Tim Walz is under fire for yanking his son Gus Walz’s arm on stage at the Democratic National Convention

Fauci said masks were a joke.
how many time do people have to post the list of all the lies he told????
what is it over 100?
I guess you either have a really short memory or are too stupid to understand what he said.
lets see , it will be gone in days . it is only 5 people nothing to worry about , it will be gone when the weather gets warmer , and on and on and on.
and I can't speak for Pelosi but maybe she didn't know just how fast it could spread or that in order to slow the spread people should not gather in masses .
maybe she was listening to the liar in chief ,
Have a nice day
Don't expect the Lil' Pup to provide facts and actual quotes. He never does. He hears something on Laura Ingraham or Tucker and swallows it like MGT swallowed her gym manager's cum.

Fauci never admitted masks were a failure in the interview. Rather, he acknowledged that while mask use of an overall population may only be marginally effective against disease transmission, an individual who regularly wears a high-quality mask can be effectively protected.
He did not lie. No one knew for sure when it was going to end. He gave us hope. And instead of being a dictator, he let the individual States decide.

Nothing he said caused additional covid deaths. Which is why you can not provide a specific quote.

If Pelosi was as ignorant as you, then she should have kept her mouth shut. She caused untold covid deaths.
BS he was told it could be really bad many times
STOP lying for this POS .
Trump is a well KNOWN LIAR and he did lie many times about COVID
You have to be a real moron if you think he didn't lie.
people have posted a lot of his lies about it on here MANY of times
have a nice day MORON
BS he was told it could be really bad many times
STOP lying for this POS .
Trump is a well KNOWN LIAR and he did lie many times about COVID
You have to be a real moron if you think he didn't lie.
people have posted a lot of his lies about it on here MANY of times
have a nice day MORON
You can always tell a MAGAt, but you can't tell him much.

Don't expect to ever persuade a MAGAt with facts and reason. They operate on a lizard brain level of emotion and kneejerk reactions.
Don't expect the Lil' Pup to provide facts and actual quotes. He never does. He hears something on Laura Ingraham or Tucker and swallows it like MGT swallowed her gym manager's cum.

Fauci never admitted masks were a failure in the interview. Rather, he acknowledged that while mask use of an overall population may only be marginally effective against disease transmission, an individual who regularly wears a high-quality mask can be effectively protected.
and now after we posted these links I am sure he will come back and say they were all fake, or left wing propaganda or some other BS like that.
Have a nice day
No, Pres. Trump was very transparent and had all his medical advisors appear on TV, and tell us exactly what they told him.

The bad info was from Fauci, the CDC, the WHO, Biden, Cuomo and Pelosi.

There were times when those medical advisors looked like they were wishing the electricity would go out and they could hide from having to be there.

Trump is a moron...and said and did moronic things during that period. Too bad for the many who died as a resuolt of his incompetence.
You can always tell a MAGAt, but you can't tell him much.

Don't expect to ever persuade a MAGAt with facts and reason. They operate on a lizard brain level of emotion and kneejerk reactions.
boy you are being generous with their IQ level today.
even the level of the IQ of a lizard is way too high for most of them
have a nice day
Don't expect the Lil' Pup to provide facts and actual quotes. He never does. He hears something on Laura Ingraham or Tucker and swallows it like MGT swallowed her gym manager's cum.

Fauci never admitted masks were a failure in the interview. Rather, he acknowledged that while mask use of an overall population may only be marginally effective against disease transmission, an individual who regularly wears a high-quality mask can be effectively protected.
Proof Pup doesn't even listen to his own links....even the 1 minute ones. :rofl2:


people should not be walking around with
you're sure of it because people are
listening really closely to this right
now people should not be worked there's
no reason to be walking around with a
when you're in the middle of an outbreak
wearing a mask might make people feel a
little bit better and it might even
block a droplet but it's not providing
the Perfect protection that people think
that it is and often there are
unintended consequences people keep
fiddling with the mask and they keep
touching their face and can you get some

Schmutz sort of staying inside there of
course of course but when you think
masks you should think of Health Care
Providers needing them and people who
are ill right now people should not be
walked there's no reason to be walking
around with a man
Proof Pup doesn't even listen to his own links....even the 1 minute ones. :rofl2:


people should not be walking around with
you're sure of it because people are
listening really closely to this right
now people should not be worked there's
no reason to be walking around with a
when you're in the middle of an outbreak
wearing a mask might make people feel a
little bit better and it might even
block a droplet but it's not providing
the Perfect protection that people think
that it is and often there are
unintended consequences people keep
fiddling with the mask and they keep
touching their face and can you get some

Schmutz sort of staying inside there of
course of course but when you think
masks you should think of Health Care
Providers needing them and people who
are ill right now people should not be
walked there's no reason to be walking
around with a man
nobody ever said they were perfect, just that they MAY help slow the spread.
NOT stop it.
Have a nice day
Walz face when he aggressively yanks his son's arm in slow motion. Trump needs to make a campaign ad over this. This act of anger towards a handicap kid was done on a world wide stage. Just think how he treats this kid in private

You never saw Sarah Palin yank her down syndrome kid like this.
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nobody ever said they were perfect, just that they MAY help slow the spread.
NOT stop it.
Have a nice day
Exactly. Note that Dr. Fauci went on to point out that health workers and ill people should wear them. Why would he believe health workers should wear masks if masks don't work? Because normal, sane and educated people understand that health workers know how to properly wear the mask and not think of it as perfect protect against disease.
Walz face when he aggressively yanks his son's arm in slow motion. Trump needs to make a campaign ad over this. This act of anger towards a handicap kid was done on a world wide stage. Just think how he treats this kid in private

You never saw Sarah Palin yank her down syndrome kid like this.
Sure, vols. Have the MAGAts spend millions focusing on that instead of Trump's financial and national security plans should he be reelected. LOL
Walz face when he aggressively yanks his son's arm in slow motion. Trump needs to make a campaign ad over this.

You never saw Sarah Palin yank her down syndrome kid like this.
and YOU and most others on here know what it is like to have a child with a mental condition.?,
I have an autistic son and there are times that you have to do things like that , they can resist some times and you need to pull them to keep them on track. and being in front of a crowd like that you never know how they will act or if they will start acting up and having a fit or something.
Have a child like that and you will find out first hand what you need to do to keep them under control.
it another walk in their shoes before you say things about them
Have a nice day
maybe JUST maybe IF Trump had NOT put out so many lies, conflicting, confusing , distorted info things could have been different.
But he lied and with all that fucked up info he was putting out the Governors and mayors didn't have proper info on how to get it under control. and when they saw just how fast it spread they had to do something so they tried to get people not to gather and try to keep some space between them.
1 woman came into NYC I believe on the first of March and by the end of the month there were OVER 79,000 people in the city with it alone.
So don't put all the blame for it on them Trump had a LOT to do with it too.
Have a nice day
whta's trumps biggest lie?
and YOU and most others on here know what it is like to have a child with a mental condition.?,
I have an autistic son and there are times that you have to do things like that , they can resist some times and you need to pull them to keep them on track. and being in front of a crowd like that you never know how they will act or if they will start acting up and having a fit or something.
Have a child like that and you will find out first hand what you need to do to keep them under control.
it another walk in their shoes before you say things about them
Have a nice day
I have no doubt vols has kids just like I have no doubt he's a deadbeat dad who doesn't give a shit about them.
and YOU and most others on here know what it is like to have a child with a mental condition.?,
I have an autistic son and there are times that you have to do things like that , they can resist some times and you need to pull them to keep them on track. and being in front of a crowd like that you never know how they will act or if they will start acting up and having a fit or something.
Have a child like that and you will find out first hand what you need to do to keep them under control.
it another walk in their shoes before you say things about them
Have a nice day
Do u carry a whip?