses: violations of federal campaign finance law under the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA);

Yet, the FEC stated there was no violation. NEXT!

violations of New York Election Law § 17-152;

It is a bogus charge where no evidence was presented to support such a buffoonish claim. What conspiracy? They never even proved there was one. What was proven is that Cohen once again lied under oath and defrauded Trump of $60K.

violations of federal, local, and state tax law;

Yet zero evidence was presented to back this up.

and additional falsifications of business records outside the Trump Organization. Merchan allowed Bragg to move forward with the first three theories but tossed out the last one. "

There was ZERO evidence of any falsification other than Cohen making that absurd claim.
This has NOTHING to do with the Trump case. You keep parroting it like an uninformed, uneducated dullard as if it does.

Stormy's salacious fabrication of what occurred had NOTHING to do with the case. Yet the judge allowed her irrelevant and prejudicial testimony.

This judge is a threat to our democracy. This administration is a threat to our democracy. This DOJ led by the partisan hack, lying Garland is a threat to our democracy.

That all ends in November.
It has everything to do with the Trump case since the crime that was being covered up with the false documents was the illegal campaign contribution that was used to pay off Stormy Daniels.

COHEN caused and made the payments described herein in order to influence the 2016 presidential election. In so doing, he coordinated with one or more members of the campaign, including through meetings and phone calls, about the fact, nature, and timing of the payments. As a result of the payments solicited and made by COHEN, neither Woman-1 nor Woman-2 spoke to the press prior to the election.
I realize you have problems reading and comprehending but here you go.

COHEN, 51, of NEW YORK, NEW YORK, pleaded guilty to five counts of willful tax evasion; one count of making false statements to a bank; one count of causing an unlawful campaign contribution; and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution.

The admission includes that Cohen coordinated with at least one person associated with the campaign.

I assumed you were speaking of Trump. Perhaps in the haze of confusion you are constantly under, you run bullshit together and forget yoyur original argument.

What does Cohen's conviction have to do with Trump?
Yet, the FEC stated there was no violation. NEXT!

It is a bogus charge where no evidence was presented to support such a buffoonish claim. What conspiracy? They never even proved there was one. What was proven is that Cohen once again lied under oath and defrauded Trump of $60K.

Yet zero evidence was presented to back this up.

There was ZERO evidence of any falsification other than Cohen making that absurd claim.
Provide evidence of the FEC stating there was no violation. I won't hold my breath.

There is quite a bit of evidence including a conviction of Cohen that shows that the payment to Stormy was to affect the outcome of the election.
COHEN caused and made the payments described herein in order to influence the 2016 presidential election. In so doing, he coordinated with one or more members of the campaign, including through meetings and phone calls, about the fact, nature, and timing of the payments. As a result of the payments solicited and made by COHEN, neither Woman-1 nor Woman-2 spoke to the press prior to the election.

Your continued denials of reality only show your desperation to defend a rapist, Poopiehead. Because as was also found to be true in a court of law -

Trump is a Rapist!!!
It has everything to do with the Trump case since the crime that was being covered up with the false documents was the illegal campaign contribution that was used to pay off Stormy Daniels.

It has NOTHING to do with Trump because the evidence shows that Cohen acted on his own and while trying to ingratiate himself to Trump for a DC job, defrauded Trump out of $60K

COHEN caused and made the payments described herein in order to influence the 2016 presidential election. In so doing, he coordinated with one or more members of the campaign, including through meetings and phone calls, about the fact, nature, and timing of the payments. As a result of the payments solicited and made by COHEN, neither Woman-1 nor Woman-2 spoke to the press prior to the election.

That statement is outright false and part of the suborned perjury DA Bragg engaged in.
Provide evidence of the FEC stating there was no violation. I won't hold my breath.

Too stupid to google it yourself?

FEC drops investigation into Trump hush money payments

F.E.C. Drops Case Reviewing Trump Hush-Money Payments to Women

There is quite a bit of evidence including a conviction of Cohen that shows that the payment to Stormy was to affect the outcome of the election.
COHEN caused and made the payments described herein in order to influence the 2016 presidential election. In so doing, he coordinated with one or more members of the campaign, including through meetings and phone calls, about the fact, nature, and timing of the payments. As a result of the payments solicited and made by COHEN, neither Woman-1 nor Woman-2 spoke to the press prior to the election.

Your continued denials of reality only show your desperation to defend a rapist, Poopiehead. Because as was also found to be true in a court of law -

Once again, that is a massive pile of Cohen bile with ZERO substance supporting it. They didn't even attempt to prove it in evidentiary testimony.

Trump is a Rapist!!!

TDS is a severe mental disorder brought on by swilling DNC koolaid and watching too much MSNBC.
I assumed you were speaking of Trump. Perhaps in the haze of confusion you are constantly under, you run bullshit together and forget yoyur original argument.

What does Cohen's conviction have to do with Trump?
Read the circumstances of what he did and who he conspired with according to the court.
Is Trump an individual associated with the Trump campaign? Is Trump the person that signed the checks to reimburse Cohen for his illegal campaign contribution?

Your denials prove nothing other than you want to keep your head clearly up that bull's poopshoot, Poopiehead.
Read the circumstances of what he did and who he conspired with according to the court.
Is Trump an individual associated with the Trump campaign? Is Trump the person that signed the checks to reimburse Cohen for his illegal campaign contribution?

Cohen sent them a legal bill and it got paid. Accountants properly accounted the payments as legal fees, which is what they were.
Your denials prove nothing other than you want to keep your head clearly up that bull's poopshoot, Poopiehead.

Your flailing and lying prove what a mentally challenged, uneducated and uninformed dimwit you are which makes you the perfect constituent for a corrupt lying fool like Biden.
It has NOTHING to do with Trump because the evidence shows that Cohen acted on his own and while trying to ingratiate himself to Trump for a DC job, defrauded Trump out of $60K

That statement is outright false and part of the suborned perjury DA Bragg engaged in.
You clearly didn't read what I linked to. It clearly states that Cohen didn't act alone but coordinated with persons associated with the Trump campaign.

The following has all been found to be true by a court of law when Cohen plead guilty.

"COHEN caused and made the payments described herein in order to influence the 2016 presidential election. In so doing, he coordinated with one or more members of the campaign, including through meetings and phone calls, about the fact, nature, and timing of the payments. As a result of the payments solicited and made by COHEN, neither Woman-1 nor Woman-2 spoke to the press prior to the election.

In January 2017, COHEN in seeking reimbursement for election-related expenses, presented executives of the Company with a copy of a bank statement from the Essential Consultants bank account, which reflected the $130,000 payment COHEN had made to the bank account of Attorney-1 in order to keep Woman-2 silent in advance of the election, plus a $35 wire fee, adding, in handwriting, an additional “$50,000.” The $50,000 represented a claimed payment for “tech services,” which in fact related to work COHEN had solicited from a technology company during and in connection with the campaign. COHEN added these amounts to a sum of $180,035. After receiving this document, executives of the Company “grossed up” for tax purposes COHEN’s requested reimbursement of $180,000 to $360,000, and then added a bonus of $60,000 so that COHEN would be paid $420,000 in total. Executives of the Company also determined that the $420,000 would be paid to COHEN in monthly amounts of $35,000 over the course of 12 months, and that COHEN should send invoices for these payments.

On February 14, 2017, COHEN sent an executive of the Company (“Executive-1”) the first of his monthly invoices, requesting “[p]ursuant to [a] retainer agreement, . . . payment for services rendered for the months of January and February, 2017.” The invoice listed $35,000 for each of those two months. Executive-1 forwarded the invoice to another executive of the Company (“Executive-2”) the same day by email, and it was approved. Executive-1 forwarded that email to another employee at the Company, stating: “Please pay from the Trust. Post to legal expenses. Put ‘retainer for the months of January and February 2017’ in the description.”

Throughout 2017, COHEN sent to one or more representatives of the Company monthly invoices, which stated, “Pursuant to the retainer agreement, kindly remit payment for services rendered for” the relevant month in 2017, and sought $35,000 per month. The Company accounted for these payments as legal expenses. In truth and in fact, there was no such retainer agreement, and the monthly invoices COHEN submitted were not in connection with any legal services he had provided in 2017.

During 2017, pursuant to the invoices described above, COHEN received monthly $35,000 reimbursement checks, totaling $420,000. "
Cohen sent them a legal bill and it got paid. Accountants properly accounted the payments as legal fees, which is what they were.

Your flailing and lying prove what a mentally challenged, uneducated and uninformed dimwit you are which makes you the perfect constituent for a corrupt lying fool like Biden.
You are the one flailing, Poopiehead.
If Cohen provided legal services then it would be easy for Trump to show that occurred by providing evidence of the work performed. I wonder why no such work has been provided during the trial. You seem to be arguing that Cohen provided some magical legal advice that involved no contact and no paperwork and we should accept that happened with no testimony from anyone.
Too stupid to google it yourself?

FEC drops investigation into Trump hush money payments

F.E.C. Drops Case Reviewing Trump Hush-Money Payments to Women

Once again, that is a massive pile of Cohen bile with ZERO substance supporting it. They didn't even attempt to prove it in evidentiary testimony.

TDS is a severe mental disorder brought on by swilling DNC koolaid and watching too much MSNBC.
I asked for evidence that the FEC stated there was no violation. You provided me evidence that they didn't make any such statement.
In December 2020, the F.E.C. issued an internal report from its Office of General Counsel on how to proceed in its review. The office said it had found “reason to believe” violations of campaign finance law were made “knowingly and willfully” by the Trump campaign.

But the election commission — split evenly between three Republicans and three Democratic-aligned commissioners — declined to proceed in a closed-door meeting in February. Two Republican commissioners voted to dismiss the case while two Democratic commissioners voted to move forward. There was one absence and one Republican recusal.

All they did was deadlock on it and not proceed with the investigation that their general counsel recommended. That is not the same thing as stating there was no violation.

It's funny that you think facts are TDS, Poopiehead.
It is a fact that was found to be true in a court of law that
Trump is a Rapist!!!
It is not something I made up. I am simply reporting on the court's findings. Why do you hate facts so much, Poopiehead?
Really, how stupid are you, chump. </rhetorical> It's in the NY penal code. Universal Citation: NY Penal L § 175.10 (2022)

§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.

A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.

Falsifying business records in the first degree is a class E felony.

AND you just keep lying.

when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.

What is the "another crime?"

There is none - you are flat out lying as is Merchan and Bragg.
Falsifying Business Documents (37 counts)
One alleged crime - spurious in its own right - charged 36 times.

But it was outside the statute of limitations - not that you Stalinists care - you shit all over the rule of law.

And even if Trump were the bookkeeper for a billion dollar business - which he obviously isn't, it would be at best a misdemeanor
- not that you Stalinists care - you shit all over the rule of law.

And Merchan is calling this single allegation a felony based on the claim of some other underlying crime - that he just can't seem to come up with
- not that you Stalinists care - you shit all over the rule of law.

This lynching is the brutal rape and murder of American jurisprudence
- not that you Stalinists care - you shit all over the rule of law.
One alleged crime - spurious in its own right - charged 36 times.

But it was outside the statute of limitations - not that you Stalinists care - you shit all over the rule of law.

And even if Trump were the bookkeeper for a billion dollar business - which he obviously isn't, it would be at best a misdemeanor
- not that you Stalinists care - you shit all over the rule of law.

And Merchan is calling this single allegation a felony based on the claim of some other underlying crime - that he just can't seem to come up with
- not that you Stalinists care - you shit all over the rule of law.

This lynching is the brutal rape and murder of American jurisprudence
- not that you Stalinists care - you shit all over the rule of law.
We will see if the jury agrees, because your biased opinion is not what matters.